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Best Practices

Jun 17, 2020, 20:1806/17/20

Best Practices

Hi All,

I am currently conflicted about whether to 6* a single champion, or to work on, say my Clan Boss team, dungeon teams, etc. as a whole (i.e. 5* some really good champs). I feel that what I really need to do is start getting better gear instead of leveling up, necessarily (Thanks Trips et al in the Arena thread(s)!).

The big 'however' is that the youtube personalities' advice would be to focus on a  single champ and 6* them and get top quality gear, scrolls, and ascend them maximally. which is perhaps fine if you're not F2P (which I am 100%) or have other maxed-out champs to help (I am not complaining or saying/implying anything about other players).

What I would like to do is essentially get better gear for my champs (which I am lacking). I am not, at the moment, concerned at all about the Arena (maybe sometime in the future). But it's as the old saying "you need better gear to have better champs and need to have better champs to get better gear,"  or something like that , LOL. So, in short, the tremendous amount of time and effort required to 6-star single champ vs. spreading the love and possibly doing better in multiple areas of the game... maybe to start getting better gear?

Any advice would be awesome.


Jun 17, 2020, 20:2106/17/20

The one 6* will help you progress the most everywhere.

Should be a 6star that can farm brutal 12.3. This will make getting the 2nd and 3rd 6stars easier. Some support heroes can do well in dungeons/arena at 50 (or even 40). But to really progress you need 60s. Post your roster.
Jun 17, 2020, 20:3406/17/20

I actually do have a great farmer, Athel at 60, only needs scrolls and  banner. She can farm 12.3 or 6 at ~25-30secods depending on how strong the food becomes..

Let me see if I can figure out how to post my roster:

Jun 17, 2020, 20:3606/17/20
Don't use armiger as food. He is a keeper. Especially for f2p. Keep extras for books. Tayrel is very versatile. That would be my choice. I don't have him on either account. But I know he can be used everywhere.
Jun 17, 2020, 20:5206/17/20
Jun 17, 2020, 20:55(edited)

With the champions you have now, I'd advise to get Tayrel and Steelskull to level 60 and use any epic books you have on Tayrel, at least until his A2 is maxed. Though maybe indeed start by getting Steelskull to 50 first. Apart from them, I guess it's mainly for your clan boss team that you'd want to take some level 40s to 50: Frozen Banshee and/or Occult Brawler, Bulwark, Coffin Smasher. And High Khatun at some point but it may not be very urgent, depends a bit on how easily she is currently dying. 

As for gear - don't get too hung up on people saying this and that is trash, you should only be using X star pieces, all boots must be speed, etc. You just use what you have as well as you can. Even if they're non-speed boots, or a flat stat chest that happens to have great sub-stats, non-matching sets, whatever it takes (that last one is something even high level players do, because on high level gear, the set bonuses pale in comparison to the stats of the pieces in many cases). And obviously when you get better champions and can upgrade, e.g. from Warmaiden to Tayrel, make sure the obsolete champion doesn't still have gear that you could better use elsewhere. 

You'll mainly want to farm dragon early on for gear - the good news is you have quite good champions for dragon already. Tayrel, Athel, Steelskull, Coffin Smasher and Frozen Banshee could get you quite far, for instance (although FB does need to be booked if she isn't yet). 

Edit: Not sure how many gems you have, being F2P, but it's probably worth it to pay 800 gems to unlock all masteries on Tayrel. On CB alone, that could easily add 2 million damage to whatever you're doing now, simply from Warmaster procs - that also works in dungeons and arena but make much less difference there. However, other masteries will make a big difference also in dungeons/arena (e.g., Master Hexer giving you a 30 percent chance of putting decrease def for 3 turns instead of 2). 
Jun 17, 2020, 22:4306/17/20
Jun 17, 2020, 22:48(edited)

Gems are few. I 'like to' save them up to buy a 1 or 3-day DXP, or use them for energy packs when I'm super close to leveling something up and I can't (psychologically) wait for the energy to tick back up, particularly when a DXP will expire. ;-)

Otherwise, I run a really gem-poor ship unfortunately. I saved 500 tobuy into the mine, which I regret horribly. I have been "shopping at Mino's" for a while now, but only less than half of my main champ's scrolls have been booked, I think only the first two levels (work in progress),  Athel, Tayrel, WM, and Spirithost; and I've spent a lot of time there. It just takes a long time (at Stage 11) but I likely wouldn't be successful if they all weren't there together.

Thanks for your help and the good direction! I am going to 5* steelskull first, then attempt to 6 him and Tayrel (Tayrel first to 60). I do use books, I don't have many, though I've put quite a few into Tayrel, but only one landed on his A2. of course! Frozen Banshee's not booked at all, I don't think. But I would like to bring all CB champs up to 50 and eventually 60.

My main worry was super focusing on one champ at a time to 60. But bringing up a team sounds much more appealing to me.