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New Players - 650 dollars so far

New Players - 650 dollars so far

Jun 15, 2020, 23:1506/15/20

New Players - 650 dollars so far

Hi there!

I’m a new player and love the game. Spent 650$ so far. Please don’t shame me for it. 1- I have the capacity, I’m not ruining myself. 2- I love it and if this enable making this game better, awesome, 3- I am a game producer, so I’m bias a little... :)

Alright, the main issues I have is the cost for gear swap. After spending that much money, my interest is to spend it playing the game, tweaking it and testing my built, being able to balance my hero and doing comparative run. (5 runs with a load out vs 5 runs with another)

In fact I find myself putting the game aside instead of playing more time because I can’t play with my gear.

I don’t think giving me the ability to use and tweak my gear would result in me loosing interest in the game or spending less money. I will actually understand more clearly what upgrade I am hunting for and setting myself clear objective. Right now I just can’t have that learning curve when gear swap is 50k to 100k per items....

I don’t mind paying a monthly pass so I can work more on my gear balancing and experiment. But please, let me explore that part of the game. I am not at all looking to use this so I can swap gear at every fight and honestly people will do that exploit are probably not your core paying customers.

I am much more interested in spending money to gear up my various faction team versus literally wasting all my cash on just testing my load out. Same when I got offer to buy gears. I would love to buy it but I know I won’t be able to actually really experiment and test it since I’m likely about to waste millions just to learn how to use it correctly, which I enjoy a lot.

Other small detail, I would love to group my hero’s so I can clearly see my various party I am training for the faction dungeon. Right now it’s quite a mess to have all of them in a huge mash up order by level. There is an incredible sense of achievements to see the various group you build. Maybe small data visualization (global score for that party, current attack power, etc...)

Again, with something like that it’s cool to build a hardcore def party, hardcore healing party. But I can’t actually explore non of this because I can’t swap item....

I read the comment in the archive about the concept this enable exploit; well then just add a specific arena where I can tweak my load out without fees and when I’m happy apply it to the master load out that has a cost to limit exploit.

Or other idea that will let me actual play with my gear...

Game is awesome, please keep it coming. Maybe down calm a little on the number of pop up, especially for my style of player, I already prove that I’m spending money and by the number of manual visit I do in the shop, your analytics clearly show you don’t need to spam me, I’ll keep spending.

Maybe have promo trigger when I don’t visit the store after a while by myself? I understand the strategy and value but just let me enjoy the game. I visit the store often, keep the spam annoyment level lower... I’ll buy anyway :)

Jun 16, 2020, 00:1206/16/20
Jun 16, 2020, 00:12(edited)

The game isn't removing the cost to swap gear for Silver.

Your comment was a wasted one.

The game already told players in a pinned message.

Removing gear for Silver is a permanent feature.

You have to accept it or quit the game.

Jun 16, 2020, 02:0406/16/20

Player J said:

The game isn't removing the cost to swap gear for Silver.

Your comment was a wasted one.

The game already told players in a pinned message.

Removing gear for Silver is a permanent feature.

You have to accept it or quit the game.

What is wrong with you? 

Sorry, OP...not all the people who play this game are this emotionally wrecked. Much of the player base agrees with you -- the silver cost to swap gear is pretty ridiculous. One strategy you can employee is to farm the silver as you farm your champion level upgrades (food). You'll need plenty of that, and as you farm your food, you'll make tons of silver. Ultimately, it's not swapping gear that's costly; it's upgrading it (or trying to and continuously getting that "failed" message) that will cost you tens of millions :(
GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Jun 16, 2020, 14:1006/16/20


Kai Lord of the Sommerlund said:

Hi there!

I’m a new player and love the game. Spent 650$ so far. Please don’t shame me for it. 1- I have the capacity, I’m not ruining myself. 2- I love it and if this enable making this game better, awesome, 3- I am a game producer, so I’m bias a little... :)

Alright, the main issues I have is the cost for gear swap. After spending that much money, my interest is to spend it playing the game, tweaking it and testing my built, being able to balance my hero and doing comparative run. (5 runs with a load out vs 5 runs with another)

In fact I find myself putting the game aside instead of playing more time because I can’t play with my gear.

I don’t think giving me the ability to use and tweak my gear would result in me loosing interest in the game or spending less money. I will actually understand more clearly what upgrade I am hunting for and setting myself clear objective. Right now I just can’t have that learning curve when gear swap is 50k to 100k per items....

We are not going to remove the cost of removing gear. One of the fundamental mechanics of the game is resource management, in which every action has a particular effect and consequence. This change would cause rebalancing of in-game resources, and lead to a series of changes and tweaks to manage exploits that will pop-up as a result.

Other small detail, I would love to group my hero’s so I can clearly see my various party I am training for the faction dungeon. Right now it’s quite a mess to have all of them in a huge mash up order by level. There is an incredible sense of achievements to see the various group you build. Maybe small data visualization (global score for that party, current attack power, etc...)

Thank you for the suggestion. Currently, we are concentrating on new content, so the time-consuming quality of life changes, such as this, may take a while to be implemented in the game.

Game is awesome, please keep it coming. Maybe down calm a little on the number of pop up, especially for my style of player, I already prove that I’m spending money and by the number of manual visit I do in the shop, your analytics clearly show you don’t need to spam me, I’ll keep spending.

We are trying to keep our players posted on the time-limited deals in the game. However, we are working on improvements in algorithms.

Glad you're enjoying our game

Have a nice day and stay safe.

Jun 16, 2020, 15:3306/16/20

Kai Lord of the Sommerlund said:

Hi there!

I’m a new player and love the game. Spent 650$ so far. Please don’t shame me for it. 1- I have the capacity, I’m not ruining myself. 2- I love it and if this enable making this game better, awesome, 3- I am a game producer, so I’m bias a little... :)

Alright, the main issues I have is the cost for gear swap. After spending that much money, my interest is to spend it playing the game, tweaking it and testing my built, being able to balance my hero and doing comparative run. (5 runs with a load out vs 5 runs with another)

In fact I find myself putting the game aside instead of playing more time because I can’t play with my gear.

I don’t think giving me the ability to use and tweak my gear would result in me loosing interest in the game or spending less money. I will actually understand more clearly what upgrade I am hunting for and setting myself clear objective. Right now I just can’t have that learning curve when gear swap is 50k to 100k per items....

I don’t mind paying a monthly pass so I can work more on my gear balancing and experiment. But please, let me explore that part of the game. I am not at all looking to use this so I can swap gear at every fight and honestly people will do that exploit are probably not your core paying customers.

I am much more interested in spending money to gear up my various faction team versus literally wasting all my cash on just testing my load out. Same when I got offer to buy gears. I would love to buy it but I know I won’t be able to actually really experiment and test it since I’m likely about to waste millions just to learn how to use it correctly, which I enjoy a lot.

Other small detail, I would love to group my hero’s so I can clearly see my various party I am training for the faction dungeon. Right now it’s quite a mess to have all of them in a huge mash up order by level. There is an incredible sense of achievements to see the various group you build. Maybe small data visualization (global score for that party, current attack power, etc...)

Again, with something like that it’s cool to build a hardcore def party, hardcore healing party. But I can’t actually explore non of this because I can’t swap item....

I read the comment in the archive about the concept this enable exploit; well then just add a specific arena where I can tweak my load out without fees and when I’m happy apply it to the master load out that has a cost to limit exploit.

Or other idea that will let me actual play with my gear...

Game is awesome, please keep it coming. Maybe down calm a little on the number of pop up, especially for my style of player, I already prove that I’m spending money and by the number of manual visit I do in the shop, your analytics clearly show you don’t need to spam me, I’ll keep spending.

Maybe have promo trigger when I don’t visit the store after a while by myself? I understand the strategy and value but just let me enjoy the game. I visit the store often, keep the spam annoyment level lower... I’ll buy anyway :)


See the thing is giving players a way to change artifacts for free would result in players in arena changing gear for every single fight, to min/max every fight.

Which seem like a great thing, but arena is completely one sided. Meaning the attackers always have the option to manually attack while defenders always fight on auto.  Because of the fact that a lose while defending causes you to lose ranking points and can de-rank you after a few loses. 

In the rest of the game none of the enemies have artifacts, so you just have to be higher then what their base stats would be. So changing gear is not really needed as much.  So making people pay to remove or change artifacts limits you from doing that.

Also this game is built around grinding, so they want you to grind out or buy the silver to do it every time.

Also the pop ups from the store are always showing you time limited offers that will expire so they pop up at the start of their time limit, or when you log into the game. But there is a trick to how they work, but like you said you don't mind spending the money on the game so it won't really matter, but i thought i would inform you about it. The time limited pop ups will start out giving you amazing deals and great offers, but the more you buy them in the start, the less and less value you will get from them. Meaning you will get less and less for your money the more you buy the packs. Personally I do understand the thinking behind this, because honestly if you were not paying attention you would not notice this, but I don't think its a great business practice.

Jun 16, 2020, 21:0606/16/20

Thank you for the feedback everyone and hi @GREENKNIGHT - great game you have! I took the time to dive deeper in the forums and yeah, it is pretty clear Plarium don't plan to change this. And that's fair, at least their position is clear. 

I still would love to tweak and play with my gear more, and set myself goal of gear I want to get. Is there a website where I can put my hero and loadout and play with various combination? (If not, we could build a simple spreadsheet I guess?)

LordVika said:

Which seem like a great thing, but arena is completely one sided. Meaning the attackers always have the option to manually attack while defenders always fight on auto.  Because of the fact that a lose while defending causes you to lose ranking points and can de-rank you after a few loses. 

In the rest of the game none of the enemies have artifacts, so you just have to be higher then what their base stats would be. So changing gear is not really needed as much. 

So tweaking the gear doesn't really have that much of an impact in non-arena fight? Good to know. :) It's just that there is so many cool set and even if I found or get an offer for a Immortal Set versus a Regeneration Set, I cannot really say which one I like the most in term of playstyle.

And thanks for the hint versus the offer value. I did found a website that make a calculation of the average offer value versus other offer players had and your past offer. Quite handy to see if there actually a real deal. :)

@JTDSTOCK After reading your comments I did research a little bit more about grinding and at some point, I guess silver won't be too much of an issues. I saw a couple of post about 12-3 vs Spider in terms of grinding. So far 12-3 seem to be a better payoff for me.

Currently my main hero lineup is 

- Roschcard The Tower (Legendary Lvl 60 HP)

- Sepulcher Sentinel (Epic Lvl 50 Defense)

- Doompriest (Epic Lvl 50 Support)

- Necrohunter (Epic Lvl 50 Attack)

Of course the Legendary is insane. The immunity bubble save my ass so many time. Sepulcher also have that Untouched by Death skill, so from time to time a full attack is blocked. And finally the Doompriest is by far my favorite. Boost the global health like crazy. 300k to 500k healing in some fight, make a huge difference.

My big headache is my Necrohunter. 80% of the time he die right at the start. 

- 15k HP

- 1.1k Def

- 138 Speed

If he don't die on the spot, he generally die the next turn. Hence why I wanted to play so bad with inventory and see how I can equip it better. (He is full gerar with Legendary +12 and +16, but still die almost immediately) I am not a huge fan of his attack style either. I do have a couple of other epics attack herom, like Juliana, Luria, Royal Guard, Luthiea, Alure... 

Or maybe I just add another Support, like Zelotah, combined with the Doompriest it seem like a crazy healing team. :)

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to chat with me.


Jun 17, 2020, 00:3906/17/20

Kai Lord of the Sommerlund said:

Thank you for the feedback everyone and hi @GREENKNIGHT - great game you have! I took the time to dive deeper in the forums and yeah, it is pretty clear Plarium don't plan to change this. And that's fair, at least their position is clear. 

I still would love to tweak and play with my gear more, and set myself goal of gear I want to get. Is there a website where I can put my hero and loadout and play with various combination? (If not, we could build a simple spreadsheet I guess?)

LordVika said:

Which seem like a great thing, but arena is completely one sided. Meaning the attackers always have the option to manually attack while defenders always fight on auto.  Because of the fact that a lose while defending causes you to lose ranking points and can de-rank you after a few loses. 

In the rest of the game none of the enemies have artifacts, so you just have to be higher then what their base stats would be. So changing gear is not really needed as much. 

So tweaking the gear doesn't really have that much of an impact in non-arena fight? Good to know. :) It's just that there is so many cool set and even if I found or get an offer for a Immortal Set versus a Regeneration Set, I cannot really say which one I like the most in term of playstyle.

And thanks for the hint versus the offer value. I did found a website that make a calculation of the average offer value versus other offer players had and your past offer. Quite handy to see if there actually a real deal. :)

@JTDSTOCK After reading your comments I did research a little bit more about grinding and at some point, I guess silver won't be too much of an issues. I saw a couple of post about 12-3 vs Spider in terms of grinding. So far 12-3 seem to be a better payoff for me.

Currently my main hero lineup is 

- Roschcard The Tower (Legendary Lvl 60 HP)

- Sepulcher Sentinel (Epic Lvl 50 Defense)

- Doompriest (Epic Lvl 50 Support)

- Necrohunter (Epic Lvl 50 Attack)

Of course the Legendary is insane. The immunity bubble save my ass so many time. Sepulcher also have that Untouched by Death skill, so from time to time a full attack is blocked. And finally the Doompriest is by far my favorite. Boost the global health like crazy. 300k to 500k healing in some fight, make a huge difference.

My big headache is my Necrohunter. 80% of the time he die right at the start. 

- 15k HP

- 1.1k Def

- 138 Speed

If he don't die on the spot, he generally die the next turn. Hence why I wanted to play so bad with inventory and see how I can equip it better. (He is full gerar with Legendary +12 and +16, but still die almost immediately) I am not a huge fan of his attack style either. I do have a couple of other epics attack herom, like Juliana, Luria, Royal Guard, Luthiea, Alure... 

Or maybe I just add another Support, like Zelotah, combined with the Doompriest it seem like a crazy healing team. :)

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to chat with me.


Zelotah is awesome. Very underrated Epic.

FYI, Both Zelotah and Doompriest don't need the upgrade books.  Zelotah is helped a bit by them but those are better used on someone like miscreated monster or sepulcher.  138 speed is very slow. You will almost always want speed as primary stat on boots.
Jun 17, 2020, 06:5806/17/20
You don't mention whether the listed team is for arena or for other content, but either way Necrohunter just isn't very good, even if you improved his speed/gear... yes, the decrease defense on his A1 is nice, but it's not AOE and the rest of his skills look meh. I should think Luria or Luthiea are better in most content, definitely in arena. Alure for Fire Knight. And Royal Guard will become very important in the endgame, but it may be too early for him to really shine yet - any skills with damage scaling off enemy max HP are very strong in high level dungeons, but in mid-level they are still weaker than the regular kind of damage. 
Jun 17, 2020, 07:2406/17/20
Jun 17, 2020, 07:24(edited)

you said it yourself that you can spend 650$ in short time and no sweat....

now spend another 650$ on silver in store to be able to change gear around.

stats on gear mean much more than set itself (apart from some edge cases).

I would take legendary curing set weapon with speed (x4), crit dmg, crit chance, hp% over cruel with atk%, resistance, acc, hp%.

2x immortal (2 piece set) is better than regen (4 piece) just because it is easier to complete single set and slot better gear (off any set, just plain better stats) and still have some set bonus.

unless you get insane stats and rolls on regen set - sell it on the spot. 
Jun 17, 2020, 08:4806/17/20
Spending money for gear from Shop is realy bad idea. 
Jun 17, 2020, 15:5106/17/20

Thanks everyone for the feedbacks! :) I made a spreadsheet with my current team stats. (Google Spreadsheet) Feel free to give me advice. 

I mostly play campaign, dungeon, etc.. Not really into Raid. I would love to join a guild to do more boss fight. 

Jun 17, 2020, 16:0506/17/20

Daering said:

Spending money for gear from Shop is realy bad idea. 

Actually for early to mid-game you should monitor the shop very closely. 100,000 silver for a 4star rare speed/acc set  weapon/hat/shield with speed & accuracy as substats....

Good artifacts do not come along often, I would say maybe once a week if you check often. 5star rare speed boots with speed primary and two good substats for 250k. Automatic Purchase. 
Jun 17, 2020, 16:1406/17/20

Kai Lord of the Sommerlund said:

Thanks everyone for the feedbacks! :) I made a spreadsheet with my current team stats. (Google Spreadsheet) Feel free to give me advice. 

I mostly play campaign, dungeon, etc.. Not really into Raid. I would love to join a guild to do more boss fight. 

Nice spreadsheet, wish we could download our game data...

1. SPEED is most important stat.  You are in general neglecting this

2. Look at the specific skills of each to see what other stats are important. Example: Fury set is a waste on Alure. She needs 100% CR and high ACC and good speed. Survivability is more important than damage (DEF% and HP% before ATK%, though she does decent damage).  Also, DO NOT USE EPIC BOOKS ON ALURE. You are spending money so it may not matter, but certain chars REQUIRES books, others are nice to have, others do not need at al or actually hurt them. ALURE falls into the last category.

3. Sepulcher is really good.

4. Upgrade Zelotah and Alure.

I may have missed it but are you farming 12.3 Brutal yet? 
Jun 17, 2020, 16:1606/17/20
Jun 17, 2020, 16:17(edited)

Trips said:

Daering said:

Spending money for gear from Shop is realy bad idea. 

Actually for early to mid-game you should monitor the shop very closely. 100,000 silver for a 4star rare speed/acc set  weapon/hat/shield with speed & accuracy as substats....

Good artifacts do not come along often, I would say maybe once a week if you check often. 5star rare speed boots with speed primary and two good substats for 250k. Automatic Purchase. 

You mean "Market", I said Shop or whatever name they call that place (in my all honestly, I don't know exact name, I never used it aside from one or two shard for gems deals, ha! 😂 )

Yeah, in Market you can find one or two worty pieces every two months or so. But then you actually know what you buy. 
Jun 17, 2020, 21:0006/17/20

Trips said:

Nice spreadsheet, wish we could download our game data...

1. SPEED is most important stat.  You are in general neglecting this

2. Look at the specific skills of each to see what other stats are important. Example: Fury set is a waste on Alure. She needs 100% CR and high ACC and good speed. Survivability is more important than damage (DEF% and HP% before ATK%, though she does decent damage).  Also, DO NOT USE EPIC BOOKS ON ALURE. You are spending money so it may not matter, but certain chars REQUIRES books, others are nice to have, others do not need at al or actually hurt them. ALURE falls into the last category.

3. Sepulcher is really good.

4. Upgrade Zelotah and Alure.

I may have missed it but are you farming 12.3 Brutal yet? 

It would be awesome if they gave us a simple read API. I could build something much cooler than a spreadsheet, believe me... :)

SPEED: What is a good stats? For example, my Doompriest is at 163, is it good, average?

I should replace Necro with Alure? (Once i level her up?) I am at Brutal 3rd part. (3-4 I think)

Jun 17, 2020, 21:3406/17/20

Kai Lord of the Sommerlund said:

It would be awesome if they gave us a simple read API. I could build something much cooler than a spreadsheet, believe me... :)

SPEED: What is a good stats? For example, my Doompriest is at 163, is it good, average?

I should replace Necro with Alure? (Once i level her up?) I am at Brutal 3rd part. (3-4 I think)

You'll need to use different champions for different content. And stat requirements also depend on the content you're looking at. Speed at 163 is fine for brutal campaign and early-mid dungeons, but in arena you'll need more than that as from bronze 3 onwards, I'd estimate. 

At the moment, your single biggest priority is probably to get a campaign farmer, meaning a champion who is strong enough to run brutal 12.3 on his own - so that he can start 'farming' it, i.e. endlessly repeating that stage with 3 ungeared low level champions who are being leveled up to serve as food for increasing the number of stars of your main champions. Any of the starters at level 60 can do that easily enough, if they have okay gear including a lifesteal set (without lifesteal, it's also possible but requires better builds). Your Roshcard might really struggle to do it in any remotely reasonable time, though, he doesn't exactly have a lot of AOE damage abilities... and Necrohunter doesn't look great for the role, either. 

Athel is the obvious option, but downside is you won't be using her long term. Alure might be a possibility and has more long term potential (even if it's only for Fire Knight), but it's probably harder now to build her as campaign farmer than to build Athel.