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Starting player, need help for my team

Starting player, need help for my team

Jun 13, 2020, 09:1606/13/20

Starting player, need help for my team


So I just started playing this game, playing for like a month now.

I already made soms mistakes like using good champions as food...

So i recently got some void shards and I don't have much champions. But I don't really know what to focus on.

Farming xp & gear? Which champions do I focus on lvl gear for?

Currently looking for a good team for reaching silver 1 in arena.

Can anyone look and point out some things for me?

Thank you in advance!

Jun 13, 2020, 11:0206/13/20

You have a remarkably low number of champions for having played for a month... I guess because of what you mentioned about using good champions as food. It's best not to use any rares (never mind higher) as food, unless they're duplicates. Food, as a rule, are uncommons and commons. 

I would advise you to farm in stage 9 for a while (is your Elhain capable of farming in brutal 9 or brutal 12 with 3 food champions? If not, suggest you post a screenshot of her gear), until you get a Warmaiden. Both for arena and for other content, having a champion who can put an AOE decrease defense debuff is very important. 

The classic arena setup includes a speed aura (High Khatun in your case), speed/turn meter boost (again HK), AOE decrease defense (Warmaiden) and AOE nuker (Elhain) who can hit much harder because the enemy's defense is already decreased. Obviously they need to have their first turn in that order. The fourth can vary, but often it's somebody to put increase attack on the team, before the decrease defense hit. You could farm stage 4 for a Spirithost to do that, or you could try a different path, Warcaster maybe. However, it's still going to be very difficult to get to silver 1 - especially with the current state of arena. Definitely your team will need high speed, while still maintaining the right turn order. 

I don't know why you've developed Witness so much, she's really not worth it. One okay skill but the rest is terrible. For your dungeons, you'd generally want to use HK (lead), Elhain, Warmaiden for sure, the other two could vary between Galek, Pain Keeper, Warcaster, Jizoh, Shaman depending on what you feel you're lacking. Different dungeons can require different teams, for instance Jizoh would have an edge in Fire Knight because of his 2-hit main attack and his counterattack buff (both are helpful in bringing down the FK's shield). 

Also, if you have enough gems, you may want to consider paying the 800 gems to unlock all masteries on your Elhain (don't bother doing it for any other of your current champions). That can make a significant difference in her effectiveness. 

Jun 13, 2020, 14:4406/13/20
Tbh, start over with kael. I am not kidding. You will be farther along in 30 days. Consider your 1st try learning/training. 
Jun 13, 2020, 17:1006/13/20

Unlock as many slots in the Market as you can. Get as many green shards as you can, from the Market and from farming.

You will get plenty of common and uncommon champions, and, eventually, even some rare ones.

Jun 13, 2020, 17:5806/13/20

L9753 said:

You have a remarkably low number of champions for having played for a month... I guess because of what you mentioned about using good champions as food. It's best not to use any rares (never mind higher) as food, unless they're duplicates. Food, as a rule, are uncommons and commons. 

I would advise you to farm in stage 9 for a while (is your Elhain capable of farming in brutal 9 or brutal 12 with 3 food champions? If not, suggest you post a screenshot of her gear), until you get a Warmaiden. Both for arena and for other content, having a champion who can put an AOE decrease defense debuff is very important. 

The classic arena setup includes a speed aura (High Khatun in your case), speed/turn meter boost (again HK), AOE decrease defense (Warmaiden) and AOE nuker (Elhain) who can hit much harder because the enemy's defense is already decreased. Obviously they need to have their first turn in that order. The fourth can vary, but often it's somebody to put increase attack on the team, before the decrease defense hit. You could farm stage 4 for a Spirithost to do that, or you could try a different path, Warcaster maybe. However, it's still going to be very difficult to get to silver 1 - especially with the current state of arena. Definitely your team will need high speed, while still maintaining the right turn order. 

I don't know why you've developed Witness so much, she's really not worth it. One okay skill but the rest is terrible. For your dungeons, you'd generally want to use HK (lead), Elhain, Warmaiden for sure, the other two could vary between Galek, Pain Keeper, Warcaster, Jizoh, Shaman depending on what you feel you're lacking. Different dungeons can require different teams, for instance Jizoh would have an edge in Fire Knight because of his 2-hit main attack and his counterattack buff (both are helpful in bringing down the FK's shield). 

Also, if you have enough gems, you may want to consider paying the 800 gems to unlock all masteries on your Elhain (don't bother doing it for any other of your current champions). That can make a significant difference in her effectiveness. 

Thank you very much for replying!

Where to start, so yes indeed I was stupid and lazy for using rare & epic champions which i thought I wouldn't need for food.. 

I won't do that again!

Elhain isn't strong enough to solo brutal stage 9. 

So here's the shot of the gear:

I will however be going for it with 2 champions!

And 2 food ofcourse.

I will work on the HK and warmaiden for arena builds. But I understand silver 1 is out of reach.

I was just asking because my missions tell me to get there..

While the next mission is easy to get, so I thought it would be easily achievable.. so I was wrong.

Next up: my dear lady witness!

While I was starting the game, I found her very easy to use and I thought the shield would come in handy, and we'll I just used her a lot for campaign.

She was on my list to get rid of her , while I was searching for another champion for shield/health and with steelskull I might have found her replacement!

I am willing to pay for elhain or other masteries if needed, or other things that might come in hand?

Again, thank you very much, I really like the game but getting a little overwhelmed where to start while getting to mid game..

Jun 13, 2020, 18:2006/13/20
lol. start over... really
Jun 14, 2020, 13:1706/14/20

Okay all thanks for replying!

I have started over and learned.

Thanks again!

Jun 14, 2020, 16:2306/14/20
Already busy said:

Okay all thanks for replying!

I have started over and learned.

Thanks again!

Great decision. Ask questions, we will gladly help.  Save your 1st 800 gems to do masteries for kael. You can get plenty of energy in 1st 30 days. You do not need to buy refills. Use the lifesteal gear u get on in 1st 7 days on Kael. It will be the best gear u get for a bit.