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Raid is on its last legs

Raid is on its last legs

Jun 10, 2020, 16:2206/10/20

Raid is on its last legs

i firmly believe that we are seeing raid on its last legs. i've been observing a lot of the things going on in the game, and seeing a lot of issues that players are facing. there are simply too many walls against players, and the walls are strengthening every day.

let's identify the problems that have raid on its last legs. just to be clear, this isn't a suggestion thread. it's more like an analysis discussion. i just don't think that anything will be done about these issues, and i don't care as much as i used to.

i believe the most major problem is that there is a very huge hurdle for new players to overcome in order to progress to mid game. the main issue is arena progression. this is an issue because arena progression is directly linked to mission progression to attain very helpful rewards and eventually arbiter.
so many players are complaining that it is too difficult to progress past silver 1, or even bronze in some cases due to inactive arena teams. they can simply avoid trying to battle those strong teams, but not everyone can sit at their device for hours doing refreshes. not everyone that is able to do those refreshes cares enough to actually do so.

powerful inactive teams are saturating the pool too much and it is causing major problems for new players. it is even problematic for a lot of mid game players. players in my clan with op champions such as martyr, skull crusher, lanakis, etc, are stuck between gold 1-3 and having a very difficult time when they used to be in gold 4 or have a much easier time before the last update.

another major issue is the lack of 2x rates for ancient shards. the last one was like 3+ months ago. 2x rates on ancient shards are virtually NECESSARY for most players to get good pulls, allowing them to progress through the game at a decent pace.
heck, 2x rates in general are becoming more rare, when for most players they are essential. a lot of players only get 1 sacred shard per month. it feels too bad to only have a chance to get one good sacred pull per month. it simply reflects bad on the game.

another major issue is the supreme lack of new or recycling content in the game. grinding isn't an issue, but after a certain point there isn't any reason to grind. a lot of players settle on having about 5-10 arena champions. once they are all geared out, what reason do they have to continue grinding dungeons? very, very few reasons.
when players get bored, they simply leave. even if it takes a little while.
i mean let's be honest. there really is NO excuse for the lack of new content in the game. something as simple as adding a dungeon that has 5 stages with a unique challenge on each stage, providing valuable rewards that resets daily with new enemies would only take like a month to put together. that would be quality content. 

the fact that nothing has been done in a year means that nothing will ever be done. end of story. there is no such thing as void tower and there never will be. there is no such thing as hydra boss and there never will be.

of course there are also issues that aren't quite as deal breaking, yet still a turn off to most players.

the 130 energy cap is straight up stupid at this point in the game's development. at the same time it is too difficult and expensive to acquire more energy. there is no practical reason for it to be such a precious resource at this point.

the cost of silver to remove gear from champions is absolute madness. 
upgrading gear requires too much reliance on luck. the cost to get good gear to rank 16 is absolute madness. 

getting champions to lvl 60 is one of the most insane things in this game for FTP. it is a major obstacle because lvl 60 is just the beginning. 

well, i can go on for hours but i don't care enough to do that.

what will happen in this situation is that the free to players will abandon the game in large amounts over a few months time. the situation with the game will not change and so the low spenders will begin to leave in large amounts. low spenders will mostly be competing with each other, and whales, so for most it will be underwhelming and unsatisfying. the whales are already bored. eventually there won't be much point competing in an empty game, so they will start to leave fast too.

it's a little bit mind boggling that this was all so easily avoidable, and yet no one cared to do anything about it. whatever.
Jun 10, 2020, 17:2206/10/20
This game is bad on pretty much every lvl. It all starts and ends with the worst dev team in history. If I were to pick one thing that made me quit this game was the lack of content. Alot of other gacha games out there release 6 months worth of Raid contect every other week. Its just silly when you have tried other gachas. Move on! There are way better things out there.
Jun 10, 2020, 18:3006/10/20

While i agree that the game is in dire need of better content then just a 3v3 arena.

One thing people have to understand that Plarium only got the game a year ago, so they are still playing catch up and learning what works and what doesn't.

So you have to give them a bit of slack when it comes to how fast they do things. It is by no means an excuse for how bad things like arena has become, they messed that up and has 0 excuse for not changing it back when they seen the back lash from it.
Jun 10, 2020, 18:4306/10/20
Jun 10, 2020, 18:45(edited)

Normally, I don't comment on these threads.

I laugh & dismiss them as a joke thread.

But this time I am going to say something.

I am going to say something because the OP keeps making threads like this.

The last thread he made was "What makes players quit, Raid".

This thread is "Raid is on his last leg".

I have been playing this game for a year.

People were saying the game was on its "Last Leg" the day I joined the game!

The day I joined level 1 with Kael.

They said the game is doomed!

You talk about having an analysis discussion, but you haven't done any research.

March 20, 2019 - The below post was made

Look at that post! 

Raid is dead on March 20, 2109!

Every week - Every month - A new post pops up.

Raid is doomed!

The end of Raid is now!

Raid is on its last leg!

We are in June 10, 2020 - GUESS WHAT? 


We are in the middle of the biggest Global Pandemic the World has ever seen - GUESS WHAT? 



All I ask is for you to stop being a halfwit for a min.

You make these threads like the thousands before you.

And when your gone - The game will keep marching on!

If you have suggestions for the game, You should make a suggestion thread.

If you don't believe the game is going to listen to your suggestions, Than quit the game.

Rid yourself of the situation.

I am telling you all of this for your benefit!

Its not for me ---> I'm trying to help you.

I want you to think about this for a min.

These forum post never disappear.

People stop talking on them, but anyone can dig them up from the past.

Case an point - The below post.

Mr. Elvarion believed in his heart & soul that Raid was dead!

Mr. Elvarion assessed the situation and he said Raid was done!

1 year 3 months later - We still going strong!


What happen to your assessment Mister Elvarion?

Oooppppsss, Looks like he was wrong!

I want you think about all of this Mister Jakomaru.

A year from now someone is going to make another 1 of these threads.

Raid is Doomed!

The end of Raid is now - is what they will say!

Guess what I'm say?

Mister Jakomaru had an analytical discussion about this!

Mister Jakomaru believed in his heart and soul that Raid was on its Last Leg.

What do you think that is going to make you seem like Mr. Jakomaru?

All of these recent post you are doing.

They will read them & laugh.

You are not doing yourself any favors.

And I'm telling you - It is in your best interest to stop.

If you do a suggestion thread, People in the future will read it.

They agree with you - They say your suggestion was amazing.

They disagree with you - They might offer a suggestion.

The point is they are not laughing at you.

If you do a conspiracy threads, People in the future will read it.

They will laugh at you.

Oh, Look he predicted the game was going to end - We are still here.

What a buffoon.

I bet he believes in Aliens - Crop Circles.

Mega Laugh HAHA

Do you see the difference?

Jun 10, 2020, 20:4506/10/20

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your feedback. :)
Jun 10, 2020, 22:4106/10/20

Player J said:

i never meant that the game would literally die (as in get shut down). there is a fair chance that it might get shut down, but i suppose the chances are higher that it will not. at least not very soon. 

i said that large amounts of players would leave the game over the coming months. i don't know how many prediction threads there have been about raid dying, but there are key factors that are currently in play that have not existed or been too significant until very recently.

i'm usually right or at least fairly accurate in my predictions, so i'll stick with it and see how things play out. obviously plarium can easily prevent that prediction from coming true, but part of my prediction is that plarium won't do anything.

Jun 11, 2020, 03:3206/11/20

LordVika said:

While i agree that the game is in dire need of better content then just a 3v3 arena.

One thing people have to understand that Plarium only got the game a year ago, so they are still playing catch up and learning what works and what doesn't.

So you have to give them a bit of slack when it comes to how fast they do things. It is by no means an excuse for how bad things like arena has become, they messed that up and has 0 excuse for not changing it back when they seen the back lash from it.

I am a noob here but I do know a few things about business.  I assume Plarium bought this game.  An effective company does not buy an asset then put it on a shelf to do study.  They do their due diligence before the purchase.  They know what they are buying; the good and the bad.  They hit the ground running to improve their asset so their return on investment increases.  Or they know what they are buying and have no intentions to change it.  They are content with the status quo. 

I enjoy playing this game.  I enjoy the helpful people on the forums.  They have been patient to answer my noob questions, to guide me to get better.  I recently 3 starred brutal and am now farming brutal 12.3.  10 days ago I thought that might be impossible.  The game could be easier with some changes and those changes may come.  This is what we have for now.  We can play it or move on.  There is always Candy Crush.  I plan to stay and find a way to beat dragon 12.3.   
Jun 11, 2020, 04:3506/11/20

Jakomaru said:

Player J said:

i never meant that the game would literally die (as in get shut down). there is a fair chance that it might get shut down, but i suppose the chances are higher that it will not. at least not very soon. 

i said that large amounts of players would leave the game over the coming months. i don't know how many prediction threads there have been about raid dying, but there are key factors that are currently in play that have not existed or been too significant until very recently.

i'm usually right or at least fairly accurate in my predictions, so i'll stick with it and see how things play out. obviously plarium can easily prevent that prediction from coming true, but part of my prediction is that plarium won't do anything.

hate to burst your bubble, but says a game is going to die, is like saying its gonna day you will be right, but every other time you will be absolutely wrong.

i would be suprised if checked for you on other forums, i will find you saying the exact same about every single game you play that you don't like for whatever reason.

Sure the game might lose a bunch of players, but it will also gain a bunch of players as well. it is the cycle of mobile games that have P2W aspects, some will pay, some will deal with the whales and some will just leave. you stating what your personal opinion with 0 facts behind it doesn't mean you know anything or are making a wild guess about a game, and hoping you are right so you don't look like an utter fool weeks and months down the road.
Jun 11, 2020, 20:2206/11/20
Jun 11, 2020, 20:25(edited)

LordVika said:

hate to burst your bubble, but says a game is going to die, is like saying its gonna day you will be right, but every other time you will be absolutely wrong.

i would be suprised if checked for you on other forums, i will find you saying the exact same about every single game you play that you don't like for whatever reason.

Sure the game might lose a bunch of players, but it will also gain a bunch of players as well. it is the cycle of mobile games that have P2W aspects, some will pay, some will deal with the whales and some will just leave. you stating what your personal opinion with 0 facts behind it doesn't mean you know anything or are making a wild guess about a game, and hoping you are right so you don't look like an utter fool weeks and months down the road.

no, you didn't burst my bubble. i don't think that you read my OP comprehensively. i would also be surprised if you can find me saying this on other forums, because i'm sure that this is the first one. raid is in a situation that is unique from my perspective.

anyway, near the end of my OP i said "what will happen in this situation". meaning it will happen if the situation remains the same. not that it will happen no matter what. if plarium doesn't do anything, then my prediction will come to pass.

i have witnessed many game servers die rapidly, as well as over a long period of time, over and over. i observed and learned why those servers die. raid seems to be following a somewhat similar path, but without a plan B.


also, whales aren't the issue in raid. the fact that the game is extremely pay to win isn't a deal breaker for people who actually play and enjoyed the game. if you honestly believe that is what my OP is about then you really did not read it at all.

Jun 13, 2020, 18:3006/13/20

Player J said:

You talk about having an analysis discussion, but you haven't done any research.

March 20, 2019 - The below post was made

Look at that post! 

Raid is dead on March 20, 2109!

People stop talking on them, but anyone can dig them up from the past.

Case an point - The below post.

If you do a conspiracy threads, People in the future will read it.

They will laugh at you.

Oh, Look he predicted the game was going to end - We are still here.

What a buffoon.

I bet he believes in Aliens - Crop Circles.

Mega Laugh HAHA

Do you see the difference?

so i checked out this thread you linked in your response. that thread has absolutely nothing to do with raid dying. he's just complaining that nothing happened in february 2019. he seems more confused than anything.

it's not an analysis discussion or any kind of prediction of raid dying. he's simply expressing that he's bored and confused. if you are honestly comparing that thread to mine then i would assume you didn't read either thread.

yes i see the difference. there is not a single similarity between that thread and mine. you're calling him a buffoon and saying that i haven't done any research. mate, you don't even know what he was talking about. you're the one who didn't research the thread that you linked, yet you tried to use it to make your point.

that's madness.