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What to do with all my Relentless Gear

What to do with all my Relentless Gear

Jun 9, 2020, 14:0906/09/20

What to do with all my Relentless Gear

I've done well in a lot of the tournaments lately to get some good 6* relentless gear. I have no idea who i should be using this gear on and in what type of battles...I have good relentless gear to level up defense or attack champs. 

Here is my roster:

I assume doompriest would be of good use. But i barely use her for anything with the type of champs I have already.

Jun 9, 2020, 14:3606/09/20

Depends on what stats your pieces have. 

Doompriest should be fine if you can make it fast enough. I think it would also be interesting to experiment around Catacomb Councilor with relentless gear.

Jun 9, 2020, 15:1006/09/20
Skullcrown is the only hero I would use Relentless Gear on in your Roster.
Jun 9, 2020, 16:0406/09/20
Player J said:

Skullcrown is the only hero I would use Relentless Gear on in your Roster.
crazy with all those champion options there's such limited use for Relentless Gear. Not sure why it's offered as the only Gear for Tournaments if it doesn't have much use...
Jun 9, 2020, 17:3606/09/20
Jun 9, 2020, 17:37(edited)
It does have use and on proper champion it can make a difference. You just don't have many champions, that can fully utilize it. 
Jun 9, 2020, 18:5306/09/20
Miscreated monster in relentless ftw
Jun 9, 2020, 18:5906/09/20
Doompriest is an interesting choice as well
Jun 9, 2020, 20:2706/09/20

rh15 said:

Player J said:

Skullcrown is the only hero I would use Relentless Gear on in your Roster.
crazy with all those champion options there's such limited use for Relentless Gear. Not sure why it's offered as the only Gear for Tournaments if it doesn't have much use...

I like putting Relentless on 3 sorts of heroes:

1) Extra Turn Heroes

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who has an extra turn built into its skill kit.

Example: Undead Horde - Epic Hero named Seeker

Seeker A2 lets him gain Turn meter + Grants him an Extra Turn.

Every time your hero takes a turn - The Relentless Gear has a chance to Trigger.

A hero who takes extra turns based on his own skills gives you the chance to chain more Extra Turns.

It makes a snow ball effect.

2) Extra Turn Chance Percentage Heroes 

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who has a built in extra turn chance built into their skill kit.

Example: Undead Horde - Legendary Hero named Rotos

Rotos A1 lets him have a 30% to Grant an Extra Turn.

Relentless Gear doesn't stack on heroes with built in Extra Turn Chances.

However, I want you to think of Relentless like a Dice Roll.

Every time you take a turn - You roll a Dice which can give you another turn.

When a hero has a skill like Roto's, It lets you roll 2 different Dices.

The A1 can give you a chance to take Extra Turn.

The Relentless gear can give you a chance to take Extra Turn.

It makes an overlapping effect.

3) Crazy Damage Dealer

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who can destroy other heroes.

Example: Orgyn Tribe - Legendary Hero named Big Un

Big Un has no skills which give him extra turns.

Big Un has no skills which give him extra turn chance percentages.

But a fully built up Big Un can destroy people.

Having Big Un go a 2nd time is horrific!

You have a hero who has the power to 1 shot other heroes.

You are giving him gear which can allow him to go a 2nd time.

What do you think will happen? It's going to be total devastation.

Relentless gear only has a 18% chance of triggering a 2nd turn.

If you pair it up with heroes which have Extra turns built into them, it gives you more opportunities to trigger the 18%.

Category 1 = Extra Turn Hero = More opportunities to trigger the 18%

Category 2 = Extra Turn Percentage Chance Hero = More opportunities to trigger the 18% + other Percentage

Category 3 = Crazy Damage Dealer = Flat 18% Chance - Not the greatest - But if it happens -  Mayhem - Devastation

Skullcrown to me falls under the 3rd Category.

Skullcrown can do some crazy damage.

People use her on there Arena team even in Platinum.

Jun 9, 2020, 20:4506/09/20
You said it's a 6* "good" set, so if the stats and substats are good and you have some lucky rolls, then it may be woth it for the stats itself. Just may be. 
Jun 10, 2020, 04:1506/10/20
Daering said:

It does have use and on proper champion it can make a difference. You just don't have many champions, that can fully utilize it. 
You know that I am new so I am thinking random.  He has been playing for a month.  Relentless might be some of the best gear he has.  If I had 6* relentless with good stats I would put it on one of my players and not even consider the extra turn option.  If the gear can improve the player's skill sets go for it.  Its like those times when 2 broken sets have more value than 2 complete sets. 
Jun 10, 2020, 04:1806/10/20

Player J said:

rh15 said:

Player J said:

Skullcrown is the only hero I would use Relentless Gear on in your Roster.
crazy with all those champion options there's such limited use for Relentless Gear. Not sure why it's offered as the only Gear for Tournaments if it doesn't have much use...

I like putting Relentless on 3 sorts of heroes:

1) Extra Turn Heroes

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who has an extra turn built into its skill kit.

Example: Undead Horde - Epic Hero named Seeker

Seeker A2 lets him gain Turn meter + Grants him an Extra Turn.

Every time your hero takes a turn - The Relentless Gear has a chance to Trigger.

A hero who takes extra turns based on his own skills gives you the chance to chain more Extra Turns.

It makes a snow ball effect.

2) Extra Turn Chance Percentage Heroes 

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who has a built in extra turn chance built into their skill kit.

Example: Undead Horde - Legendary Hero named Rotos

Rotos A1 lets him have a 30% to Grant an Extra Turn.

Relentless Gear doesn't stack on heroes with built in Extra Turn Chances.

However, I want you to think of Relentless like a Dice Roll.

Every time you take a turn - You roll a Dice which can give you another turn.

When a hero has a skill like Roto's, It lets you roll 2 different Dices.

The A1 can give you a chance to take Extra Turn.

The Relentless gear can give you a chance to take Extra Turn.

It makes an overlapping effect.

3) Crazy Damage Dealer

I would consider putting Relentless on a hero who can destroy other heroes.

Example: Orgyn Tribe - Legendary Hero named Big Un

Big Un has no skills which give him extra turns.

Big Un has no skills which give him extra turn chance percentages.

But a fully built up Big Un can destroy people.

Having Big Un go a 2nd time is horrific!

You have a hero who has the power to 1 shot other heroes.

You are giving him gear which can allow him to go a 2nd time.

What do you think will happen? It's going to be total devastation.

Relentless gear only has a 18% chance of triggering a 2nd turn.

If you pair it up with heroes which have Extra turns built into them, it gives you more opportunities to trigger the 18%.

Category 1 = Extra Turn Hero = More opportunities to trigger the 18%

Category 2 = Extra Turn Percentage Chance Hero = More opportunities to trigger the 18% + other Percentage

Category 3 = Crazy Damage Dealer = Flat 18% Chance - Not the greatest - But if it happens -  Mayhem - Devastation

Skullcrown to me falls under the 3rd Category.

Skullcrown can do some crazy damage.

People use her on there Arena team even in Platinum.

Since he does not have a major killer would it make sense to put that gear on the best killer he has?  Kael can blow up another team pretty well when geared right. 

Jun 10, 2020, 13:0206/10/20

Thanks all. May apply to Skullcrown or possibly even Tormin. My Frost set doesn't look amazing so just may go a different route. 

I do have 5 Void and 5 Sacred shards to use soon, so maybe I'll get a better champion for relentless. Are there specific champions I should be looking out for that would be an optimal use?
Jun 10, 2020, 14:3606/10/20

I agree with J on it being good on those types of heroes. Especially in arena. I never had good relentless gear on main account and never had a good nuker so never dealt with issue lol.

Now on alt account I did really well in early tournaments because I didn't suck at the game for the 1st 30 45 days like the first time around...

Anyways I pulled zelotah a couple weeks ago and was very familiar with him from my main. He was my 2nd 60 after the forgettable elhain mistake.

Zelotah is S tier in my opinion and perfect for relentless gear. His primary goal is to put up massive shield (also why I like mm as a choice) and give heals. The more he does this the better. Its like a cooldown. This is how it works well on a support hero for dungeons and CB.

Hope that made sense.

Jun 10, 2020, 15:3206/10/20
Trips said:

I agree with J on it being good on those types of heroes. Especially in arena. I never had good relentless gear on main account and never had a good nuker so never dealt with issue lol.

Now on alt account I did really well in early tournaments because I didn't suck at the game for the 1st 30 45 days like the first time around...

Anyways I pulled zelotah a couple weeks ago and was very familiar with him from my main. He was my 2nd 60 after the forgettable elhain mistake.

Zelotah is S tier in my opinion and perfect for relentless gear. His primary goal is to put up massive shield (also why I like mm as a choice) and give heals. The more he does this the better. Its like a cooldown. This is how it works well on a support hero for dungeons and CB.

Hope that made sense.

You would use relentless gear on MM instead of a Shield set for the arena? Assume relentless set is slightly better gear than Shield (not much)
Jun 10, 2020, 20:1106/10/20

ClosedPoly said:

Since he does not have a major killer would it make sense to put that gear on the best killer he has?  Kael can blow up another team pretty well when geared right.  

RH15 does have a major killer.

Skullcrown is a major killer in my opinion.

Skullcrown is used even in Platinum Arena - She can nuke really strong.

But lets say a person didn't have a major killer.

A person could consider putting Relentless Gear on there Starter if it was for an Arena Build.

Most players don't build there Starters solely for Arena.

They often use Lifesteal to try and use them in several area's of the game.

But if a person wanted to make it only focused on Arena.

They could do that for sure.

1 thing I will say is Athel would be the perfect hero out of the 4 starters for Relentless gear.

Athel has a Built in Extra Turn Move.

Athel A3 move lets her put increase attack 25% buff + Grants Extra Turn.

It would fall under the 1st Category of heroes I mentioned.

Keep in mind 1 thing, Relentless gear is tough to get.

You have to do well in tournaments to get Relentless gear.

It can be a real challenge to acquire good pieces.

Most people don't like putting this gear on random heroes.

They like saving it for Top Tier Epics or Legendries.

The gear is good, but the average person doesn't have a lot of pieces.

Most people might put there Relentless gear on a rare/starter champion.

But They will not keep it there forever.

As Soon as they pull a Leggo or Epic hero, They will take the gear off the rare.

Jun 10, 2020, 21:0906/10/20

rh15 said:

Trips said:

You would use relentless gear on MM instead of a Shield set for the arena? Assume relentless set is slightly better gear than Shield (not much

I was thinking about dungeons specifically. I only use monster in arena with CA team. Relentless is not good in this situation. Or others where you rely on defensive buffs because he will go "outrun" them. But for dungeon waves I think this is perfect.