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Pay to win microtransaction scam game

Pay to win microtransaction scam game

Jun 5, 2020, 12:2006/05/20

Pay to win microtransaction scam game

That's exactly what this is. Aside from the constant barrage of advertisement and "exclusive offers" to buy this or that trinket you don't even get to play the actual game without paying constantly for additional so-called energy (loan to be taxed upon) because what you get normally is worth about 1 hour of gameplay tops. I've heard people say that everyone would max out all heroes immediately otherwise but this is faulty logic because it is the leveling and gear system that should become harder in that case not the game itself choked up! And how is it not easy anyway when you can just keep paying real money and buy up the game anyway? So again the argument against unlimited energy falls flat.

This game is not created to be an enjoyable experience aside from earning profit it is created for the profit solely. Inflated by bought off youtube advertisers who will tell you it's the best thing ever and spectacular commercials but in reality it's a glorified slotmachine without soul. There's no artistic objective that the creators behind this game had it's just a cashgrab hustle. 
Jun 5, 2020, 18:0906/05/20

Hi, thanks for the feedback.

I'd like to disagree though. I think the game is still enjoyable without spending a lot of money on it. You just gotta be more patient and more efficient with resources. It's just up to the user if he/she wants to progress faster. 
Jun 5, 2020, 19:0306/05/20

Disagree on what? There's barely any playtime on one hand while you can buy yourself through on the other - the worst of both worlds. You can also not take part in certain sections of the game because unlike the campaign levels and dungeons that still can be played seldom with the energy you get the events can't. The events are directly dependant upon getting to play a lot and those who've not been either bulking up over an extended period of time or buy themselves to energy will not reach the milestones.

Just terrible gameplay mechanics made to be maximally exploitative and have people spend. "Patient" right, as in synonymous with not getting to play a game when the purpose of a game is to be played. If it was for legitimate gameplay reasons then why wasn't it created that way? Don't sell the energy. Then everyone would have X amount of energy during the day and we'd see who becomes the best by rationing and planning. 

This isn't that type of game. It's not a strategic function of gameplay mechanics it's a strategic business decision.

Jun 5, 2020, 23:0406/05/20
Jun 5, 2020, 23:05(edited)

I disagree with the OP.

I agree with LXZY.

The OP is merely salty.

He is probably upset because he pulled shards and didn't get a hero he wanted so he is angry with frustration.

I know a lot of F2P people who love the game.

Jun 5, 2020, 23:1806/05/20
Player J said:

I disagree with the OP.

I agree with LXZY.

The OP is merely salty.

He is probably upset because he pulled shards and didn't get a hero he wanted so he is angry with frustration.

I know a lot of F2P people who love the game.

What are your arguments? Do you have any objections to what i said or do you just "agree" on default? My bet would be that it's rather you than me who is more invested in this game and defensive about it's values.
Jun 6, 2020, 01:0106/06/20
I enjoy the game.  I do agree that you can't enjoy it 24/7 without paying money.  But I still enjoy it when I can play.
Jun 6, 2020, 02:1706/06/20

I have been here a little over a month.  It took me a while to figure out how to ration energy.  I play the game until I am out of energy.  Then, while the energy recharges, I read the forums.  I read other websites.  I watch videos.  I organize my team.  I look at gear to see if I can change something around.  Soon, I have enough energy for another round. 

I have never found an online F2P that was truly free to play.  Every game there is some charge if you want more than they supply for free.  You decide if you can be patient with what they provide.  Or if you spend money to do more. 

Even Farmville requires you to spend money if you want to have all the nicest things. 
Jun 6, 2020, 08:2906/06/20

What I mean by efficient planning:

-Never sitting at max energy

-Saving brews, silver, gems, etc., in case of events

-Knowing exactly what to do in very certain timings (e.g. saving 1 level 30 champ to rank up to 4* for easier energy refill when weekly quests reset, or not claiming free token refills until the last few minutes if an arena event is coming up, etc.)

I know this because I play the game F2P. It took me longer but I have still reached the end game. I can finish fusions and tournaments/events that I think are worth the energy. That's what I mean by being patient and efficient. Now it's your call if you want to spend money to progress faster but you're literally not required to do so. 

Hope that clears up my point. Cheers.