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How does the Dragon Lair damage work?

How does the Dragon Lair damage work?

Jun 4, 2020, 01:3706/04/20

How does the Dragon Lair damage work?

I'm on Dragon Lair 19.  I go in with a heavy cleanse/sustain team, but after about 4 rounds where he gives you the evil eye (whatever that ability is called) he just one-shots everyone from full HP.  Also, he was 1-shotted my MM with full HP pretty early on.  I have read the dragon ability tooltips, and there is no information about damage escalation or damage based on max HP.

There is clearly something secret going on behind the scenes here.  None of the popular guides talk about this.  What gives?  How many rounds do you really have?  It seems that this is a gear check DPS fight rather than a sustain damage fight.

Thank you for any help.
Jun 4, 2020, 07:3106/04/20
Jun 5, 2020, 16:57(edited)

Yes, it's about damage rather than  sustain. Think of it as dps check, to put this more of a mmo term. 

His Inhale ability (think it is called Scourge or Scorch or something) the one that turns part of his hp in purple, if not overcome can deal good amount of damage, ignore your team defence and can stun them. One of his other ability can place Atk debuffs on your team to further lower your damage. Almost seems like he doesn't like getting hurt :P

You MM probably died because of his Ally Protection - he takes half of the damage that Dragon dealt to others and that can be enough for him to die, especially after that Inhale skill. 

Stack poisons, Decrease Defense, Weaken, skills that geal gamage, based on enemy max hp and speed works better here. Block debuff/clean debuffs skills can help you too. 

Jun 4, 2020, 08:0006/04/20
To add to what Daering said, yes, the dragon does definitely increase his damage over time, every time that he uses his main attacks they hit a bit harder than the previous hit. So if by 'heavy cleanse/sustain team' you mean that you're not doing a lot of damage but trying to take him down slowly but steadily, that's not going to work. Which is why the decrease def/weaken and the poisons, perhaps also hp burn, are so important. 
Jun 5, 2020, 04:0306/05/20

Thank you for the replies.  Yes I was trying a slow and steady approach, but eventually he just one-shot my whole team from full HP.  Thanks I didn't realize he did so much damage to 1-shot MM via Ally Protect.  I have him with 73k HP and 2700 DEF.  He's pure tank, but got destroyed.

I will try your recommended approach.
Jun 5, 2020, 16:1906/05/20
If u have good poisoner you should be able to get through 20 with slow sustain approach. My first success on 20 took 15 minutes lol. Brawler apothecary gorgorab zelotah and jarl or doompriest. With enough speed u will get poisons filled. Dragon is by far easiest dungeon. 
Aug 25, 2020, 20:0508/25/20
Aug 25, 2020, 20:19(edited)

I have no problem beating Dragon 20 with 4 champions, but I'm trying to get it down to 3 (so I can use the other slots to farm food champions while getting artifacts). Anyone find a good combination of 3 that works? 

I just did it now, using Doompriest (lead), Aothar, and Scyl of the Drakes ... but I'm not sure it'll be that reliable. I'd love to be able to set up 30 Multibattles and go to sleep, knowing I won't have wasted a ton of energy on defeats.