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Boosted Summons

Boosted Summons

May 31, 2020, 21:2605/31/20

Boosted Summons

My son and I collected so much Void and Ancient Plus we bought 2 packages of Void and Ancient each of us to just to get Juliana or Venus in boosted summons and we only received Rare's, 

should be 10% right??? 

Very disappointing :(

May 31, 2020, 21:5005/31/20

shaym said:

My son and I collected so much Void and Ancient Plus we bought 2 packages of Void and Ancient each of us to just to get Juliana or Venus in boosted summons and we only received Rare's, 

should be 10% right??? 

Very disappointing :(

You don't say how many shards you pulled, but the odds to get Venus from voids are very, very small. The event increases the chances that IF you get a legendary from a void shard, that legendary is Venus (although that's still not guaranteed at all). But it doesn't change the basic fact that you only have a 0.5 percent chance (so 1 out of every 200, on average) to get a legendary from a void shard. 

For Juliana as an epic, the odds are better. But still you have only an 8 percent chance to get any epic from ancient/void shards - and a chance of less than 1 percent of getting Juliana specifically. 

These 10x events are really only good for high-level players who really need specific champions and don't care about any other epic/legendary. If you'd be happy as well with other epics/legendaries, you should ignore the 10x events and go for the 2x events where you have a doubled chance of pulling an epic/legendary. Of course, for ancients/voids, a double chance for a legendary is still only 1 percent... so even there, you shouldn't get your hopes up too much unless you have large numbers of shards. 
Jun 2, 2020, 11:3006/02/20

Hi, Guys!

During the x10 events you have the same chance as always to pull an epic or legendary champion, but if you pull an epic or legendary champion, you have the chance multiplied for 10 that it's the champion highlighted in the event.