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Stuck! Spiders 20 Auto!

Stuck! Spiders 20 Auto!

May 31, 2020, 04:1805/31/20

Stuck! Spiders 20 Auto!

I'm stuck on the next to last mission for Arbiter. I'm at my wits end. I've watched too many "Spiders 20 Auto F2P" videos on YouTube. Hell, StewGaming in my dreams. I've spent thousands of energy and twenty million gold upgrading and moving gear around trying different strategies and can't get anything to work.

I've tried almost every possible arrangement with all my champions using crowd control, weak affinity tanking, hp burn and nuke.


My champions are:

Tayrel - 60 - Books and Masteries

Psylar - 60 - Books and Masteries

Juliana - 60 - Books and Masteries

Coldheart 1 - 60 - Books and Masteries

Coldheart 2 - 60 - Books and Masteries

Zargala - 60 - Books and Masteries

Stag Knight - Books and Masteries

Apothecary - 60 - Books and Masteries

Reliquary Tender - 60 - Books and Masteries

Fellhound - 60 - Books and Masteries

Frozen Banshee - 60 - Books and Masteries

Armiger - 60 - Books and Masteries

Lua - 60 - Masteries

Vizier Ovelis - 60 - Masteries

Sepulcher Sentinel - 60 - Masteries

Umbral Enchantress - 60 - Masteries

Seeker - 60 - Out of books and haven't bothered with masteries. Just used for initial speed and provoke in arena.

Ultimate Galek - 60 - Out of books and don't get the impression masteries don't aid the hp burn strategy.

Spirit Host - 50 - Books

Paragon - 30 - Books


Things closest to working:

1. Tayrel/Paragon, Stag Knight/Psylar, Apothecary, Ultimate Galek and Seeker/Spirit Host. This has gotten the closest. Tayrel stays alive but Galek and Seeker never get synced up again on their AoE HP Burn and AoE Increase Attack. I assume having both fully booked will make this work better and faster, I just don't have any more epic books. But now I have no idea what's happening, because as soon as Galek uses HP burn all the spiders collapse to the boss and then AoE and I lose all my HP burns.

2. Paragon, Stag Knight, Psylar and 2x Coldheart. Paragon dies well before the Coldhearts get off their second Heartseeker.and once he's dead, they go to the Coldhearts. Without Stag Knight, the Spider Boss AoE levels both Coldhearts. Both Coldhearts have 150-170 CD and 1800-2200 ATK. I've tried swapping out Stag and/or Psylar for Apothecary

3. Tayrel, Stag Knight/Psylar, Apothecary, Juliana and Vizier. My idea here is that Juliana puts HP burn on the spider boss and Vizier comes in and spreads the debuff to the spiderlings. The problem is Vizier leads with his spread debuff and Juliana uses her HP burn on her second turn.

4. I've even tried Paragon, Seeker, Ultimate Galek, Juliana and Vizier for full-on hp burn and same thing with the spiderlings. As soon as Galek casts AoE HP Burn, all the spiders collapse on the boss and die and cast an AoE so I lose the debuff and it doesn't come back around for 5 turns and Juliana and Vizer are still out of sync.

I think I'm close, just need some clear direction on a setup that is going to work so I can work on min/max rather than attempting to min/max 5-10 different party combinations. I don't care if I have to temporarily destroy my Arena and CB configurations. I want Arbiter.

Note: I have the epics fuse Rhazin, I'm just waiting for the Force tower to cycle back around so I can ascend the food.

Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks!

May 31, 2020, 08:0405/31/20
May 31, 2020, 08:20(edited)

For HP Burn to work you need slow and heavy tm reduction. Armiger / acc on ch / whatever you can to stop mommy from moving. Tayrel alone won't cut it. Psylar will slows spiderlings as well so it makes them not ticking burn faster than mommy.

Hp burn works when you can keep mommy from eating small ones for their full 2 turn cycle after applying it. They burn mother for like 50% hp and if they die in the process the better - if you time it right with speed tune, spiderlings are dead (or only few still standing) when mommy takes 1st turn. Burned by 50%, healed back like 10-20% by eating small ones ...

I did this with rg lead + ch + tayrel + psylar + siphi (ch dies eventually and gets revived - Apo might not be enough as replacement)

Psylar in stun + speed sets and high acc. Every mastery that can make her move faster: tm gains on debuff expiry, t6 support mastery to fill tm faster per every debuff placed, tm gain on enemy crit ... (Not sure if had it all done while completing this mission or completed after... Definitely about 10 speed slower than this screenshot)

May 31, 2020, 09:1805/31/20

You can also try using Psylar as counterattack tank. Gear her to have the lowest HP, but have tons of resistance. (Tune to where spiderlings take off 25% of her HP with each hit, and make sure both Coldhearts have way more HP than her), get counterattack mastery from Defense tree, and Warmaster. Run this with Tayrel, both Coldhearts, and Apothecary. 

This strat works with having the Spiderlings attack Psylar so she can counterattack and shave off HP from the main spider one Warmaster proc at a time. This way both Coldhearts can launch at least 2 Heartseekers. You just gotta make sure you got enough accuracy on Tayrel and the Coldhearts so you control main spider's TM. 

With the right stats that should finish Spider 20. 

PS: There is a *correct* champion arrangement for the spiderlings to consistently hit Psylar. It's usually the 3rd slot from the lead, but that varies sometimes. Just shuffle Psylar and the Coldhearts around if that doesn't work.

Good luck. 

May 31, 2020, 12:0905/31/20
May 31, 2020, 12:17(edited)

Finishing spider 20 without Miscreated Monster when you are in early game is so hard lol. 

In addtion to what LXZY said, you can use Psylar (as tank) with Tayrel, 2 Coldhearts, and Armiger. This is the easy part. The hardest is gearing them properly in other to direct the spiderlings to attack Psylar. It is easier if you got a negative affinity tank that have aoe default skill like Sinesha. 

Have your Psylar not more than 28k hp and 900 def. Give her 250 res, from chest plate and banner helps a lot. In order not to overwhelm her with poison. Speed is not that important but if she can have high speed it will add to her survivavility. 

Everyone else should have more than 30k hp. This is important. In order to direct the spiderlings to Psylar, everone else should have way higher hp than. Coldheart should have 204 speed in order for her to attack twice before the boss. This will allow her to use her 3rd skill right before the boss will take a turn. 

For Armiger and Tayrel, give them at least 150 speed. Of course, higher is better. Their speed is not that important as long as Tayrel will move before Coldheart's 2nd turn. 

The goal in this strategy is to make the spiderlings attack Psylar. If they are not attacking Psylar, either make the unit being targeted tankier or make Psylar more squishy. She can not have a lot of def or else the spiderlings damage will not do more than 25% and it will not proc counter attack. And if she is too squishy (low def low hp) then she will not have a lot of chance to proc counter attack. 

Now, with the win percentage. After following all of these, dont expect to win every battle. I ran similar team before and it is only around 20-30% win rate. Everyone works perfectly and the one thing that will make you lose the battle is not procing the counter attack mastery. But if your goal is just to finish the mission then go with this strategy.

Another option, which I have not tried but I think will work, is to have Ultimate Galek in your team instead of Armiger. I have no Ultimate Galek yet. I believe if your Coldhearts are fast enough, they can prevent the boss from getting a turn, I am not 100% sure but I think it will work. 

Also, I have not tried a very high def, high resist, high speed tank. If this can work, then you dont have to rely to rng in order to win. 

I hope this helps. 

Edi: just like to add, if you are going to use this straregy, don't put Tayrel on lead, it might mess up your max def after Tayrel's leader skill. 

May 31, 2020, 19:3005/31/20

I appreciate all the feedback. Having a set direction helps immensely!

The consensus seems to be centered around Psylar and getting her to get hit and take the hits. I already had her in a stun set with counterattack but with nowhere near the stats mentioned here. I'll also move her to Attack from Support to get Warmaster. Luckily Void accuracy was what I took to 10 for the Arbiter mission so that makes it bit easier.

Looking at my gear, I'm going to be in Fire Knight for awhile getting more Stun gear options.

From there I just need to beef up my Coldhearts and Armiger so that they don't get attacked.

May 31, 2020, 20:2505/31/20


And there is nothing we can tell you to help change your situation.

You can't do the 1 Shot nuke strategy because your Coldhearts don't have the best gear.

You can't do the Cycle nuke strategy because you don't have Sir Nicholas or Miscreated Monster for protection.

You can't do the HP Burn strategy because your Ultimate Galek has no Books or Masteries.

You can't do the Off Affinity Tank strategy because you have no Force Affinity tank.

You can't do the Neutral Affinity Tank strategy because the rest of your team will have conflict.

  • No Gear
  • No Champions
  • No Tomes
  • No Gems
  • No Silver



Accept defeat and move on to another dungeon.

Come back to Spider 20 when you are stronger.

That is just the way it is.

I'm not the developer!

I'm not the judge!

I'm merely the advisor!

Listen to my advice or not puny mortal.

The choice is yours!


If you chose to dismiss my advice, your actions will be judged.

You will be judged by none other than SKAVAG the Spider Queen.

You may tell yourself you can win.

Others may tell you on your behalf that you can win.


Lies which people say to make themselves feel less inferior.

The Spider Queen Skavag will see through your lies with her 8 eyes and judge you based on your actions.

Falsely believing in lies will give you the swiftest of defeats.

There is no shame in accepting defeat.

Only when you are defeated by a truly worthy foe can you begin the process of improving.

This allows you the power to have a clear mind.

Only when your mind is clear can you see your own weakness & flaws.

Than you can begin to correct them.

Allowing yourself the power to become stronger.

Jun 1, 2020, 08:3806/01/20
Jun 1, 2020, 09:40(edited)
J is drunk tonight disregard him.

I did mine with Coldheart, Coldheart, Rhizan, Ult Galek, and I think I had Lanakis for increased attack and TM boost but any champ will work as long as ult Galek has ATK UP before his turn, lanakis added really nothing else but the buff. All your champs need 151 speed at a minimum and need to go in a certain order (I'll list below)

A nuke strategy WILL NOT WORK without Defense Down and Weaken (Rhizan applies both).  Rhizan is a kick in the nuts because he is weak affinity but IF you land defense down/weaken, can land 8ish + HP burns, and get off 2 heartseekers, the Spider 20 will die before she can take a turn.

It's not 100% win rate (probably closer to 30%) but I guarantee you can get this working.

I couldn't do it before I got Rhizan, soon as I did the spider fell.

This dungeon is a huge pain, hang in there, Arbiter is just as awesome as you think she is.

With this setup your runs should be about 40 seconds. My Ult Galek is level 50 with no books or masteries also.

You need Rhizan or ATK UP champ to go first and second, then Galek and CHs can really go in any order after that as long as Rhizan and ATTK UP have already gone.  If you cant get CHs using A3 on turn one then Rhizan needs to be tanky enough to live through like 8 spiderling hits or whatever before the little guys start tearing your team apart.  I would routinely win with like only 1 char alive, all you have to do is have your CHs live for 2 turns and it should be fine.

PM me if you want me to look at your account, I'd be happy to help since I just did this a month or 2 ago.

Jun 1, 2020, 15:5806/01/20

Thanks for the help. I've been in FK20 getting stun gear -- maybe one usable piece in like 75 runs. /sigh

Force opens today so I'm going to shift to getting the potions I need to ascend for the Rhazin fusion and once he's done and leveled I'll try this strategy while also continuing to tweak Psylar.

If I'm still stuck after that, I'll bug you for more help!
Jun 2, 2020, 01:5506/02/20
Jun 2, 2020, 01:56(edited)
Rhizan is the best - I had no idea how powerful a combo Defense Down and Weaken were together untill I fused him.  It made my Coldhearts Heartseekers go from like 400k to 1.5+ Million.  It like literally quadruples the damage.
Jun 2, 2020, 04:1406/02/20

Spyder73 isn't correct.

I wasn't drunk when I wrote my message.

Furthermore, Spyder73 has done nothing except strength my argument.

Spyder73 strengthen the resolve of my argument by sharing his Spider 20 team.

  • Coldheart
  • Coldheart
  • Rhizan
  • Ult Galek
  • Lanakis

I can share my Spider 20 team.

  • Coldheart 
  • Coldheart 
  • Coldheart
  • Miscreated Monster
  • Spider


You demonstrate the issue which I spoke of a few days prior.

The OP doesn't have Rhazin. 

The OP doesn't have Lanakis.

The OP doesn't have Miscreated Monster.

The OP doesn't have Spider.

The OP doesn't have Masteries for his Ultimate Galek.

The OP doesn't have Tomes for his Ultimate Galek.

You can't replicate a set up when you don't have the means to do so.

The Spider dungeon is like a Puzzle.

You need all the pieces of the Puzzle to come together in order to win.

The best way I can describe it is by giving you a numbers metaphor.

Lets say the number 15 is you defeating the Spider Dungeon.

There are over a dozens different mathematical always to reach the number 15.

1 + 1 + 13 = 15  

1 + 4 + 10 = 15

2 + 3 + 10 = 15

4 + 5 + 6 = 15

Lets say Coldhearts are the number 1

Lets say Ultimate Galek is number 3

Lets say Psylar is number 6

You begin to see the problem don't you?

The OP has different pieces of the Puzzle, but he doesn't have a full Puzzle.

And that is a serious issue.

Why? Because what if the OP listens to you people

What if the OP maxes out his Psylar to max level because you told him Psylar is good in the Spider Dungeon.

Psylar is good in the Spider Dungeon on the 4 + 5 + 6 "team"

But the OP doesn't own 4 & 5

So you are telling him to max Psylar with the "Hope" of pulling 4 + 5.

And what if he never pulls them?

What if the game gives him number 13 instead?

Than the 1 + 1 + 13 team combo is the clear path to victory.

All the time & resources wasted on Psylar when that isn't the hero he will use to beat the Spider Dungeon. 

Jun 2, 2020, 04:3306/02/20
Jun 2, 2020, 04:34(edited)

He already have max Psylar.

He already have the champions needed to finish spider 20 mission:

Psylar, Tayrel, 2 Coldhearts, Armiger/ U. Galek

All of them are level 60 already. 

Jun 2, 2020, 05:0306/02/20
Jun 2, 2020, 05:07(edited)

The OP only said Psylar has Books + Masteries.

The OP never said Psylar gear was Max level + Max Star 

I don't know what gear any of his champions have.

Again I don't have any hatred toward the OP.

I hope the OP does beat Spider 20 Dungeon.

I hope everyone can beat Spider 20 Dungeon.

I just don't want to give the OP false hope/information.

Jun 2, 2020, 13:1906/02/20
OP says he can fused Rhizan
Jun 2, 2020, 22:1106/02/20

I just fused Rhazin! I'm working on leveling him now and was able to give him 8 books. Sadly none of the books went to reduce a cooldown. I'm saving the other 9 I have for Arbiter. Does the Nightmare CB chest drop legendary tomes?

Yeah, I maxed Psylar months ago. I haven't invested anything more in her other than running some FK20 for more stun gear options.

Everyone I listed except for Paragon is max ascended.

I'd rather not book U Galek and instead spend those books on Sepulcher to use her on CB -- if she even needs them; I haven't looked any closer.

I'll finish Rhazin and put him on the team and flip between U Galek and Armiger and see if that works. I only need ten wins. I don't care if it's a 10% success rate. I'm also going to get masteries on U Galek if for nothing more the Faction Wars.

If that doesn't work, and I'm sure it will eventually, I have 4 more coldhearts in my vault and a couple dozen rare tomes.

Jun 17, 2020, 02:3106/17/20

Just wanted to thank everyone for their help!

I booked Ultimate Galek and Seeker to get the cooldown reductions on their A2/A3 skills, along with Sniper and Master Hexxer, and tweaked their speed a bit. I used Psylar as a stun tank with the gear I had and swapped out a def % chest for res and used Stag Knight and Apothecary as support to keep Psylar alive.

Psylar stayed alive for maybe 40% of the fight. The spiders then moved to Stag Knight, Seeker and then Galek. So long as Galek landed burn on most of the spiders before he went down, I succeeded. I'd say my win rate was about 20% but I only needed to win 10 times!

Arbiter is booked and I just finished up her masteries. I'm plowing through G3/4 Arena with Arbiter, Seeker, Lua and Zargala.

Sep 2, 2020, 21:0509/02/20

Hi guys, I am trying to setup a nuke team for spider 20.

My Idea was to use:

-Royal guard as leader

-2 coldheart 


-stag knight

Do you think this could work? 

Could you tell me the stats of coldheart and royal guard in order to have a good probability that this works?

Thanks in advance

Sep 3, 2020, 12:5509/03/20

giammarconeri said:

Hi guys, I am trying to setup a nuke team for spider 20.

My Idea was to use:

-Royal guard as leader

-2 coldheart 


-stag knight

Do you think this could work? 

Could you tell me the stats of coldheart and royal guard in order to have a good probability that this works?

Thanks in advance

Do you have Miscreated Monster or Sir Nicholas?
Sep 3, 2020, 14:2309/03/20
Player J said:

giammarconeri said:

Hi guys, I am trying to setup a nuke team for spider 20.

My Idea was to use:

-Royal guard as leader

-2 coldheart 


-stag knight

Do you think this could work? 

Could you tell me the stats of coldheart and royal guard in order to have a good probability that this works?

Thanks in advance

Do you have Miscreated Monster or Sir Nicholas?
or kantra?
Sep 3, 2020, 22:2009/03/20

Hi Guys, unfortunately no, neither Miscreated Monster, Nicolas nor Kantra. But I would like to kill the spider before he speaks, do you think is possible with this team? Or I need also someone that puts weaken?

Sep 3, 2020, 22:4009/03/20
giammarconeri said:

Hi Guys, unfortunately no, neither Miscreated Monster, Nicolas nor Kantra. But I would like to kill the spider before he speaks, do you think is possible with this team? Or I need also someone that puts weaken?

Of the 5 you plan to use i have only stag I am unfamiliar with the nuke route.  I am not sure the AI will be kind to you or if you can smash the spider in just round. Are you on 20? Have you tried this team?