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Please help. Am I doing the right thing?

Please help. Am I doing the right thing?

May 26, 2020, 08:5005/26/20

Please help. Am I doing the right thing?

Hi guys. I'm eager to learn and do well but not sure I'm on the right lines with my arena and CB teams.

My current arena team is Ignatius. Mountain king. Kael and apothecary.  They dont go off on the right order and I'm struggling with that.

I have 6s elhain too bit dont use her at the moment. My plan is to introduce gorgarob and warmaiden when I have leveled them up. 

Is upgrading gorgarob and warmaiden the right way to go?

My CB team is the same with the addition of occult brawler.

Any help or advice would be great so I can learn. Thanks in advance
May 26, 2020, 12:4705/26/20

You can get more corect answer if you show some shots of your roster.

By this little info I am tempted to think that Warmaiden maybe isn't going to be good choice for you in long term. Maybe for some short term succes with Gorgo leader, Warmaiden, Kael and Ignatius/M. King it may work for some time, , but I am curious about your other champions.

We didn't even know what Arena tier are you in, where are you on CB, what dungeons you can farm of how you deal with your equipmen stat wise.

Some screenshots and more info will help. Now our answers will be more like shooting in the dark than actually helping you.  
May 26, 2020, 21:4205/26/20

Hi. I think I've managed to get a pic of my characters!

I'm silver 2 and want to farm.

CB team is apothecary. Ignatius. Kael. Mountain king. Occult.

I can farm dragon lvl 13 and spider lvl 12. Might be able to go higher. Not tried.

Any help would be great please.

My plan is to get kael faster and use as a nuke. 

Level up gorgarob with speed and defence set.

Upgrade warmaiden with speed set

Use a speed and accuracy set on Ignatius. 

Am I right?

Jun 29, 2020, 17:2206/29/20

Not a bad idea, your arena team is solid. If you load up mountain king with a ton of Def and HP he will be a beast. Solid champ.

Gogarob and Apothacary are pretty good together in arena as long as your other 2 champs are strong enough to take everyone out. Gorg buff atk n turn meter and revives any downed units. Apoth boost speed n heals. but make Gorg leader for speed.

Speed is key to arena. If your looking for ideas for arena just check top tier in arena see what units people are using in platinum.
Jun 30, 2020, 15:1206/30/20
Gorg to 6* Then Zelotah to 6*.  No more 50s, figure out who you will use at 60.  A bunch of 50s willl sit and be not useful.  Ascend Gorg, you can use in arena ASAP as leveled for aura/boost/ATK up
Jun 30, 2020, 15:2206/30/20

I think Apo Gorg (lead) Ignatius Mountain King for Arena.

CB: Brawler Kael (temporary - so not sure if I build as nuker) apothecary zelotah and someone for ATK down (Do you have the rare coffinsmasher?)