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First 6 Star

First 6 Star

May 21, 2020, 14:2805/21/20

First 6 Star

Hello there, I'm fairly new to the game and wanting to 6* my first hero.

My options are :


Bad El Kazar



I got really lucky and pulled Bad El Kazar, but I don't think he will farm nearly as well as Kael. I heard Bellower was an absolute beast at farming, but only when EXTREMELY geared which I am nowhere near.

Thank you for any input!

- King

May 21, 2020, 14:5205/21/20
I don't have bad el, but guessing he can farm just fine. Certainly with Aoe A1 and lifesteal, I would think 6 star him and do full masteries 
May 21, 2020, 15:0005/21/20

Trips said:

I don't have bad el, but guessing he can farm just fine. Certainly with Aoe A1 and lifesteal, I would think 6 star him and do full masteries 

Full mastery on BEK. Yeah, his A1 is a really nice clear for the lower levels; just not sure how it'll stack up to the Brutal+ Dungeons.

- King
May 21, 2020, 15:3205/21/20

I don't know what "extremely geared" means, but with whatever gear Kael is capable of clearing 12.3, the same gear will work for Belower too. Just Bel will do it faster.

May 21, 2020, 16:5805/21/20
I prefer kael over bellower, with a good attack down partner (coffinsmasher 4 my alt), the duo can take down dragon 15 with the other 3 dying on the waves. And kael with average gear is doing 12.3 generally under 30 seconds. Not speedy, but fast enough. I think the ability to use him everywhere in the beginning makes him a better choice than bellower. 
May 21, 2020, 19:0205/21/20

I am a noob who got great advice from the forum.  I have been using Kael as my farmer.  He can farm up to 10.4 in hard.  He is 6*.  I change his gear around as I win better stuff and level that up to 8 or 12.  I add some glyphs.  He keeps getting better.  If there is a higher level that I want to farm I team him with WarPriest.  That means I can only drag 2 chickens but at the higher levels I get better rewards.  Its a trade off.  I am waiting for the highest grade gear before I level it to 16.  I am ready for his masteries but holding off because I dont think I understand the game well enough yet. 

You are going to have a lot of fun with him when he nukes the other team into nothing with his A1 acid rain. 

I wish I had your luck of the draw.  You have great champs to work with. 
May 21, 2020, 19:0705/21/20
If kael is 6* u should have good enough gear to farm brutal 12.3, it is worth upgrading gear to 16 even if you will soon replace it. At least the bottom 3 peices
May 21, 2020, 19:0805/21/20
Do the masteries 
May 21, 2020, 21:1505/21/20
May 21, 2020, 21:17(edited)

Who cares what other champions you own.

If you have the number 1 ranked hero in the game, Bad El Kazar, You max him out to level 60 instantly!

There is nothing to think about here.

There is no other options.

Gosh, Why can't I pull a Bad El Kazar

Why? Haven't I spent enough?
May 21, 2020, 21:4005/21/20
When did Valkyria change name to Bad-el Kazar?
May 22, 2020, 06:4505/22/20

drone said:

When did Valkyria change name to Bad-el Kazar?

Valkyrie has never been number 1 on my list. 

Thus, There was never a change. lol

May 22, 2020, 14:2705/22/20

Who are your top 10 J, just curious? 

As I said I don't have BEK, but I hope you 60d him already. No brainer.