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NM Clan Boss help

NM Clan Boss help

May 21, 2020, 04:2405/21/20

NM Clan Boss help


I'm currently running a CA team for nightmare clan boss, but I'm only getting about ~13mil per key, sometimes a lot less, sometimes a lot more if I'm lucky with Septimus extending.

I'm wondering if I just don't have good enough gear yet? Below is my roster, as well as a video of my current team on clan boss (which isn't great, as it's an affinity video, and I'm usually hitting >50%)

I'm more than willing to change my comp if there are better champions than what I am currently using, and have.

P.S. I don't have an accuracy banner for Rhazin yet, so his shear does sometimes get resisted.

May 21, 2020, 18:1405/21/20
May 21, 2020, 18:19(edited)

I recomand on working on your tayrel masteries ASP and use him as lead , he has a 25% defence aura and a 2 hiting A1 that has defense down.. with skulcrusher CA you`ll have atack down on boss all the time. Also for now i recomand maxing out juliana masteries also and using her instead of septimus. juliana has posions and hp burn she`ll do more damage than your curent spetimus, she brings 2 poisons and hp burn

So try tayrel, sckulcrusher, bad el, juliana and rhazin.

Edit: you will have to speed tune the team.. check youtube videos about how to speed tune a CA team on Clan Boss

May 21, 2020, 20:4405/21/20
May 21, 2020, 20:45(edited)

I watched the video.

I saw tons of problems.

  • Your team isn't Speed Tuned right.

Bad El Kazar should be the first hero on your team to move.

The fact BEK doesn't move first means you didn't Speed Tune properly.

Half way in the video - He does a chart as to how you want your Speeds.

  • Your team isn't Geared right. 

I saw a lot of your heroes getting resisted.

I saw a lot of your heroes dying to early.

This all leads me to believe there is a Gearing issue.

  • Your team never came close to filling up the Clan Bosses 10 Max Limit on Debuffs

This means you have a Set up Issue.

The heroes you chose to put in your team composition are not right.

They are not giving you maximum benefits.

  • Your team's leader is wrong in your line up.

Skullcrusher shouldn't be the Lead hero.

Skullcrusher doesn't provide you with a useable Clan Boss Aura.

  • Your team is positioned wrong in your line up.

Positioning matters because heroes counter attack differently.

Heroes don't counter attack based on there Speed  - They counter attack based on there position. 

I would try the following team:

Leader: Tayrel - Defense Aura 25% 

Tayrel ----------------> Decrease Attack + Decrease Defense 

Rhazin ----------------> Decrease Defense + Weaken 

Steelskull ------------> Poison + Healing + Increase Defense  

Bad El Kazar ----------> Poison + Cleanse + Healing 

Skullcrusher ----------> Speed Tuning + Ally Protection

May 21, 2020, 21:3105/21/20

I think you should consider PlayerJs advice, sounds very good.

I also noticed a huge problem with resists. In fact I think you are more than two minutes in before any weaken/dec. defense is placed.

Also unless you are super end-game poison will probaly be your best source of damage unless you have a hard-hitter like turvold and for a good while I only saw two poisons up.

Steelskull can aid with that since his A1 can poison - so he benefits alot from counterattack.

Thumps up for the video, really good idea so you can get some qualified advice.

Also watch this video that tells you the priorities for clan boss aswell as present a list on the needed accuracy. (around 11th minute)

May 22, 2020, 00:5805/22/20

Thank you for the advice. I’m a bit confused as to why BEK needs to go first? I knew that Rhazin needed to go first to get his defense down and weaken before anybody hits, but I don’t think I know the reasoning for BEK going first. 

I didn’t know that they counter based on their position. Should I place them in as you have listed?
May 22, 2020, 14:0905/22/20

rusjay12 said:

Thank you for the advice. I’m a bit confused as to why BEK needs to go first? I knew that Rhazin needed to go first to get his defense down and weaken before anybody hits, but I don’t think I know the reasoning for BEK going first. 

I didn’t know that they counter based on their position. Should I place them in as you have listed?

Because of the stun. He must act first, so he can cleans that stun. Tecnicaly, Steelskull is suposed (he can and he should) to clean one friendly unit and heal him, but in reality his AI is unreliable. BEK do this much better. 

But you have to speed tune your team, so that they act without turn meter interaction or your turn order will fall quickly into... disorder. 

Watch the video, take note, do these changes and you will boost your damage noticably. 

May 22, 2020, 17:2005/22/20
May 22, 2020, 17:22(edited)

rusjay12 said:

I knew that Rhazin needed to go first to get his defense down and weaken before anybody hits, but I don’t think I know the reasoning for BEK going first.


Re-watch your video at 0:10 to 0:19

Crypt King is moving first --------> Elemental Unity is the move he did

Rhazin is moving second --------> Bog Down is the move he did

Bad El Kazar is moving third ---> Malice is the move he did

Septimus is moving fourth ------> The move text didn't pop up - Default Move (Behead) Perhaps

Skullcrusher is moving last -----> Stone Wall is the move he did

Your team is moving incorrectly.

This is why your doing bad damage.


rusjay12 said:

Thank you for the advice. I’m a bit confused as to why BEK needs to go first?

Re-watch your video at 0:50

It is a whole lot of Clan Boss Belly Jelly going up to do a Stun.

He did the Stun on your Crypt King.

Your Crypt King is the first hero to move in your set up.

This means your Crypt King skipped his turn due to the Stun.

But what if Bad El Kazar goes first?

Bad El Kazar will do the move Malice which removes all Debuffs from your team.

This means your Crypt King will not have a Stun when it is his turn.

Which means your Crypt King will not skip his turn.

May 22, 2020, 18:1405/22/20

This is the set up I would do:

Leader: Tayrel - Defense Aura 25%  

Tayrel ----------------> Decrease Attack + Decrease Defense  

Rhazin ----------------> Decrease Defense + Weaken  

Steelskull ------------> Poison + Healing + Increase Defense   

Bad El Kazar ----------> Poison + Cleanse + Healing  

Skullcrusher ----------> Speed Tuning + Ally Protection

The Move/Speed Order I would do:

  1. Bad El Kazar ---------------> 179
  2. Rhazin -----------------------> 177
  3. Tayrel ------------------------> 175
  4. Steelskull -------------------> 173
  5. Skullcrusher ---------------> 171

The below picture is the Counter Attack Move Order:

Remember, These heroes will attack with there Default Move(DM) only doing 75% of the damage.

Tayrel will be the Leader so he will be in Spot #1 ----> Attack Down is his DM

I would put Rhazin in Spot #2 -----------------------------> Strips the CB of any Buffs is his DM

I would put Steelskull in Spot #3 -------------------------> Poison is his DM

I would put Bad El Kazar in Spot #4 --------------------> Heals is his DM

I would put Skullcrusher in Spot #5 ----------------------> Heal Reduction is his DM <----- You want him with no ACC + going Last

In a Perfect World, You want the Stripping/Removing Buffs Champion to go as soon as possible in your Counter Attack Order.

The Clan Boss likes to put an Increase Attack buff on himself when he drops below 50% health.

The Clan Boss can only have 10 debuffs or buffs on him at any time.

If the Clan Boss puts an Increase Attack buff on himself, you only have 9 slots left to work with.

You want someone to remove the Increase Attack Buff.

You want someone to replace it with Atk Down - Weaken - Poison etc.

It might seem on the surface like it doesn't matter.

Its just a small little thing.

What's the big deal?

But you have to understand all of these little things begin to add up.

Its like a snow ball effect.

May 23, 2020, 04:4505/23/20
May 23, 2020, 04:45(edited)


This is my CB team, I've just just seen your roster and noticed you can make the same comp you see in this pic. Of course you can do better or worse than me, it depends on your gear.

My champions' stats are:

DEF 4k-5k

SPD 172-176

ACC 250+

May 23, 2020, 20:4205/23/20
Player J said:

The Clan Boss can only have 10 debuffs or buffs on him at any time.

If the Clan Boss puts an Increase Attack buff on himself, you only have 9 slots left to work with.

Great post as usual, J, but pretty sure this part isn't correct. You can put 10 debuffs on a boss, buffs don't count towards that limit. Nor do automatic debuffs put by the bosses themselves - I just had minotaur at 11 debuffs including his own. Which makes sense in both cases, because what would happen otherwise if the boss already has 10 debuffs and then puts either a buff or that minotaur debuff on himself?