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How to improve my champions? mid game

How to improve my champions? mid game

May 20, 2020, 13:4005/20/20

How to improve my champions? mid game

Dear Shadow Legends Raiders,

For the last weeks, I have the impression that I am not really progressing...

In Arena, I am now facing teams with 2 or 3 times my total power and it is a bit frustrating (gold IV).

So, I am building teams for Spider and CB....however, the rewards are not great so I am farming 6* artifacts (common).

The problem in this case is that these artifacts do not have great substats....

Any advice on what should I do next in order to progress? Any recommended dungeon?

Thanks !

May 20, 2020, 15:1705/20/20
May 20, 2020, 15:18(edited)

I would definately focus on two aspects.

1. level up champions that will enable you to do better in dragon, spider or clan boss.

2. Farm dragon for artifacts in the sets; speed, vampire, accuracy. Stalwart can be a good set too for clan boss. Only keep items with percentage primary stats in gloves and chest. Mainly keep boots with speed as primary stat.

You should make it your priority to be able to farm level 20 dragon.
May 20, 2020, 16:0005/20/20
May 20, 2020, 16:03(edited)

Piccolo Lord said:

Dear Shadow Legends Raiders,

For the last weeks, I have the impression that I am not really progressing...

In Arena, I am now facing teams with 2 or 3 times my total power and it is a bit frustrating (gold IV).

So, I am building teams for Spider and CB....however, the rewards are not great so I am farming 6* artifacts (common).

The problem in this case is that these artifacts do not have great substats....

Any advice on what should I do next in order to progress? Any recommended dungeon?

Thanks !

You know what i think? It`s not about the game anymore, it`s about you who need to progress.

You can get some random tips here and they can be good, but with questionable value for you, because there is no usable info in your post. And if you provide more details, it still can have nothing useful to you. It`s not like the new player asking for his first 6*.

You are in G4, so it`s not like you have played for a couple of weeks. You are probably 4, 5 months in game. At that time you should have pretty good knowledge about the game. You should know how the things work. You should be pretty capable of making your own decisions about your game.

My point is - you are in that position, that you are the one that can help you the most. We can tell you - go there, farm that, do that, but that`s just not helpful. We don`t know nothing about your game and you current position - about your roster, about your equipment, about every little detail. We don`t know how good your knowledge about every game mechanics is. We don`t know how you deal with those things that block your progress

Well, actually we know something - you are in G4 and you are farming campaign for 6* common gear. Now, that`s wrong and its wrong big time. All that energy you have already burned for that crappy equipment... see. it`s you that block your own progress. You should know that this will leads you nowhere.

We all started with same 1 blue champion and very little knowledge about the game. But i thing that the player (not the luck, rng or whatever excuses we can make) is that decisive factor for progress.

You want to progress? Read guides, watch videos, dig info, test it yourself, read more, watch more, dig more, test again....

You know, people love to give advise. They feel special. Including myself. They can give you crappy advise because they have red somewhere, that you should make your starter 6*. Oh, you have better that your starter? Doesn`t matter, the rule is about your starter, that`s what we have red. Someone told them they should do something and they will advise you to do the same. No matter those little specifics that define your account.

You don`t want to be in G4 and still to seek advise about basic things. At this point you should be the one that is capable to give some advise. Remember, people love to give advise left and right. You will love it to.

Something practical? Stop wasting energy for crappy gear. Get your best team and go to Dragon. I can`t imagine you are in G4 and you can`t beat that crappy Boss. For that same energy spend, you will get better equipment, some of which you may even end up using and it will help you to get to the next stage if you actually can`t do Dragon 20.
May 20, 2020, 16:2505/20/20
May 20, 2020, 16:38(edited)

Have to agree with daering on his advise - watch guides. On youtube you get alot of inspiration. Watch them and form your own opinion. What will work on your rooster?

The best content creators in my opinion is:

Hell hades

Stewgaming (alot of vidoes with realisitic teams)

Chofly mobile
May 20, 2020, 17:0305/20/20

I like HH, sometime Stew, but my personal recommendation is MurderInc. He is a leader of [G&l], so he have credability. 

Sure, he is all about end game, but if you want more than just how this and that champion performs in different areas, he is the guy. And you don't have to be end game player to be able to extract needed info and useful ideas that you can use. 

It will not be exsagerated to say that I learned from him more than from all others for the last half year. 

May 20, 2020, 20:4305/20/20
Farming 6star common artifacts, I can only imagine how much wasted energy 
May 20, 2020, 22:4805/20/20

What is your Clan Boss team?

May 21, 2020, 09:3205/21/20
anyone here know where could i farm more accessories?
May 21, 2020, 09:4405/21/20
vancrideout said:

anyone here know where could i farm more accessories?
Spider dungeon.
May 21, 2020, 12:2705/21/20
vancrideout said:

anyone here know where could i farm more accessories?
It's not about "more", it's the only place that drops accessories. And if you are lucky, you can get some good pieces from daily login. 
May 21, 2020, 23:3305/21/20

Many thanks for the replies !!!

To DRONE: I will follow your advice => go for level 20 dragon

To DAERING : After hours of self-analysis and suggested videos, I got some good info

To TRIPS : don't tell me about the energy

To Player J : Miscreated Monster, Siphi, Coldheart, Rotos, Ithos (about 3.5 M in Brutal)

Now, about my experience:

I farmed 6 stars Items because I thought the added value of the primary stats is much larger than the substats. On some gear, I get a 60% DEF boost....which is much larger that the 10% I can get in substats...

BUT....I realize that this approach reached its limit ....thus, I will follow your advice and go for DRAGON 20.

Regarding ARENA, as I do not have Arbiter and her Speed Aura, the viable solution that I found (there are for sure others) is to go with a DEF UP lead (Rock breaker). With Siphi healing the team, I can sustain the early attack waves.....but sometimes I don't....

Feel free to iterate if you want to !

Take care and enjoy the game

May 22, 2020, 01:4205/22/20
May 22, 2020, 01:42(edited)

There is a reason behind @Player J question about your CB team. CB is that sourse, that can suply you with steady income of crappy gear, useless brew and sometime even with useful stuff like books and shards on a daily basis.

Is there any chance to post here some shots from you team roster?  There may be some hidden gems of a champions in your Vault that may want to do some work for you. 
May 22, 2020, 02:2805/22/20
I currently find interest in the arena. I am only in S2 so its still fun for me trying to make teams to counter the nuke teams. I am starting to take interest in trying to build a good clan boss team (failing so far) . The forums, including this thread has given good advice and motivation though!
May 22, 2020, 17:0405/22/20

Daering said:

There is a reason behind @Player J question about your CB team. CB is that sourse, that can suply you with steady income of crappy gear, useless brew and sometime even with useful stuff like books and shards on a daily basis.

Is there any chance to post here some shots from you team roster?  There may be some hidden gems of a champions in your Vault that may want to do some work for you. 

Hi Daering and all,

Here are the Champions that are currently 5* and could be useful in CB:


-Sepulcher Sentinel

-Frozen Banshee

-Royal Guard


-Turvold (still fresh from shard opening)

On my side, I looked at Tier lists of HH and ChoFly. It is very useful but sometimes, I think it is better to take a lower tier champs if the synergy is better...and I lack this view for CB/DRAGON/Spider.

Thanks !

May 23, 2020, 20:1705/23/20
It's a damn shame you have the champions you do and you're struggling farming 6* common gear. Seriously man... Your lineup is bonkers. 
May 24, 2020, 06:0305/24/20

Piccolo Lord said:

Daering said:

There is a reason behind @Player J question about your CB team. CB is that sourse, that can suply you with steady income of crappy gear, useless brew and sometime even with useful stuff like books and shards on a daily basis.

Is there any chance to post here some shots from you team roster?  There may be some hidden gems of a champions in your Vault that may want to do some work for you. 

Hi Daering and all,

Here are the Champions that are currently 5* and could be useful in CB:


-Sepulcher Sentinel

-Frozen Banshee

-Royal Guard


-Turvold (still fresh from shard opening)

On my side, I looked at Tier lists of HH and ChoFly. It is very useful but sometimes, I think it is better to take a lower tier champs if the synergy is better...and I lack this view for CB/DRAGON/Spider.

Thanks !

Tayrel, FB, Sentinel, Altan - those are very good choice. They can form the core of your team. FB can't do the poison job by himself, but for rare she is just too good. 

Turvolt can pull good numbers too. Royal Guard is usefull early, maybe mid CB tier, later on you will find he can't keep up with others. 

About Dragon - do you have problem with the Boss or with the waves before him? Think about that and see what is your problem there. Did you lack cc control over waves, did you lack damage, survivability or something. It is about bad affinity team, low tier gear or something else. Observe how the battle evolves and you will find how to overcome that. 

Spider is tricky, maybe the hardest dungeon for most of the people. Until 15, 16 stage you can do it with just enough damage, but the last 3 or 4 stages just need more than big yellow numbers. There are maybe 2 main strategies there (there may be variations, but generaly they are two general ideas there) - nuke team, involving damage, based on enemy max hp and turn meter reduction, basicaly "hit fast, hit hard" and AoE hp burn with cc and turn meter reduction, the "stay alive until he dies" aproatch. This is very limited explanation, but otherwise it will take hours to explain it here. Better watch some videos, you will get better understanding and you can see if you can take one of those paths according to your roster. 

May 24, 2020, 20:3405/24/20

Daering said:

Piccolo Lord said:

Daering said:

There is a reason behind @Player J question about your CB team. CB is that sourse, that can suply you with steady income of crappy gear, useless brew and sometime even with useful stuff like books and shards on a daily basis.

Is there any chance to post here some shots from you team roster?  There may be some hidden gems of a champions in your Vault that may want to do some work for you. 

Hi Daering and all,

Here are the Champions that are currently 5* and could be useful in CB:


-Sepulcher Sentinel

-Frozen Banshee

-Royal Guard


-Turvold (still fresh from shard opening)

On my side, I looked at Tier lists of HH and ChoFly. It is very useful but sometimes, I think it is better to take a lower tier champs if the synergy is better...and I lack this view for CB/DRAGON/Spider.

Thanks !

Tayrel, FB, Sentinel, Altan - those are very good choice. They can form the core of your team. FB can't do the poison job by himself, but for rare she is just too good. 

Turvolt can pull good numbers too. Royal Guard is usefull early, maybe mid CB tier, later on you will find he can't keep up with others. 

About Dragon - do you have problem with the Boss or with the waves before him? Think about that and see what is your problem there. Did you lack cc control over waves, did you lack damage, survivability or something. It is about bad affinity team, low tier gear or something else. Observe how the battle evolves and you will find how to overcome that. 

Spider is tricky, maybe the hardest dungeon for most of the people. Until 15, 16 stage you can do it with just enough damage, but the last 3 or 4 stages just need more than big yellow numbers. There are maybe 2 main strategies there (there may be variations, but generaly they are two general ideas there) - nuke team, involving damage, based on enemy max hp and turn meter reduction, basicaly "hit fast, hit hard" and AoE hp burn with cc and turn meter reduction, the "stay alive until he dies" aproatch. This is very limited explanation, but otherwise it will take hours to explain it here. Better watch some videos, you will get better understanding and you can see if you can take one of those paths according to your roster. 

Thanks Daering!

May 25, 2020, 04:4105/25/20
Do you have Rhazin by any chance or Dracomorph?