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Worse with books

Worse with books

May 19, 2020, 07:0605/19/20

Worse with books

Hello all, I'd like to compile a list of champions that actually become worse on autoplay when their fully booked out. If anyone has any recommendations to this list please add with a short summary of why. I think this could be very beneficial to most if not all players!

May 19, 2020, 09:4305/19/20
May 19, 2020, 10:05(edited)

I think we need a little clarification here.

There are tree main benefits we can get from booking someone`s skill - increasing  damage output, increasing buff/debuff chance and lowering the CD.

Now, seems to me that increasing damage output can't have any drawback. I can't imagine the situation when i would`t like even little extra damage. Ice Gollem maybe? Don`t think so, If that extra damage proves to be your problem there, more likely you already have problem of dealing too much uncontrolled AoE there. So, i consider booking for increase damage good thing with no drawbacks. How efficient is that for that particular champion and is it worth it is completely different story.

The other two are not that easy to be classified as beneficial under every circumstances and they must be evaluated separately for each champion. My personal approach to this is:

1. I read the whole kit

2. Try to get the core idea of it

3. Mark that skill or skills for which i am that interested of that champion in the first place

4. Try to imagine how it will work like if this champion didn't interact with other party member (sometime helps me to decide do i need that Charged Focus mastery if i go Support tree. If the champion can`t benefit from Charged Focus mastery on his first move, he most likely can`t have his skills perfectly arranged later on. Most likely...)

5. Try to imagine how he should work when he is in my actual team (overall turn order, order of  skill usage and such)

6. Have a beer (not mandatory)

7. Make a decision

And here are some champions, that i think benefit from not lowering their CD or that may even cripple their performance. Those are based entirely on my personal evaluation and are as subjective as they can be. So... they are not rules to follow in any means. And there are some examples here, that do not fit entirely in the OP original post of the champions that get worst when booked, but i will mentioned them anyway.

Alure - the only reason I use her is for that A1 turn metter. I don`t care for her damage (tho her damage can be solid, but whatever) and i don`t care for her debuffs on her A2. I chose not to book her at all for the reasons mentioned and especially i didn` like the idea of lowering the CD of her A2. I wanted from her to use her A1 as often as possible and lowering the CD of her A2 interfered with that.

Occult Brawler - by reading his kit i get the feeling that not lowering the CD on his A2 is the right choice, so that by the time his A2 comes off CD he should have enough debuffs on him to get extra turn. Guess what - i have got really bad RNG and ended up lowering his A2 anyway. Man, i was so disappointing. Anyways, it turns out he really does not have time to build enough debuffs on him to get extra turn as my initial thoughts was. I think Mossbeard can fix that with ease, hehehe

Royal Guard - i ended up not booking him, because the only skill that makes him unique doesn`t have option for reduce the CD. Extra 20% damage does feels good improvement, but not enough to justify the roulette mini game when it comes to where the book will land. It may take from 4 to 12 books depends of how lucky you are and that was enough for me to make quick decision.

Rhazin - i ended up not lowering his A3, because i use him in my CB team and i think that lowering the CD of his A3 is not good idea for obvious reasons. If you use him in Arena or Dungeons that is completely different story .

Vrask - by booking his A2 and lowering that CD you actually make him to underperform. Should be pretty self explanatory.  

Hmm, can`t remember any more examples without actually take a look in my roster, that`s what i got from the top of my head

May 20, 2020, 11:0105/20/20

Chars where i wished i could remove a single book to NOT reduce their cooldown:

If he had his A2 heal not fully booked (on 4 turns cooldown) and his A3 3 fully booked (4 turn cooldown) you can have him ascleanser on the Cb on an autoplay team, running 4/3 Cb turns.

He'd be great!
Now he only is if you play him manually.


A2 should stay on a 4 turn cooldown, so it's the same as his A3s fully booked cooldown, so you can have him run 4/3 on Cb to autoplay there for an unkillable team.

Sandlashed survivor:

Run her 4/3 on the Cb, prolonging buffs with her not fully buffed A2, while handing ally protection on her fully booked A3.

Combos great with a 3/3 running Skullcrusher.

A2 cooldown on 2 turns = he does next to nothing but healing. But that#s not what He#s good for.
Do NOT reduce his A2s cooldown,keep it at 3 turns.
Reduce the A3s cooldown to 3 turns.
Now you cna put him on a Cb team running 3/3 turns, being your cleanser while buffing your teamdamage, the poison damag he deals should be offset with a counterattack-Champion though.

Rhazin, for the Cb:
Ger Her A2 down to 3 turns.
Ger her A3 only down to 6! turns, not to 5, else the cooldowns will collide.

Sethallias Ai is dumb too:
Ger her A2 only down to 3 turns cooldown, otherwise it will collide with her booked A3 cooldown, which will block her form useing her A3 every 6th turn.

Still say, we should be able to remove the book, or books from one single skill.
But they'd never allow that.

May 21, 2020, 05:3905/21/20

I think Aothar fits in to your theme.

You don't want Aothar to have his A3 cool down because he will use that move more in the fight which you don't want in Clan Boss.
May 21, 2020, 09:2405/21/20

Daering said: 

Alure - the only reason I use her is for that A1 turn metter. I don`t care for her damage (tho her damage can be solid, but whatever) and i don`t care for her debuffs on her A2. I chose not to book her at all for the reasons mentioned and especially i didn` like the idea of lowering the CD of her A2. I wanted from her to use her A1 as often as possible and lowering the CD of her A2 interfered with that.

Occult Brawler - by reading his kit i get the feeling that not lowering the CD on his A2 is the right choice, so that by the time his A2 comes off CD he should have enough debuffs on him to get extra turn. Guess what - i have got really bad RNG and ended up lowering his A2 anyway. Man, i was so disappointing. Anyways, it turns out he really does not have time to build enough debuffs on him to get extra turn as my initial thoughts was. I think Mossbeard can fix that with ease, hehehe

Royal Guard - i ended up not booking him, because the only skill that makes him unique doesn`t have option for reduce the CD. Extra 20% damage does feels good improvement, but not enough to justify the roulette mini game when it comes to where the book will land. It may take from 4 to 12 books depends of how lucky you are and that was enough for me to make quick decision.

Rhazin - i ended up not lowering his A3, because i use him in my CB team and i think that lowering the CD of his A3 is not good idea for obvious reasons. If you use him in Arena or Dungeons that is completely different story .

Vrask - by booking his A2 and lowering that CD you actually make him to underperform. Should be pretty self explanatory.  

Hmm, can`t remember any more examples without actually take a look in my roster, that`s what i got from the top of my head

Alure - exactly my approach to her

OB - got lucky to not book his A2 (the only book left for him, all other skill fully booked) - reasoning being CB poisoner role (use A1 as often as possible)

RG - had too many books at that point of time so i decided to try my luck - fully booked ultimate move (now sitting on 22 more epic books and no champ to use them on benefiting my rooster)

Rhazin - ended up fully booking him as he was mostly used in Dung. Tried swapping him in for OB, having BEK as the only poisoner - resulted in lesser dmg per key (no CA champ - speed comp)

Vrask - not sure how he under-performs by fully booked (as far as I remember A2 heals the same on crit as A1 does, and this is why you would ever use Vrask). 

- he was true champion by completing first boss in FW (at lv50, first iteration of FW that was tuned down twice later down the road), full team reached stage 7 boss, vrask kept them alive through constant provoke and slowly wearing down minions. eventually team died from unlucky rng / crits on boss attacks, vrask left 1 vs 1 with boss having 50% hp .... fight lasted for like 5 more minutes from that point on but i had my rare book ;]

May 21, 2020, 09:3405/21/20
ksthecr0w said:

Vrask - not sure how he under-performs by fully booked (as far as I remember A2 heals the same on crit as A1 does, and this is why you would ever use Vrask). 

Because of that 20% turn meter boost. On prolong fights this is huge gain.