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Next 6 Star and Other Advise

Next 6 Star and Other Advise

May 18, 2020, 20:5105/18/20

Next 6 Star and Other Advise

Hello all,

Still in my first month and half of playing the game and I find myself just 6 staring one champion after another. I got really lucky and was able to pull both Turvold and Ghostborn and they've been 6 starred. 

Right now I am working on my next 6 star, but don't know who to choose yet. Right now here are my top choices

Apothecary: I know he's one of the best rare characters in the game. He's nearly fully booked and I can see him being used until the late game. My only hang up is that I'm lacking a character that could solo 12-3 brutal.

Elhain - This is the only character I have at the moment that could be a 12-3 brutal farmer. Right now I am using Turvold with a Lifesteal set to farm 11-1 Brutal. I imagine he could do 12-3 at some point, but I am not there in terms of gear. Outside of her being a farmer, I don't know if she is the next best candidate to 6 star. She is also fully booked.

Reliquary Tenderer - She's fully booked and has some good gear. I know she's not top tear as far as rare characters, but so far she's been a really good character in dungeons. Again, not sure if she should be the next 6 star candidate.

Sinesha - I know she's a pretty good Epic and I see her a lot in Arena, but again it seems like Apothecary would be a better invest.

High Khutan - Speed Aura is nice, but doesn't seem like she should be my first choice.

Warmaiden - Finally got it and will probably level her up in the background. I know she's great in Arena, but it seems like Ghostborn already does what she can do. Worth the investment now or just five star her and call it a day?

I know the short answer is to level up all of these characters, but I would love feedback as to who should be next. Thank you!

May 18, 2020, 21:1105/18/20
And yes, I should proofread my posts a little more carefully. Should be advice, not advise....
May 18, 2020, 21:1405/18/20

I would advise against wasting *5 food/chicken on Elhain. She was my starter, and I dare say she is the best out of the four for early game, she really shined, and she still does pretty well at *5/50 in Faction Crypts, but if you get enough blue shards, you are bound to get Athel (my personal favourite) or Kael sooner or later. Those are the ones worth six-starring and are good farmers. You may even get someone better if you are lucky.

What are your *6 champions already? As many say here, giving us yourt full champion roster may enable people to provide advice. Maybe you already have some hidden gem you are sleeping on.

May 18, 2020, 21:2705/18/20

I have Turvold and Ghostborn already 6 starred.

Besides the candidates I listed in my previous post, here are some the ones I am sitting on:

Occult Brawler


Catacomb Councilor (not going to use him in the fusion, just don't have the time to do it)


Those are the only other ones worth mentioning. 


May 18, 2020, 22:2205/18/20

Why don't you try farming campaign with Ghostborn instead of Turvold? He has AOE attacks, should go much faster. You do definitely need somebody to farm 12-3, but I should think Ghostborn can do it. 

Both High Khatun and Apothecary can really do a lot of their work already at 5 star, taking them to 6 star isn't really urgent though you'd want to do so eventually. I would vote for Sinesha instead, who is amazing almost everywhere, near the top of my wishlist (or, well, the semi-realistic wishlist anyway). Reliquary Tender is considered among top ten or so rares I think, definitely a good champion to have. 

As for Warmaiden, don't think you even need to 5 star her, why would you ever use her when you've got Ghostborn who'll put the decrease defense while also increasing attack on the same ability... the only small advantage WM has is a 1 turn shorter cooldown on that decrease defense. But that's hardly enough to pick her over Ghostborn for your arena or any other team. 
May 19, 2020, 03:3305/19/20

I think you are right with High Khan and Apothecary not HAVING to be 6 starred as they seem to be doing what they do best already at 50. 

I've tried farming 12-3 brutal with Ghostborn and I just don't have the gear yet for him to make it through the last wave, same with Turvold, hence why I am farming 11-1 (not as much XP or silver as 12-3, but it's something). Once I get better gear, I will give him a shot again.

I think you may have convinced me on Sinesha. I know she's not great at Clan Boss, but rocks everywhere else. Maybe she should go ahead in the line.

What do others think? Thanks for all of your thoughts!