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FINALLY give us a way to remove books!

FINALLY give us a way to remove books!

May 18, 2020, 18:4905/18/20

FINALLY give us a way to remove books!

Oh the feeling, you got the hero you need for your clanboss setup!

You planned it all out so it can run as autoplay, as the job, the wife, the kids, in short - LIFE - leaves so little time to play!
So manually clicking away on the Cb is out of questions, as you'd need 2 of your 3 hours freetime/day just to click the rotation away!

And then THIS happens:

Sir Nic maxes his A2 skill (NOW 3 turn cooldown Ae+Shield) before maxing his Tem unkillable (maxed 4 turn cooldown)
Now he is unuseable for your autoplay-Cb Team, as he prefers the dumb AE above the unkillable, and the cooldowns (3 to 4 turns) now collide every 12th turn!
- Your setup is ruined! If you only could remove that last book from his A2!
But NOPE, it isn't possible, you just wasted 8 books to ruin your legi, which you can't use for your clanboss-autoplay team now.

A half year later you plan out another build, as the sandlashed survivor arrived!
But wait!
-A2 4 (3 maxed) turn cooldown to increase buff duration (Needs 4 Books!)
-And A3 (passive) 5 (4 maxed) turn cooldown to deliver a ally protection! (Needs 1! Book)
Great if you can get both on 4 turn cooldown, she'll fuit perfectly to the sepulcher sentinel!
And what are the odds your A2 will hit 4 books before your A hits one?!
-> Books invested, A2 maxed before A3 ever saw a Book: -> ANOTHER CHAMPION, and another plan, ruined.

OK! Back to square one!
This time it will work, Gruptuk Mossbear to the Rescue!
A2 cleanse 3 (2 maxed) turn cooldown
A3 AE-Team poison-dmg-buff 4 (3 maxed) turns coolwon.
- Now, if we get both to 3 turns one can actually USE him on the clanboss!
-- NOPE! A2 maxed before the cooldown of his A3 was ever touched!
And he is just as useless as Nick with a lower cooldown on His A2 than on his A3,
as he prefers the wrong skill as cooldowns collide!




Give us a way to finally remove, delete, or destroy, our books that we spend on our own heroes!
So we can finally save, and use, the heroes your dumb book-roulette destroyed!

Everywhere everybody is complaining they get too litte books, or to little heroes.

There is no point in ruining the little we got with that book-roulette!

I'd pay 1000 gems to just destroy the 8 legendary books that made my Nic useless (for my Cb teams)!
I'd pay the same 1000 gems to rescue my sandlashed survivor!
I'd actually even pay the 100 gems to make Gruptuk a little LESS dumb!

PLEASE give us a way to remove our books!
