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See stats of each arena defense champions

See stats of each arena defense champions

May 16, 2020, 23:5505/16/20

See stats of each arena defense champions

I am sure that developers know that users are frustrated with arena. I request an option to view the individual stats of the arena defense team. Randomly guessing which teams I can win against is too confusing. Displaying individual stats of each champion on the team I choose to battle will allow for better understanding and match up. For example : 

Choosing to battle a team with 100,000 power will include option to select each champion and view stats. So if I battle arena defense team with gorgorab, stag knight, kael, and martyr i can view how that power is distributed. So it would look like: 

Kael: 18,000 

Spd- 150

Atk- 1800

Def- 1200 and so on. Then the same option for viewing other champions on that arena team.


Spd- 172

Atk- 2400

Def- 1800 ...

Gorgorab: 25,000

Spd stat

Atk stat

Def stat and etc.

Stag knight: 25,000 

Stat 1



Now I can see how this team power is distributed and how it adds up to 100,00.

Not revealing stats is frustrating and confusing. With stats hidden and unknown it is unclear why a user was defeated. 

May 17, 2020, 07:0805/17/20
May 17, 2020, 07:10(edited)

Sure - It could be awesome seeing all there stats + gear.

I know other games which allow players to see the enemies gear.

However, I do think there will be some players in the community upset with the above thing.

Some players like to keep there builds secret from others.

I, personally, wouldn't mind.

I think it would be great.
May 17, 2020, 09:3205/17/20

On the negative side - imo, it will remove a tactical aspekt of arena.

On the positive side it appeals to my curiousity. Its fun to see how other people build there champions. So despite im against the reasoning for the suggestion im actaully positive about the solution.
May 17, 2020, 15:0205/17/20
Also, the defender is not actively playing the tram whereas the attacker has the choice. I am for keeping things hidden as with experience you can guess at what they're using and you can plan your attack accordingly by focussing on the champion who poses the highest threat. 
May 17, 2020, 16:0805/17/20
May 17, 2020, 16:09(edited)

My thoughts about that combine points from those last post above main.

First, defender is in disadvantage here and by revealing all his stats will further extend that 

Second, that uncertancy add to that tactical aspect that otherwise will just comes to click, evaluate the result and then run or canel the battle. 

I am sure my post is total mess in grammar   and all, but I hope you can get the idea. 😂