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Arbiter Mission

Arbiter Mission

May 16, 2020, 11:4605/16/20

Arbiter Mission

How come everything in the Arbiter mission is retro and not the ascension part? I just ascended like 3 champs to lvl6 ascension to find out I got to level 4 new champs to 6 star then ascend them to complete the quests. WTF. Done with the BS.
May 16, 2020, 11:4805/16/20

Absorb206 said:

How come everything in the Arbiter mission is retro and not the ascension part? I just ascended like 3 champs to lvl6 ascension to find out I got to level 4 new champs to 6 star then ascend them to complete the quests. WTF. Done with the BS.

Not everything is retroactive there.

Potions from dungeons, specific set pieces from Campaign, Arena battles, beating dungeon bosses or getting pieces of some specific sets, and some others are not retroactive.
May 16, 2020, 12:2605/16/20

At least give me option to clear the ascension on my current champs I’ll farm the potions again but no way in hell I am leveling a crap champ to 60 to get the quest done. For instance I don’t have a good spirit champion I want to waste time/energy getting up to 6 stars it’s a waste. This game is too limited on options for its players. I can’t even throw away a champion without wasting a small amount of silver to feed. Don’t let me sell uncommon for chump change? Fine but don’t make me waste silver to dispose of them (I’ll be happy to just have the damn delete button in the tavern). That’s way too limited.

Oh let me continue ranting while I’m pissed. These developers are nerds that don’t know how to socialize or what? The chat system + clan chat system needs a rework. Chat system should give players an option to combine clan chat with world chat (make it different colors) you know so players can interact with others easier. Because like all things in life, more socializing and competition makes things more enjoyable.

Make recruiting people for clans easier with a page where people who needs a clan can “sell themselves” and clan leaders could send invites with comments advertising their clans. It helps out the lower clans a lot.

Make RNG better by rewarding people who pull, for instance, 100 ancients shards a blue broken shard or something each pull that they can trade in the new and improved market. That way people will actually buy the overpriced sacred shards to work towards something they want. You can make it where blue shards drops blue broken shards and purple drops purple broken shards etc.

I got lots more but tired of ranting. FINALLY retro the damn quests for Arbiter where we have no control over. Potions I get you can’t keep track of that, but ascension wise if you don’t let me clear my ascension then #^%#%^% let it be retroactive or I’m done I quit this BS game.

May 16, 2020, 18:5805/16/20
Absorb206 said:

How come everything in the Arbiter mission is retro and not the ascension part? I just ascended like 3 champs to lvl6 ascension to find out I got to level 4 new champs to 6 star then ascend them to complete the quests. WTF. Done with the BS.
Yeah I just posted about this same exact issue. It's painful but try to level a champ you can use for faction wars at least. They aren't going to let us re-ascend because that would basically be letting us save resources, whereas they make money by us needing resources and getting impatient. I wish they would be it's unlikely :(