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Masteries Guidance Needed

Masteries Guidance Needed

May 13, 2020, 01:0105/13/20

Masteries Guidance Needed

I'm already mid-end game (only needing to finish half nightmare left), but I'm now building my Arena, Campaign, and Clan Boss teams. As I am a F2P player I'm trying to be smart on the usage of energy and strategize who to upgrade first. I have some basics on level 60 already (Kael, Athel, Bellower) and I now have Lyssandra, Tayrel and Apothecary on level 50. Before getting them to level 60 I'm focusing on their masteries and was wondering who do you guys recommend to have their masteries maxed first? Lyssandra, Tayrel or Apothecary (I'm more inclined on Tayrel vs Apothecary but thought on throwing a third option to spice it up (??)). The other 3 already have their masteries full and are fully ascended.

Would love some opinions on this!

May 13, 2020, 05:4405/13/20

Have you reached stage 5 of your Challenges / Champions?

If not, be sure to do so before you start making any 6* champions. You will need to make a 6* with Force, Magic, and Spirit affinity, and I do not think they will count retrospectively.
May 13, 2020, 06:1005/13/20
WatchdogCZ said:

Have you reached stage 5 of your Challenges / Champions?

If not, be sure to do so before you start making any 6* champions. You will need to make a 6* with Force, Magic, and Spirit affinity, and I do not think they will count retrospectively.
I have reached level 5 but unfortunately I already had 3 6* by then, but I still have plenty of the types that need to be rank 6 of the requested types. My point was more aimed to know which of the 3 champions mentioned should I focus on upgrading masteries first
May 13, 2020, 06:2505/13/20
I say Tayrel because Tayrel is amazing.
May 13, 2020, 18:1005/13/20
Focus on your main support first, Lyssandra or Apothecary, then go to Tayrel. If you’re wondering what to do still, you can check out their ratings at
May 13, 2020, 20:3905/13/20
Destroyer39 said:

Focus on your main support first, Lyssandra or Apothecary, then go to Tayrel. If you’re wondering what to do still, you can check out their ratings at
I have checked the 3 of them in Ayumilove, and I agree that while I've heard great things about Tyrel, I am in real need of good support for my Arena right now. I currently have Lyssandra in it but I was thinking on replacing her for Apothecary. What do you think?
May 13, 2020, 21:4905/13/20

federicocelina said:

still, you can check out their ratings at Ayumilove.netI have checked the 3 of them in Ayumilove, and I agree that while I've heard great things about Tyrel, I am in real need of good support for my Arena right now. I currently have Lyssandra in it but I was thinking on replacing her for Apothecary. What do you think?

Replacing Lyssandra for Apothecary is big no no for me. As good as Apo is, and i really like him, he can't compare with Lyssandra in Arena. He can't beat her aura, those  24% speed is a huge factor, Apo's turn meter manipulation compared to her A3 is just silly and, believe it or not not, Lyssandra can oneshot ppl with her A2 better than half of the so called attack champions (if you can or want to develop her for damage. But speed is still her main priority) .

In strait comparison between those two, there can't be any competition, really. Since you use Lyssandra in Arena, you most likely have some sort of speed based team, not some defense/sustain heavy set up. In that case Lyssandra over Apo any day.

May 13, 2020, 22:0605/13/20

Upgrading supports to max level + max masteries first is a bad mistake.

Support champions can function at lower levels & several of them don't need full masteries a lot of the time.

Damage Dealing champions are what you should always max out first in terms of level + masteries.

Damage Dealing champions will do garbage hits if they are not high level.

I can even prove the above logic with an example:

Lets say I run an Arena team with the following: 

  • 2 Support heroes  -----> Lyssandra + Spirithost
  • 2 Damage heroes -----> Tayrel + Skullcrown

The heroes can move in the following order:

Lyssandra (Turn Meter) ---> Spirithost (Increase Attack) ----> Tayrel (Defense Down) ----> Skullcrown (AOE Nuke)

Lets say I make the Supports heroes max level 60 + Full Masteries

Lets say I keep the Damage heroes at level 1 + No Masteries

Try to image the following:

Lyssandra (lvl 60) ---> Spirithost (lvl 60) ----> Tayrel (lvl 1) ----> Skullcrown (lvl 1)

Now the question:

Are you going to win the above fight? No

The heroes who are supposed to kill the enemy team are to low of a level to deal any damage.

The Support heroes despite being maxed out are merely spinning there wheels in an endless circle.

The Enemy with no threat from your team will eventually win.


Now flip the scenario around

Lets say I keep the Supports heroes at level 1 + No Masteries

Lets say I make the Damage heroes max level 60 + Full Masteries 

Try to image the following: 

Lyssandra (lvl 1) ---> Spirithost (lvl 1) ----> Tayrel (lvl 60) ----> Skullcrown (lvl 60)

Now the question: 

Are you going to win the above fight? Yes

The Support heroes at level 1 can still function at that level.

There only job is to go first + do a buff to your team.

They can accomplish all of that at level 1.

And when your Damage Dealers have a turn - They will completely wipe out the enemy team.

May 13, 2020, 22:2205/13/20

Player J said:

Upgrading supports to max level + max masteries first is a bad mistake.

Support champions can function at lower levels & several of them don't need full masteries a lot of the time.

Damage Dealing champions are what you should always max out first in terms of level + masteries.

Damage Dealing champions will do garbage hits if they are not high level.

I can even prove the above logic with an example:

Lets say I run an Arena team with the following: 

  • 2 Support heroes  -----> Lyssandra + Spirithost
  • 2 Damage heroes -----> Tayrel + Skullcrown

The heroes can move in the following order:

Lyssandra (Turn Meter) ---> Spirithost (Increase Attack) ----> Tayrel (Defense Down) ----> Skullcrown (AOE Nuke)

Lets say I make the Supports heroes max level 60 + Full Masteries

Lets say I keep the Damage heroes at level 1 + No Masteries

Try to image the following:

Lyssandra (lvl 60) ---> Spirithost (lvl 60) ----> Tayrel (lvl 1) ----> Skullcrown (lvl 1)

Now the question:

Are you going to win the above fight? No

The heroes who are supposed to kill the enemy team are to low of a level to deal any damage.

The Support heroes despite being maxed out are merely spinning there wheels in an endless circle.

The Enemy with no threat from your team will eventually win.


Now flip the scenario around

Lets say I keep the Supports heroes at level 1 + No Masteries

Lets say I make the Damage heroes max level 60 + Full Masteries 

Try to image the following: 

Lyssandra (lvl 1) ---> Spirithost (lvl 1) ----> Tayrel (lvl 60) ----> Skullcrown (lvl 60)

Now the question: 

Are you going to win the above fight? Yes

The Support heroes at level 1 can still function at that level.

There only job is to go first + do a buff to your team.

They can accomplish all of that at level 1.

And when your Damage Dealers have a turn - They will completely wipe out the enemy team.

I agree with this 100%, but my damage champions (which at the moment are Kael and Athel) are fully leveled and full masteries already, I even have Bellower (which a weird "support" type) fully leveled and full masteries. I just now have these 3 Lyssandra, Tayrel and Apothecary to the point were any of them can go to 6* but I want to get to the masteries in the meantime cause I need either an extra support or an extra damage  in Arena for sure.

Apothecary looks like a great option mostly because when fully booked his skills have pretty low cool downs so that provides great constant buffs, but then the point made above about lyssandra is true, and her A2 used on the right Champion in arena can give you a great advantage.

Tayrel is also a very tanky option, although his cool downs are not very friendly and it takes A LOT of books to have him fully booked.
May 13, 2020, 22:5605/13/20

You should absolutely, no question about it, put any rare skill books you get into Apothecary until you get the cooldown reductions on his heal and his speed/TM boost. But that's something else than masteries or being at max level, which are less important for him. 

Your three options are a rare, epic and legendary respectively, so anyway no need to choose between them when it comes to skill books. 
May 14, 2020, 00:1505/14/20
L9753 said:

You should absolutely, no question about it, put any rare skill books you get into Apothecary until you get the cooldown reductions on his heal and his speed/TM boost. But that's something else than masteries or being at max level, which are less important for him. 

Your three options are a rare, epic and legendary respectively, so anyway no need to choose between them when it comes to skill books. 
Yeah the skill books is a different area that I have less control over because is not something I can directly acquire in any dungeon. That's why my question was more aimed to: which of the 3 should I go full mastery first?