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Clan Boss and The Unfair Time Zone Problem

Clan Boss and The Unfair Time Zone Problem

May 8, 2020, 16:0705/08/20

Clan Boss and The Unfair Time Zone Problem

As everyone knows, the clan boss gains significant power when his health drops below 50%.  Since the boss resets in the middle of the night, people on the West Coast are at a huge disadvantage.  I can survive much longer when the boss has more than 50% health, and thus do more damage and get better rewards.  Unfortunately, even though I get up early (6:00 AM) PST, the boss I face already has less than 50% health, since all my East Coast clan members have already used their 2 keys.  A system that disadvantages players based solely on where they happen to live seems very unfair to me.

May 8, 2020, 16:3205/08/20

It's a common issue for an online game. :)

Sadly, there's nothing we can do. 

May 8, 2020, 18:5705/08/20
I respectfully disagree.  I have played many online games without such a significant disadvantage to players based on time zone, especially since this is one of the primary ways in which players can earn daily rewards.  I also disagree that there is nothing that can be done.  Plarium clearly employs creative folks who often think outside the box (and are much smarter than I am).  But even off the top of my head, I can come up with a few different (rough-draft) ideas such as a having a rotating re-spawn time, having the additional enhancements happen after a certain number of turns instead of boss health, having the downed infinity-boss be the regular (non-enhanced) version, etc.  Don't give up on trying to fix something that is clearly unfair, just because it's tough to figure out a solution.
May 9, 2020, 01:5305/09/20
Kellin said:

As everyone knows, the clan boss gains significant power when his health drops below 50%.  Since the boss resets in the middle of the night, people on the West Coast are at a huge disadvantage.  I can survive much longer when the boss has more than 50% health, and thus do more damage and get better rewards.  Unfortunately, even though I get up early (6:00 AM) PST, the boss I face already has less than 50% health, since all my East Coast clan members have already used their 2 keys.  A system that disadvantages players based solely on where they happen to live seems very unfair to me.

When the CB changes affinity, change your team!  You need a different team for each affinity.
May 9, 2020, 23:1105/09/20
Angwil, my post is not about CB strategy.  It’s about an unfair disadvantage based solely on time zone.  Imagine if Plarium said the Dragon will be twice as difficult for those players living on the East Coast?  Seriously, there must be a solution to this.
May 9, 2020, 23:3905/09/20
May 9, 2020, 23:42(edited)
Change clans, yw
May 10, 2020, 01:1605/10/20
May 10, 2020, 01:22(edited)

I think you are wrong.

What if your team is all Force Affinity heroes.

At over 50% health, The Clan Boss will be Void.

You will do neutral damage.

At under 50% health, The Clan Boss could be Magic

You will be at a huge advantage in damage.

Your team in this situation would deal more damage + stay alive longer vs. Magic Affinity.

This means you can't say you are at an Unfair situation.

You say you are in an unfair time zone problem, but just gave an example.

The example shows you are in favorable time zone situation!

Do you deny that the affinity change can help your team?

May 10, 2020, 06:0905/10/20

Player J, when the boss’s health drops below 50%, it’s not just a simple matter of changing affinity, but rather his power grows significantly.  His attacks have a chance to ignore defense (one of the most powerful abilities in the game), and he gains new buffs/debuffs.  The reasoning behind increasing his power at 50% is to make it much harder for the clan to down the boss and get the double reward bonus.  So, no, I would happily take a boss over 50% health.

Trips, I like my clan.  Having to choose between my clan and getting a better reward just doesn’t make any sense to me.
May 10, 2020, 11:1805/10/20

Kellin said:

As everyone knows, the clan boss gains significant power when his health drops below 50%.  Since the boss resets in the middle of the night, people on the West Coast are at a huge disadvantage.  I can survive much longer when the boss has more than 50% health, and thus do more damage and get better rewards.  Unfortunately, even though I get up early (6:00 AM) PST, the boss I face already has less than 50% health, since all my East Coast clan members have already used their 2 keys.  A system that disadvantages players based solely on where they happen to live seems very unfair to me.

The solution is actually very simple, The game should restart the CB each 25h or each 23h instead than 24. This way the advantage/dissavantage will eventually hit all time zones.

May 10, 2020, 11:2005/10/20
I think Kellin is totally right, the example is not only in clan Boss, how many people are complaining because of the weekly reset in arena depends where you live can caught you sleeping? So many people can't go further and try to enter in platinum, this example and what Kellin example was saying it can be fixed that easy with a simple rotation on the time, so everyone could be happy?
May 10, 2020, 12:3705/10/20

Dragonslump said:

The solution is actually very simple, The game should restart the CB each 25h or each 23h instead than 24. This way the advantage/dissavantage will eventually hit all time zones.

Wow, this is actually genious. I am most of the time sceptical about people giveing suggestions left and right, but this sounds actually like real solution.

I am not the one that will complain about reset time, even that some resets are happen around 2 hour after midnight in my time zone but this may be pretty elegant solution to those that are unhappy with reset time. 
May 11, 2020, 07:2705/11/20
Dragon, that’s brilliant!  Thank you for showing how easily it can be done.
May 16, 2020, 05:0405/16/20
How about setting it up so that your first two keys battle the regular CB and any subsequent keys that day battle the enhanced CG?  The CB is arguably the best way to win books and shards.  This is not a minor part of the game, but rather a huge, daily part of the game.  Why not put some thought into trying to correct this clear geographic imbalance?