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Fix the new tournaments please

Fix the new tournaments please

May 8, 2020, 12:2505/08/20

Fix the new tournaments please

Dear developers

Thank you for the improved communication with content creators and community as a whole, you're obvious moving in the right direction and that's very much appreciated.

That being said, the new tournament is going to trigger a huge backlash and I want to offer a quick fix solution.

The problem:

Until now Dragon tournament has been great, we all need to farm it and no matter where a player is at in the game they can fight and get some level of rewards, however the latest update has alienated the majority of the player base. Only those with ridiculous rosters can get rewards from the tourney, and farming at a lower difficulty to match requirements is pointless, as we all try to fight the highest stage possible for the sweat sweat 6 star gear.


Revert the tourney like it was before so everyone can compete, and add "extra points" for people who use all rares, etc. For example, a player who defeats lvl20 and gets a particular artifact receives 22 points, if the player was using same faction champs receives 2 extra points, if the player was using all rares receives 5 extra points, if the player uses only rares from the same faction the effect is compounded and receives 2x5=10 extra points. That way longtime players and whales can get more points and reach higher level rewards, and everyone else can get some stuff too.

Enhanced solution, see below ideas that will make the tourneys more enjoyable in future updates:

- Get extra points for particular combos (i.e. use 1 uncommon in party, do not stun any enemies in the run, use at least 2 dwarves in party, get extra point if winning in less than 2 minutes, fight with 4 champs only, etc). That will improve massively theory crafting, as people may decide to use 3 super strong champs with 1 uncommon to get a combo reward from that, and someone else might decide to go with all rares instead, etc

- Tourney info to be known at least one month in advance, a calendar of sorts with tourneys coming up, rewards and requirements, that way people can prepare for them, lvl up champs, etc

- infinite rewards: uncapped rewards, so when the player has reached the top reward still gets more stuff, like 50 gems every additional 1,000 tournament points, or an energy refill or something

- Add more "dangling carrot" rewards: in tournaments, instead of having huge gaps of 2k points between reward milestones, make it easier, like every 500 points you get 50 energy, or 10 gems or something

- Add reward by number of battles, whether won or lost. For example for each 100 battles during the tournament in total no matter won or lost, and no matter the stage, you get 1 relentless piece, or some gems, etc. That way even new players are incentivised to do more runs and get some rewards that will help with progress

- Acquire a new tournament currency players can use to buy stuff at a tournament market

- Add a new mastery-like feature, where champs used in tournaments can acquire tournament experience and permanently unlock new perks, like increased def, acc, permanent lifesteal % on all attacks, etc That way people will be inclined to use set ups they would not normally run to get some champs to improve their skills

- Make the accomplishments mean something clan-wise, like when enough tournament points have been acquired by guild members there's an extra reward in clanboss chests

I hope you like some of those ideas.

All the best

May 8, 2020, 16:4205/08/20


Thanks for your suggestion. :)