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Speed in the Arena

Speed in the Arena

May 7, 2020, 20:5605/07/20

Speed in the Arena

I am having an issue where I check the arena team that I’m up against and every one of my guys has a higher speed than my opponents, but they almost always go first. I even add skullcrown for the 23% speed boost and still they go first. Any idea why this is? When looking at the opponents’ speed, does it not factor in the boost they get from their accessories? That’s the only thing of which I can think, but that would be a pretty stupid way for the creators to set it up. Thanks. 
May 7, 2020, 21:2005/07/20
Hey, thanks for reaching out, currently there is no way to see the speed levels of the champions on the other team. If you are looking at team power however, that is actually a combination of all of the opponents champions stats combined. This however doesn't determine there speed.
May 7, 2020, 21:3005/07/20
Thanks for your response. Is there any discussion of changing that? Doesn’t make sense to show deceiving information like that. Each stat should be the champion’s full rating. 
May 7, 2020, 21:5805/07/20
You only see the base stats, not what is added with gear. Focus on upgrading your speed with gear. Speed is probably the most important stat to upgrade. Make your team faster and you will see benefits in dungeons and CB as well.
May 7, 2020, 22:1905/07/20

It would be way too easy for the attacker if they could fully analyze the defender's exact stats before starting the fight, and adjust their own team accordingly. Hence the only thing you can see is the opponents champions' level and ascension progress. 

That being said, if you attack such a team and lose, but you notice some weak spots along the way, nothing stops you from trying again, with the same four champions or with some adjustments, and then maybe win the second time because of what you learned the first time. I strongly recommend doing that, you learn a lot about the arena that way, unless you are really torn to pieces on the first go and don't see any plausible way of doing better on the second attempt.