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Does Rotos' A2 need accuracy to land?

Does Rotos' A2 need accuracy to land?

May 7, 2020, 13:0605/07/20

Does Rotos' A2 need accuracy to land?

My apologies if this question has already been settled, I could not find a post on it. I did a search on the web and found diverging answers to this question. Reddit has diverging answers on it at least (it is very unclear, and people have different opinions on it, and it is not settled once and for all)

His A2 (HP steal from opposition) seems to fail now and then. I have not prioritized accuracy on him so far, so I have 70 accuracy on him. Most of the times his A2 does land, but sometimes it seems to fail. But then again, a debuff can fail no matter what accuracy you have. I know his A2 is not a debuff, but as some have pointed out on Reddit then “turn meter reduction, put skills on cooldown” etc. are not debuffs either, yet they are requiring accuracy to land.

It would be nice to have someone from Plarium to answer, so we could get an answer without any doubt.

May 7, 2020, 15:0805/07/20

Hey, from what we have been told Rotos doesn't require accuracy to land his a2. The reason why it may seem like its not landing is because a known visual bug exists with Rotos a2 at the moment.. The HP is increased but not visibly, making the illusion of Rotos skill not working.