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Pop-up warning from permanent fusions is a joke

Pop-up warning from permanent fusions is a joke

May 6, 2020, 19:1205/06/20

Pop-up warning from permanent fusions is a joke

So we have a training event and you think let me level up some champions with my uncommons.

Hey what is this - a game warning, i must be doing something stupid so I better read this warning carefully before making an informed decision.

"This champion can be used to fuse another champion. Are you sure you want to sacrifice this champion"

ehm what??!. Yes im quite sure I wanna sacrifice "hardscale". Ive done it a million times already.

All irony aside - pls change it so we get no warning from permanent fusions or something of that nature.

May 6, 2020, 19:2005/06/20

a warning from fusions of any type is fine. As long as it isn't one we have already done.

That's when I think it gets annoying.
May 6, 2020, 19:2405/06/20
Well I dont really agree, would kind of force everyone to fuse bad champions atleast once, like broadmaw. And I would guess other permanent fusions will come eventually increasing the number of warnings you dont care about. Ultimately making users ignore warnings - which is a thing you really has to be careful about when making It-systems.
May 6, 2020, 19:3205/06/20

You know, I have read many complains about this and that, but that one... I don't know what to think. You complain about game warning you? 🤔

I don't know, maybe I missed something here. 
May 6, 2020, 19:4505/06/20
Obviously this would get a bit annoying for the uncommons you need for Broadmaw, but I definitely don't think they should disable the warning on all champions required for permanent fusions. If the warning stops me from sacrificing one (non-farmable) rare or epic needed for Rhazin or even Justiciar-Relickeeper, that would be worth getting regular useless warnings about the uncommons. 
May 6, 2020, 20:0805/06/20

Well the philosophy about pop-up warnings is quite researched. Dont display them too often because the users start to ignore them.

About exactly which champions they should warn about is ofcourse debatable. Do you want to annoy all players that have played for more than 4 months and dont want relic keeper and broadmaw forever, in order to please f2p that have played less than 4 months?

I would be surprised if it is the latter for two reasons. Firstly you annoy what i am guessing is 95% of the playerbase. Secondly you annoy the part of the playerbase that influence your income.

Remember players still have the option to lock champions they dont want to sacrifice. There are other solutions besides my suggestion.

It could also be something you tick off- on the fusion itself. Tick here if you are interested in this fusion and want warnings when sacrificing required champions? would be fine for me. I would even be fine with it being a generel setting. Do you want fusion sacrifce warnings?

For me it would be a sure no with the current implementation.

I will be honest. I thought it was a good idea when I first read about and it probaly still is. I think it is an awful implementation after experiencing it. Just think of all those diabolist warnings we are going to get. I sure hope there wont come a fusion that includes incubus.