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Server Downtime Needs to Stop Deciding Tournaments

Server Downtime Needs to Stop Deciding Tournaments

May 6, 2020, 16:0305/06/20

Server Downtime Needs to Stop Deciding Tournaments

I needed a legendary book, and I finally had a bracket that was reasonably competitive in the latest Champion Training tournament. I decided to go for. I have 600+ brews, dozens of chickens, 4k+ gems, and plenty of champions saved. I adjusted my real-life schedule and sleep to be awake when the tournament ended (why events don't goddamn end at a reasonable time for players instead of 2 AM is another axe to grind).

I was in first place, with a comfortable lead, when the servers went down. Even if my opponent had snuck in a few more points, or there was a bit of a sync issue, it shouldn't have been close. Or so I thought.

Apparently, log-in was only down for some people, and 2nd place was able to easily pass me and secure the legendary book.

As you all know, legendary books are extremely hard to get in this game. Plarium's shitty servers are deciding tournaments, and they won't do anything about it. This is now the second time this has happened to me, and last time we didn't even get compensation. I'm guessing this time is going to be the same.

I've tried everything I can. I stopped spending on the game. I've tried providing feedback. I've tried talking to content creators. I tried a rating on the app store. Plarium just doesn't seem to care. It stuns me at how bad Plarium is with their community compared to other game developers, especially when you think about how much money Plarium makes.

I'm glad I didn't spend more on this game. I don't understand how a team that put together such a promising game is so utterly terrible at logistics and management.

I'm taking a break, but frankly I don't expect to be back.

May 6, 2020, 16:3905/06/20
Same happened to me. Bullsh!t
May 6, 2020, 20:2605/06/20

Stop mocking those people Valdys.

Everybody knows that plarium doesnt give a flying eff about tickets. 99% of all tickets dont get a respond at all.

Ive experienced this myself and people are talking about that since beta (lol this game never left beta ...)

Plus he wants to quit because theres so much wrong with this game and u are suggesting him to write a ticket?

Like for real?

This again is a strong sign of disconnection between plarium and the players.

Plarium just doesnt give a damn about anything, especially not about (good) player suggestions.

Shame on you.

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

I'm sorry to hear that, you can submit a ticket here: