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Locked forum

May 5, 2020, 11:2805/05/20

Locked forum

Why is almost your whole forum locked Plarium?

I'd love to put this in suggestions but no...I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to put the "win 4* artifacts" as part of the challenges?

2500+ energy and counting trying to get 4* boots with hp%...this is the most ridiculous challenge all for a useless item just to progress my challenge bottleneck. A pointless waste of time and money!

May 5, 2020, 12:3705/05/20
May 5, 2020, 16:46(edited)

Yes...I am posting in relation to my bad RNG....but this is what can happen when you design a system like this Plarium.

not one of those has hp %. 3000+ Energy spent. Please....take note.

*EDIT*.....just hit 3500 energy.....
May 5, 2020, 14:3305/05/20

They should really make clearer that new players shouldn't focus too much on these progress missions. Everybody sees the legendary at the end so wants to move through the progress missions as quickly as possible, but that's really not the way to go. You won't get there until you've reached the end-game anyway (at which point a free Arbiter is nice but not game-changing as it would've been if you could actually get it in the first few months of playing). So along the way you shouldn't focus on the missions unless they align with something that helps you in other ways too. 

In this case, you should be leveling up your food champions in order to get your starter up to level 60, or your next main champions if the starter is already there. Considering the progress mission, you can do the leveling up in a stage dropping boots - but the leveling up is what's important, not the progress mission. 

The biggest bottlenecks in the progress missions, in my opinion, are actually the arena ones which require many hundreds and eventually thousands of arena victories - but then, you do need those arena victories to get to the end game, because you won't be strong enough if you don't properly develop your Great Hall bonuses.  

May 5, 2020, 15:1805/05/20


Thanks for your feedback. Next time use a more "suitable" form. :)

By the way, L9753 is right. 

May 5, 2020, 17:0105/05/20
May 5, 2020, 18:40(edited)

I understand what L9753 is saying....however none of it applies to me. I'm not a new player, just never saw fit to post on the forums so don't let that fool you. Do you think i'd have over 4000 energy if I didn't commit money to this game? 

I'm pointing out a poorly designed bottleneck in an area of the game I am WELL beyond. I have 60's. I took the advice and didn't focus on any of that stuff to begin with and focused on my food and leveling up. I decided now would be a good time to go back and get those done. 

Now maybe my OCD isn't letting me leave it alone but the point still stands that it IS a terrible bottleneck that in my mind serves no purpose other than to make sure you dump thousands of energy into a pointless goal.

*EDIT* - 4394 energy on this pursuit when I could've been farming Brutal 12-3. Thanks for putting my account back about 2 months Plarium.