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Good Defensive Teams?

Good Defensive Teams?

Apr 30, 2020, 06:4704/30/20

Good Defensive Teams?

Hey guys, 

I’m a mid game player looking for some help building a good defensive focused team. I have a bunch of rares and epics that do defense based damage as well as Frost King and Skull Lord. I’ve always enjoyed the tank roll and was wondering if anyone knew of any good Dungeon and Arena teams that primarily revolve or completely use defensive champs? 

(Side note I have almost the rares in the game, most are not leveled and stashed in the valt. I also have champs like Sandlashed Survivor and Speculer Sentinel that have defense auras that can be used anywhere as well as a few that have Dungeon and Arena specific auras as well) 

Any thoughts, comments or advice are welcomed!

Apr 30, 2020, 07:0504/30/20
Screenshot with your roster would be helpfull. Our crystal balls can't handle that :) 
Apr 30, 2020, 07:3604/30/20
Uploaded! Although my question wasn't limited to my roster. I would like to know if anyone has found success using primarily or solely defense based champs in the areas I mentioned.
Apr 30, 2020, 10:4404/30/20

afbear55 said:

Uploaded! Although my question wasn't limited to my roster. I would like to know if anyone has found success using primarily or solely defense based champs in the areas I mentioned.

Yes. I use sustain/defense in arena and dungeon.  Gold4 and dragon20/golem20.

For dragon/golem. 1 poisoner (brawler 4 me) plus 4 sustain.  For me it was apothecary, gorgorab, zelotah and grizzled jarl I believe. 

These were 15 minute runs, with better gear and masteries it is probably half that with same group. Though I mix in others to see what is faster. Others I used doompriest, skullcrusher, and a couple other I added later.

Arena: zelotah (lead) gorgorab skullcrusher jarl 

Apr 30, 2020, 10:4604/30/20
Gorgorab is your next 60
Apr 30, 2020, 12:0004/30/20

Yes, defense based Arena team is a thing and those that are build with understanding are real pain to deal with.

But most of them are build around specific champ (Oh, hello Siphi! Nice to see you, Tormin!) or specific mechanic like CA, strong CC or just combination of big healh pool, shield set/s, stacked resistance and overall sustain, for example. Its not enough to just pick all your good defence based champions and call it "defence team".  There must be some basic idea you will build upon.  And its called that way not because you use defence based champions, but because of the concept itself. 

You have good champions for sure and you have some realy, really good one (and steady pull of dupes too:)), but I can't see combination that may work. If that was my roster, I will prefere speed team for Arena or some mix that will still rely on speed to set its defense/buffs up.