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Stuck on campaign, advice requested!

Stuck on campaign, advice requested!

Apr 28, 2020, 10:3804/28/20

Stuck on campaign, advice requested!

Hey guys! Feel like I’m spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere.  I am currently stuck on campaign and can’t get the the brutal life steal farming area.  I also have 800 gems saved up.  Would you recommend masteries on Athel or Bellower?  

I want to get to 12-3 so that I can start farming reliably (I hear it’s the best!)

Thanks for any help and hope you are all doing well and healthy!

I’ll try to upload a screenshot when I can, it seems to keep failing upload.

Athel stats - still failing on upload even with link.

Bellower stats.

Apr 28, 2020, 10:4804/28/20


Athel needs more HP and crit dmg, 

Bellower needs crit rate, crit damage, atk... almost everything.
Apr 28, 2020, 10:5804/28/20

You'll definitely need Athel/Bellower at level 60 to farm, in addition to having the right gear. 

Also, do I remember correctly that Warpriest's heal is only single target before you ascend her? If so, definitely ascend her so you get the AOE heal, unless you find some better healer. Not relevant for farming but certainly for progressing in the campaign to the point where you can farm.  
Apr 28, 2020, 11:5204/28/20

Thanks for the replies guys!

Yeah Warpriests heal is single - I’ll work on ascending her.  

I consolidated most of my best gear on to Athel to try to make her more efficient solo so I could raise food.  I’ll work on farming more gear for her and Bellower.

Do you guys think I should put the 800 towards the masteries? Or save it for energy or something else?

Thanks again!
Apr 28, 2020, 13:0104/28/20

Kanakattax said:

Do you guys think I should put the 800 towards the masteries? Or save it for energy or something else?

Opinions are divided on that one... well, if you plan to regularly buy  gems so you don't need to be too careful about spending them, then definitely unlocking all masteries at once on your starter champion will help you a lot. But if you're f2p or planning to spend very little, it's more difficult to say. You get a lot of gems for free early on, but later not so much, other than the 10 per day for daily quests and occasionally from daily login rewards. 

The top level masteries are must-haves for end-game content to maximize your damage and survivability against high level clan boss or dungeon bosses, increase/extend your most important buffs and debuffs and so on, but early on they don't necessarily make that much difference, and the starter level masteries are easily unlocked with a limited number of minotaur runs. If you spend 900 gems on 11 ancient shards instead and get lucky at the double summoning rates event, perhaps you'll get a few game-changing rares and epics that could help you much more. Then again, perhaps not, spending resources on shards is obviously a gamble. 

Also, keep the gem mine in mind. You spend 500 gems but get them back over the next 100 days and after that it's free gems every day. Obviously a long-term investment, but if you're planning to keep playing this game for many months or years, certainly worth it.