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Problems with arena fights

Problems with arena fights

Apr 28, 2020, 09:3904/28/20

Problems with arena fights

Hello everyone,

I want to discuss a recent concern I'm having in the arena. I am in Silver II and the biggest struggle I'm having is that 90% of the time enemies are ALL going first and my champions go only after they all finish. If there is a speed buff on their side then even another one or two enemy champions get their second turn before my champions get their first turn. 

This is really frustrating and almost always wins the battle for them because it leaves some of my champions dead or crippled. It is probably also worth to note that I am fighting players with power less than mine.

Obviously you would say to improve their speed but my champions all have speed in the range 90 - 100. I honestly doubt that all of my enemies build full speed. 

I recently was lucky enough to get Prince Kymar in a shard, which made me really happy because he has the 30% speed increase in the arena, I thought this would resolve all those problems with the speed and the turns.

Nope, all the same still.
Apr 28, 2020, 09:5704/28/20


Remember, speed is the best stat and yes, 90-100 is really low. ;)

You have to put speed boots on your champions.
Apr 28, 2020, 10:2804/28/20

Surely it was a typo when you wrote all your champions have 90 - 100 speed? Some champions have higher base speed than 100 even before you put a single item with a speed boost on them. Definitely in arena you should be closer to 200 than to 100, at least on your characters which need to be going first or second. Over 200 as you progress further. Of course it doesn't all have to come from gear - if you use for instance High Khatun and just make sure that her speed is sky high, she will provide a speed aura for the rest of your team *and* she'll put an additional speed/turn meter boost so the rest of your team is also faster. 

It's also a bit a question of which teams you attack. Against teams that don't have any increase attack and/or decrease enemy defense, or other game-changing buffs/debuffs, you may be viable with low speed as long as you have massive defense. 

And if you lose a fight but while losing you do notice some weaknesses in your enemy that weren't visible from just seeing the team (such as low defense/HP/resistance on some characters, lower than expected DPS, or wrong turn order so the DPS hits before the decrease def debuffer), you may want to make some adjustment to your team and try again. Personally I enjoy the puzzle aspect of the arena - losing the first time but then trying to figure out if you can win on a second attempt by making this or that change. 

For instance, I'll often start fights with Elhain leading as most of my team does have adequate speed without speed aura, but if I still lose due to insufficient speed, I'll try again with High Khatun in the lead and Elhain replacing my healer - now my team has less survivability in the long run, but a better chance of surviving the first round or even taking out enemies in the first round, which may be enough to win. 

Power doesn't mean much, but if the other team really has like half of your power, then probably there is actually a path for you to win, it just may require significant changes to your team and tactics. 

Apr 28, 2020, 12:1604/28/20

L9753 said:

Surely it was a typo when you wrote all your champions have 90 - 100 speed?

No other explanation, really.

@DameKing, you have already identified your team weakness. This is the first step to improve your performance in Arena (and basically in every other game content) . Next step is to actually make something about that.

Kymar is great for arena leader if speed is your goal there. And he is top Legendary overall, so, good pull indeed, you are happy for reason :). I too use him often in arena. Pay attention to his auto behavior - he always start on auto with his A3 even if he is first and no one else have used any skill, so if you plane to use him (hehe, i am kidding, you will use him :)) you must take this into consideration.

One think to mentioned is that his speed aura affects base speed value of your champions. It sure helps, but can't make miracles by itself if your overall speed is low. How you know if your speed is low? If your team is speed based (rely mostly on acting first and are not some defense composition) and you are not first in 8/10 battles, then your speed is low. It is that simple.

One think i would like to see in this forum is to people posting questions to take their first move by giving more info, not general "this is not working, what can i do" approach. Sure, you will get some answers and they can be of some use, but if your are about to ask for some specific help of your team, you can help us by providing info of your team, We don't know yet your arena team, we don't know how well or bad you have equip them, we don't know how they act in terms of turn order. Even some extra shots of your roster can give us additional info to how to deal with that obstacle. 

Can you please post some screenshots of the team you using in arena - their overall stats and gear, Shot of your roster may help us too. And don't be discouraged by those temporary failures. You are sill to face Spider 20 auto, so most likely this problem you talk now will bring only smile when you progress further in game. :)

Apr 29, 2020, 02:0004/29/20
Apr 29, 2020, 02:08(edited)

I think you are Trolling. 

DameKing wrote: "Obviously you would say to improve their speed but my champions all have speed in the range 90 - 100. I honestly doubt that all of my enemies build full speed." 


Good one - DameKing