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Next to level to 60

Next to level to 60

Apr 28, 2020, 07:0504/28/20

Next to level to 60

As many other I aswell struggle with my next champ to take to level 60.

I made lot of stupid newbie mistakes by spending lots of silver for level 16 and 12 on lots and lots of lousy flat stats.

I’m struggling with team compositions in all aspects

My arena currently I use.(bronze4-s1)

Kael,Madame Serris Peydma and Athel

Clan boss pretty much the same but now I’m trying with Kael,peydma,Serris,catacomb councilor and high Khatuna and on normal 2-3m per key good, hard when it changes to force I struggle a 800k-1m hit before around 1.9m

Force level 13 


Kael,Madame Serris Peydma and Athel high Khatuna

And so on 😂

No clue. So please help me

is it possible to post printscreen on my rooster?

Beside already mentioned I have,warmaiden50,jareg ,for Gorgorab,40,fenax 40, spirit host 30,bystophus50, Kallia 40, jizoh 40

Hope u can help me in right direction and steer me in right direction also what I shoudl seek after.

I’ve started to save fusion champs for relickeeper and look for Rhazin Scarhide champs.

I’m at nightmare on campaign early accuracy.

Dragon level 11

Fire level 7 maybe

Spider somewhere similar

My main focus is level 13 and more on dragon

Much much better result on hard on on clanboss or higher level.

Reach high silver and farm fast and easy. I struggle a lot long waiting time for right opponent

Apr 28, 2020, 08:0804/28/20
Apr 28, 2020, 08:10(edited)

Others could reply in more detail, but you have a lot of good champions, there's definitely potential to do better with those in the arena and clan boss than you are doing now. 

For the clanboss, you should be landing a lot of poisons (the 5 percent ones preferably) and managing to keep his attack and defense down most/all of the time. If that's not happening, maybe your accuracy on Kael, Serris and Peydma is too low? And you probably need a healer - I guess try with Gorgorab, unless you happen to have Apothecary as well? Apothecary heals more and offers speed boosts, but Gorgorab's increase attack boost can't hurt either, though really a lot of your damage should be coming from Kael's poisons which are unaffected by increase attack.  

For arena, no doubt you have also seen plenty of teams with either Spirithost or High Khatun, Warmaiden, Kael and somebody else - in order to get increase attack/speed on you, decrease defense on enemies, and then the massive DPS hit from Kael. Spirithost also provides the speed aura and removes debuffs. In your case, Gorgorab is a good fourth, for revives/heals plus a second increase attack buff. Though Madame Serris is also super good in the arena, Athel and Peydma are definitely useful too, Jareg, Fenax,... frankly, you have a lot of good options, but you should think of synergies like that combo I mentioned above. And then make sure your champions have high enough speed and will get their turns in the right order, to make the combo work without having half of your champions taken out before they can hit. 

Apr 28, 2020, 09:1704/28/20


Yes, pls, post your roster. :)
Apr 28, 2020, 14:0504/28/20
Apr 28, 2020, 14:24(edited)

Gorgorab ftw

Gorgorab gives speed lead in arena, tm boost, and increase atk. For arena kael, madame, ??? F

Gorgorab will increase you in dungeons as well.

Not great for CB, but certainly can be used in mid game. At 60, he would be used on every one of your teams hands down. His remove buff is useful as well.
Apr 28, 2020, 15:3004/28/20
Do you have a Brutal Campaign Farmer?
Apr 28, 2020, 17:3904/28/20
I assumed karl was 60 and farming 
Apr 28, 2020, 17:5404/28/20

Thanks guys.

Yeah i have issue switch the synergies.

Im doing allright in arena but think i can improve much much more.

Ok i overlooked gorgorab then i placed him in the Vault and he had kinda shitty gear to😂

i dont know how i can add printscreen with the phone . I would like to.

Im certain Ive made bad stuff o ball my Champions. Since its so much not good Ive struggle where to start fixing.

I was aiming on go for level 60 on Madame Serris or warmaiden.

I really love Serris she is op on my level but lacks im certain areas as fire dragon and with hear gear and to little speed are not able to sustain it against clan boss

Apr 28, 2020, 17:5604/28/20

How do i do it?

Cant attack from phone Ive tried

I would love to show my gear to .

But u would love how much wanted for level 16 on flat stats, wrong stats etc

Apr 28, 2020, 18:0304/28/20
Apr 28, 2020, 19:20(edited)

Several mentioned gorgorab. So im gonna see what i can do there.

Thing is he is 40 and i have Serris at 50,warmaiden at 50 

Do you guys think i should go past those and go on gorgorab farm for 50 and then 60?

Then which will i go for after that one 😂

By the way i attacken clan boss on hard with Kael/peydma/Madame serris/Catacomb  councilor and high khatuna.

When u line up the rooster in what order is the right one ? Do they start in the order you pick them, or is it just speed that determined that ?

I see that my khatuna and serris that are important for the shield /steal buff and turnmeter.

Khatuna have 123 speed

Serris 168 in speed (no lifesteal hear) but should sustain f i increase the speed and defence. She has shield on every turn

Maybe my overall rooster is good but i need an apotechary or similar?!

What more Champions is there as apothechary, that i should have my eyes after?

Raise a ! For  catacomb councilor is overlooked . What are your guys thoughts on this ?

It has really really cool and strong stuff.

His a2 is 3 strike attack and his A3 he attacks with three friends

Im leaning on going with warmaiden first then gorgorab

She is easier to give result faster and Closer overall.

Ive googled some videos and aparently gorgorab is op for arena.

According to one of the sites his up there with legends.

Nice and i had him atthe vault 😂

So im gonna do like this i think

Take warmaiden to 60

Take gorgorab to 50

Take Madame Serris to 60

Take gorgorab to 60

Find a healer

Take my level 60s to full scroll starring with Kael and peydma then serris and what more

Khatuna im not so in to her but i dont know 

Then im det for next step on clanbpssnand dragon

Start working on a spider team and fire knight

Apr 28, 2020, 18:5904/28/20
Apr 28, 2020, 19:02(edited)

If i gear up gorgorab for arena it wont be with lifesteal  or similar setup for clanbpss or dragon so not as versatile if i take that route. Why i think warmaiden thats already geared upfor clanboss /dungen is a better choice just need to book here and take some scroll and where ready.

Apr 28, 2020, 19:4804/28/20
I just think warmaiden is a shortsighted choice. You will use gorgorab in dragon20, golem20 and gold4 arena. Warmaiden you will not imo. Madam is also gold4 arena. This should be your goal. I would prioritize arena and dungeon progress before clan boss. I'm not sure warmaiden is a better choice for anything long term. Gorgorab is that good. The only downside is you do need books for him. Warmaiden you can farm 9.3 for books.