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Best use of gems and XP questions

Best use of gems and XP questions

Apr 25, 2020, 09:1604/25/20

Best use of gems and XP questions

Hi there,

I have started this game a few weeks ago and I had the weakness to buy two packs with ancient shards.

I was really lucky since I got two legendaries: Draco & Maulie Tankard.

I played a lot to get my champions to lvl 50.

Right now : Draco, Kael, Athel, Reinbeast, Gala Longbreads, Jareg and Jizow

Soon : Mm Serris,

Lvl 40: Khatun, Skullcrisher, Louchebem, Rowan, Chaman, coldheart, Bellower, Elhain and Templar

Here comes my questions:


I would like to start upgrading champions to lvl 60 (I was advise to do so with Draco first)

So I am trying each day to upgrade as much as I can some common and upcommon chicens.

However upgrading them to 5* is very long in particular without any XP boost!!

Right now I use Kael with 3 chickens and the highest I can do is Aravia Palace lvl1 in Brutal mode. Gets me 3600 XP for each chicken which makes it very long to get them to lvl 50!!

Any advice on this would be helpful.


What do you think is the best use of gems?

1/ Renew Energy

2/ Upgrade Mine (lvl 1 right now)

3/ Upgrade Training arena (1 single slot lvl 1 right now)

Each upgrade of the Mine or the training Arena is extremely costly in terms of gem!!


Never did this before ... is it worth doing?


Any advice for Arena team, Dungeon and campaign teams with my champions above.

Thanks a lot for your help :)
Apr 25, 2020, 09:5404/25/20


Wow you've already an awesome roster!

First of all, upgrade gems mine to level 3, then you can keep gems for ancient shards or energy refill (maybe later).

Don't invest on Sparring Pit, it's quite useless.


Rhazin is op, so yes, you have to fuse him.

RK isn't really good, he can be a nice farmer in early game, but you don't need him. You have to fuse him anyway, he's one of the progress missions.

The void lizardman isn't so good, so just ignore him.


CB: Jareg, Draco, Skullcrusher, Rhazin and maybe Kael

Arena: Khatun, Draco, Gala and MM/Serris

Apr 25, 2020, 10:2004/25/20
Apr 25, 2020, 10:23(edited)

Thank you Valdys for your answer.

I feel indeed quite lucky with my roster.

Here it is:

I will upgrade the mine as you recommend.

Any advis about how to fasten grinding chickens to lvl50?

I am looking for the (free) double XP days ...

Right now can't get higher than Aravia Brutal lvl1 with Kael.

Regarding Fusion: Getting all these champions at their higher lvl for fusion seems endless ... but I will try.

Another question:

Should I focus on Minotaur in order to increase the champions mastery?


Apr 25, 2020, 10:4104/25/20

The best stage for leveling up food is brutal 12-3 or 12-6 (3 has slightly more silver but slightly less xp, 6 the other way around).  

So you'll need to focus first on getting your Kael maxed out, so he can go level up in those stages instead of Aravia as you're doing now. And of course, xp boosts help - you can get some for free from events and from weekly/monthly rewards. 

Minotaur is definitely a must. Oh, and make sure not to fuse justiciar or relickeeper until you actually get to their respective progress missions, it won't count if you already did it before getting the mission. 

Apr 25, 2020, 10:4604/25/20

STOP MAKING 50s. That is your only mistake so far.

Do not make another 50. Make 60s. 

As said you got lucky and have great champs. But you need to grind for 60s.

I think 800 gems to master your first 2 60s is the way to go.

Apr 25, 2020, 11:0304/25/20

L9753 said:

The best stage for leveling up food is brutal 12-3 or 12-6 (3 has slightly more silver but slightly less xp, 6 the other way around).  

So you'll need to focus first on getting your Kael maxed out, so he can go level up in those stages instead of Aravia as you're doing now. And of course, xp boosts help - you can get some for free from events and from weekly/monthly rewards. 

Minotaur is definitely a must. Oh, and make sure not to fuse justiciar or relickeeper until you actually get to their respective progress missions, it won't count if you already did it before getting the mission. 

Thank you for the advice.

I didn't know there were some progress missions with Champions ...I will keep them!
Apr 25, 2020, 11:0804/25/20

Trips said:

STOP MAKING 50s. That is your only mistake so far.

Do not make another 50. Make 60s. 

As said you got lucky and have great champs. But you need to grind for 60s.

I think 800 gems to master your first 2 60s is the way to go.

Sorry if this is a stupide question but how do I use gems to get the maximum mastery for the champions?

400 gems left ... I followed your advice and upgraded the mine to lvl 2.

I will stop making 50's and will focus on one or two 60's

Apr 25, 2020, 12:2204/25/20
Yothope said:

Thank you Valdys for your answer.

I feel indeed quite lucky with my roster.

Here it is:

I will upgrade the mine as you recommend.

Any advis about how to fasten grinding chickens to lvl50?

I am looking for the (free) double XP days ...

Right now can't get higher than Aravia Brutal lvl1 with Kael.

Regarding Fusion: Getting all these champions at their higher lvl for fusion seems endless ... but I will try.

Another question:

Should I focus on Minotaur in order to increase the champions mastery?


It's too eary for masteries now, do it when you have all your cb team at 60.
Apr 25, 2020, 12:2304/25/20
Yothope said:

L9753 said:

The best stage for leveling up food is brutal 12-3 or 12-6 (3 has slightly more silver but slightly less xp, 6 the other way around).  

So you'll need to focus first on getting your Kael maxed out, so he can go level up in those stages instead of Aravia as you're doing now. And of course, xp boosts help - you can get some for free from events and from weekly/monthly rewards. 

Minotaur is definitely a must. Oh, and make sure not to fuse justiciar or relickeeper until you actually get to their respective progress missions, it won't count if you already did it before getting the mission. 

Thank you for the advice.

I didn't know there were some progress missions with Champions ...I will keep them!
Yes, there are those missions, but they're retroactive now, so you can fuse them when you want.
Apr 25, 2020, 12:2604/25/20

Yothope said:

Trips said:

STOP MAKING 50s. That is your only mistake so far.

Do not make another 50. Make 60s. 

As said you got lucky and have great champs. But you need to grind for 60s.

I think 800 gems to master your first 2 60s is the way to go.

Sorry if this is a stupide question but how do I use gems to get the maximum mastery for the champions?

400 gems left ... I followed your advice and upgraded the mine to lvl 2.

I will stop making 50's and will focus on one or two 60's


Open your champions roster, go to the champion you want to max, then "masteries", press on one mastery and "get all scrolls".

I don't like buying scrolls btw, I prefer grinding.
Apr 25, 2020, 12:5504/25/20
You must never do farm runs without xp boost. Without xp boost your only job is to run your daily missions, spend all your token in Arena and and collect all your available energy. When you get xp boost then burn all the energy for food and repeat. 
Apr 25, 2020, 16:0104/25/20
Don't you think that Kael may be a better option that Drco to reach lvl60 for a faster grinding?
Apr 25, 2020, 21:2704/25/20
Apr 25, 2020, 21:33(edited)

Yothope said:

Don't you think that Kael may be a better option that Drco to reach lvl60 for a faster grinding?

If by faster grinding you mean some seconds here and there then yes, Kael may run equally or even better 12.3 than Draco. Mostly because Draco will take his sweet, sweet extra seconds to use his A2 when its ready even that he may not need that to steamroll the stage. And mostly because you may find Kael is more easy to be maxed with books than Draco and that may result in some extra seconds at least until Draco is maxed.

But man, Draco will just bring your account to another level. For me there is no competition here. Your goal is to win the war, even if that means to lose one battle for some seconds. :)