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Arena defense

Arena defense

Apr 24, 2020, 19:5904/24/20

Arena defense

So how is it my team of rares with only one fifty,  is required to defend against four sixties one of which is a legendary.  This is taking place in the bronze I arena.  Surely their are rules governing fair play.  Or do I just set the team to provide cannon fodder?  A bit confusing, eh?
Apr 24, 2020, 20:1204/24/20
As a new player, it took me a while to figure this out also.  This game does arena a little differently than some other games where the team you field is both your offensive and defensive team.  With your defensive team being separate from your offensive team, it allows for some different strategies. 
Apr 24, 2020, 21:5104/24/20

Oldnslo said:

So how is it my team of rares with only one fifty,  is required to defend against four sixties one of which is a legendary.  This is taking place in the bronze I arena.  Surely their are rules governing fair play.  Or do I just set the team to provide cannon fodder?  A bit confusing, eh?

Arena is really tough for newbs. 

Get Kael to 60.  Farm, farm, farm food.  Do not do worry about missions / challenges. Do not collect 200 and pass go. Save your gems, don't buy refills or refreshes.  If a mission/challenge is super easy complete it. Don't waste 200 energy trying to get 1 atk% artifact. Get Kael to 60. Use 800 gems to master. Get Warmaiden. Get Spirithost. Hopefully 1 other usable arena hero from shards. Otherwise Diabolist.

If you didn't pick Kael. Start over.

If you are over 3 weeks in and have a bunch of 40s and 50s but avoided getting kael to 60, start over.
Apr 24, 2020, 22:1004/24/20

Trips said:

If you didn't pick Kael. Start over.

If you are over 3 weeks in and have a bunch of 40s and 50s but avoided getting kael to 60, start over.

Don't you think that's a little ridiculous? Sure, Kael is the best of the starter heroes and it's best to pick him, but it's not like you can't progress with Elhain or Athel or Galek. Who would want to undo several weeks of progress and start over just to get a somewhat better starting hero, or to min-max their starting strategy? 

Personally I went with Elhain and took a lot longer than 3 weeks to get anyone to level 60, as you can do plenty with a bunch of 40s and 50s, especially if you get lucky and pull some decent mid game epic (Infernal Baroness in my case). Perhaps that wasn't the most efficient approach possible, but so what? It still works out in the end. 

Apr 25, 2020, 18:1804/25/20
  You are missing the point. :)  It's a Bronze I arena.  How can a 60 level even be allowed in a newby arena.  A game must have a certain amount of integrity concerning the rules of play.  Otherwise,  it is just a scam to lure you into spending money for nothing.  I might play this game a little longer,  but I have to say it is rapidly losing its shine for me.
Apr 25, 2020, 18:5704/25/20

Oldnslo said:

  You are missing the point. :)  It's a Bronze I arena.  How can a 60 level even be allowed in a newby arena.  A game must have a certain amount of integrity concerning the rules of play.  Otherwise,  it is just a scam to lure you into spending money for nothing.  I might play this game a little longer,  but I have to say it is rapidly losing its shine for me.

Thing is, it really doesn't matter if your defense team gets beaten into pulp occasionally by far stronger players, as long as it doesn't happen too often - and there do seem to be mechanisms that limit how often you get attacked. 

In this game you need to be playing in the arena a lot, but it's mostly your attacks that matter, to win medals that you'll need to unlock bonuses in the Great Hall. Tier-based rewards are given out just once a week, so the day/hours before that are the only time that you really want to reach the highest possible tier. 

But the rest of the time, it's not a big deal to get attacked and may even help you: you want to remain in a tier where you can win most fights, but you don't want to lose attacking fights on purpose or start fights that you can't win as that reduces your medals. So losing some rating points on defense helps keep you in the right tier. Just about everybody who isn't an end-game player will have times when they deliberately put a very weak defense team, because their rating has gotten too high and they can't win enough offensive battles anymore. 

Apr 25, 2020, 19:0804/25/20
I started on my main account with elhain. It was huge mistake. I didn't realize it until way too late. At 21 days I should have scrapped and started over probably. The second account is fun now since I just run through my energy quickly on main, do arena, cb and fw and hope to eventually have shard luck in my favor. 
Apr 25, 2020, 22:0804/25/20

Trips said:

I started on my main account with elhain. It was huge mistake. I didn't realize it until way too late. At 21 days I should have scrapped and started over probably. The second account is fun now since I just run through my energy quickly on main, do arena, cb and fw and hope to eventually have shard luck in my favor. 

Definitely if I started a second account I would also pick Kael as starter and not make other mistakes like investing epic books in heroes like Shaman. But playing a second account besides your main is something else than scrapping your main and starting over after weeks of playing. I can't imagine many people would want to do that - and certainly not for mistakes that don't actually involve anything irreversible (like wasting free epic / legendary skill books, or feeding some hard to get and valuable hero), but merely slow down their progress. 

Obviously if there are players who do want to start over to have a better start with Kael, good for them. I just wouldn't want new players to think that having picked a different starting hero is something that ruins their account or makes it impossible to progress. 
Apr 25, 2020, 23:1804/25/20
it doesn’t matter who you start with.  I’ve said in other post arena in this game is terrible. A lot of players want it easy by tanking their rating on purpose just so they can work on their great hall by facing lesser teams . You think you have it bad now in bronze one, wait till you get to silver 3/4.  I once made it half way through gold one on Sunday  only to come back on a Monday morning and be back to silver 3 for all the tankers.  What I do now it only play arena when I see teams with 3 or less champs or teams that have 4 low level champs.  It seems to work for me getting tokens. I’m back to silver 4 but come Monday I expect to be back down to silver 2-3