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Acquisition of Potions - The Truth

Acquisition of Potions - The Truth

Apr 23, 2020, 18:5404/23/20

Acquisition of Potions - The Truth

I wanted to test the acquisition of potions, so I chose stage 8 since it is the first stage in which all three sizes of potions are available, it is also the midpoint. I carried out 100 runs of stage 8 using the same team of champions the results are as follows

68 runs produced Lesser Potions a total of 159 bottles ranging from 1 to 5 bottles

12 runs produced Greater Potions a total of 20 bottles ranging from 1 to 3 bottles

8 runs produced Superior Potions a total of 12 bottles ranging from 1 to 2 bottles

there were also 12 misc drops.

Of the Lesser bottles, 2 bottles were most frequently dropped followed by 3,1, 4, 5
Apr 23, 2020, 22:4304/23/20

Good to know for stage 8, but are you just assuming that the drop rate of lesser/greater/superior remains the same on all the higher stages? I would hope that the higher stages give better drop rates for greater and superior, even if you can't see a difference from the rewards shown. 

There are certainly differences in the number you get at least, because in one of the last patches they mentioned increasing the number of lesser potions in the higher stages. 
Apr 24, 2020, 02:1304/24/20
I want to what stage is best to greater potions. I don't think it is 15.
Apr 24, 2020, 11:3204/24/20
Trips said:

I want to what stage is best to greater potions. I don't think it is 15.
I don't think it's 15 either. I dropped almost 5k energy repeating stage 15, only got 1 superior pot. I've always had better luck on stage 12 but that could be my superstition. RNg
Apr 24, 2020, 12:1004/24/20
I think 15 is best for superior but not greater. 
Oct 27, 2020, 13:4210/27/20

These posts illustrate the same frustration that I feel with trying to get potions, greater and superior.  This all works to plarium advantage cuz yopu may get zillions of lesser potions which cost a fortune in silver to convert upwards.

But you may as well go to a casino and complain there that certain machines that do or don't do this or that.

Thanks to all those that have done these investigations.  It was good for me to achieve certain goals getting up to L15 but I will stick with L8 for awhile and see how that goes.

Oct 27, 2020, 15:1910/27/20

I like to farm stage 13. I have my best luck there 

Oct 28, 2020, 06:3310/28/20

Depends on why you're looking for the greater potion.

If it's for finishing a mission or challenge stage 7 or 8 is the best, but generally, I'd stick with lvl 15.

In the long run 15 could generate more of the greater potion through the mix, but that's just me.