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Gear Primary and Sub stats

Gear Primary and Sub stats

Apr 19, 2020, 19:5404/19/20

Gear Primary and Sub stats


I have some questions regarding the primary and sub stat of the gear, hope you can help me.

1) Which stat should I be looking for as primary? For gauntlets if its speed set should I be looking for extra speed as primary or I should be looking for something else?

2) Substats, which do I want?

3) Any more info about how to properly choose the right set and stats per champion will be gladly accepted.

Thank you all!
Apr 19, 2020, 20:2404/19/20

I am going to assume that you are very new to the game.

First: Look up guides on YouTube about this. HellHades' "Flat stats in the bin" should be your mantra after a few levels and you start getting some 3 and 4* items.


Defense champs need defense, that makes sense right? Their damage increases with defense generally.

Attack stat is highly undervalued in this game, because attack champions tend to die VERY easily. Always try to stack some HP on your attack champions. Ideally an HP Chest.

Support, For these, they generally buff your other champs or debuff the enemy. Either way, you don't want them to deal damage, you want them to serve their purpose. Stack defense, HP and accuracy on them. You cannot land debufs if you don't have accuracy.

Third: Speed is paramount in this game. You want to be able to ALWAYS out-speed the enemy team by a considerable margin. If the enemy has 100 speed and you have 150, they will take 2 turns while you take 3. With 100 and 200 its 1 turn for them for 2 of yours. Just follow the rule of proportionality and you'll be fine.

Last: Always aim for survavability. Your champs are useless if they are dead. Either have someone who can revive or that can heal. If needed, use lifesteal gear on them

Apr 19, 2020, 20:5204/19/20

I agree with above poster.

As you start farming continue keeping better and better gear and be more and more picky.

To begin with a chestpiece with flat hp migth be worth to keep if it roll alot of speed. But once you get further into the game this is what I would recommend keeping:


Primary stat should be: crit dmg/crit rate/def %/hp%

Notice that with crit dmg as primary stat it can be rather difficult to get a high crit rate. as such they are most useful for endgame gearing.

Very few champions benefit from att% if any on gloves. Mostly you would rather have attack champions have either surviability or crit dmg/crit rate in gloves.


Primary stat: def%/hp% (att% for a rare builds like arena nuker or campaign farmer)


Primary stat: speed (almost always. If you dont have speed as primary stats some end-game builds could have def%/hp% if speed is a substat).

Again a very few rare builds migth be the exception here. 

I generel I think most find the consensus to be more or less the following priority of stats:

1. speed

2. Crit dmg

3. crit rate

4. def%

5. hp%

6. accuracy

7. resistance

8. att%

Do note however that the importance of stats vary from each champion. So you could use this guideline when deciding which gear to keep, but watch a video on your champion before equipping for a specific dungeon.

Also note that some stats complement eachother better. fore example crit dmg and crit rate complement eachother verywell. Often you would want a third skill being either def%/hp% or att% depending on the type of champion.

The same could probaly be said with def% and resistance. fore example if you build a tank with aoe provoke it might be handy to have def%/accuracy and resistance.

For many support champions that buff your own team all that matters is to buff often. So you want items with speed/def% and hp%. So you buff often and stay alive. The same most often goes if you have a champion with ressurection. It is vital that champion dont die first and often those ressurrect skills have a long cooldown. speed mitigates that somewhat.

Apr 20, 2020, 05:0104/20/20
Apr 20, 2020, 05:19(edited)

Thank you very much for the help guys!

I did read some of the forum guides but did not feel like it was really helpful with how to build my gear for the champion.

I guess I did it all wrong if I wanted gloves with attack % primary or boots and upgraded them?

I chose Elhain, so I guess I need to find gear with speed or health?

Any online guides will be helpful too


What consider as better? 4 Star rare or 3 star epic?

Apr 22, 2020, 02:4504/22/20

shayha93 said:

Thank you very much for the help guys!

I did read some of the forum guides but did not feel like it was really helpful with how to build my gear for the champion.

I guess I did it all wrong if I wanted gloves with attack % primary or boots and upgraded them?

I chose Elhain, so I guess I need to find gear with speed or health?

Any online guides will be helpful too


What consider as better? 4 Star rare or 3 star epic?

It is all in the substats. I can't answer the last question because there is no way you can make that comparison without looking at the gear. 

Let's say, a 4 star rare glove with critical rate. They have hp% and speed as substats. You roll them up to +8 and suddenly it rolled on each substat once. Great! now you have a glove with some Crit Rate(19%), Speed(6-7), and HP%(7-8).

Then consider a 3* Epic glove with the same but add accuracy as the third substat. You roll it up to +8 and then you have the following: Crit Rate(14%), Speed(4-6), HP%( 5-7) and 6-7 accuracy. 

Just consider what is most important to you? is this on an attacker? If so, then surely go for the first ones. If for a debuffer, then go for the second one, that accuracy may just be helpful enough for you to beat the resist of a boss.

Just look up HellHades, StewGaming, SALT, ASH: Raid, Cold Brew, Darth Microtransaction for more information about this stuff, they all have videos clearly explaining this on YouTube.

Apr 22, 2020, 12:2804/22/20

Your first mistake was choosing elhain, I did same lol. Good news is she easier to gear than kael because you can ignore ACC. Most important stats early on are 1) speed 2) acc for debuffers 3) CR when skills require a crit hit 4) def% hp% for survival. 5) res is good for survival if you are running defensive approach in arena.

Good advice already given above.
Apr 22, 2020, 13:0004/22/20

Trips said:

Your first mistake was choosing elhain, I did same lol. Good news is she easier to gear than kael because you can ignore ACC. Most important stats early on are 1) speed 2) acc for debuffers 3) CR when skills require a crit hit 4) def% hp% for survival. 5) res is good for survival if you are running defensive approach in arena.

Good advice already given above.


I understood this mistake once I started going to Arena.
Apr 22, 2020, 13:3604/22/20
If you just started, I would strongly recommend starting over with kael. You will be much smarter and be twice as far along after 30 days than if you stick with elhain. 
Apr 22, 2020, 16:2004/22/20
The red/ yellow  column is showing you what changing a particular item will do to the stats. This diabolist correct? My guess is you are using in arena. You want just speed in every substat and set. You just need her to first and boost everyone else. Nothing else matters.