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Rotos, Tyrant Iximor or Soulbond Bowyer ?

Rotos, Tyrant Iximor or Soulbond Bowyer ?

Apr 16, 2020, 16:3604/16/20

Rotos, Tyrant Iximor or Soulbond Bowyer ?

Hello community, I was getting food to rank up Soulbond Bowyer and suddenly I opened 2 Ancient shards and got Rotos and Tyrant Iximor. Now I dont know who to take to 6 stars first... 

My 6 stars lineup right now is  :










Who do you think can help me the most right now?
Apr 16, 2020, 17:1004/16/20
Apr 16, 2020, 17:11(edited)

Hard choice and mostly depends where you want to progress, but Tyrant can boost you CB performance and is usefull in Spider (probably the reason you have Soulbond Bowyer prepaired for 6*).

 If you are happy with your Arena progress I would suggest to wait with Rotos but I know many people will not agree with me. For most of them Rotos = insta win. I don't know, maybe they are right, but if you can farm your tokens with 7-9/10 win rate then your main focus should be CB then dungeons. Still, if Arena is your focus he may be better choise for you. 

Apr 16, 2020, 17:2704/16/20

Rotos for arena and CB and Dungeons

Tyrant is great for Spiders, but not so good for CB (1 target 1 debuff)

No need for SB Bowyer

Apr 16, 2020, 18:0304/16/20

Thanks! I went Tyrant :) 

Daering said:

Hard choice and mostly depends where you want to progress, but Tyrant can boost you CB performance and is usefull in Spider (probably the reason you have Soulbond Bowyer prepaired for 6*).

 If you are happy with your Arena progress I would suggest to wait with Rotos but I know many people will not agree with me. For most of them Rotos = insta win. I don't know, maybe they are right, but if you can farm your tokens with 7-9/10 win rate then your main focus should be CB then dungeons. Still, if Arena is your focus he may be better choise for you. 

Apr 16, 2020, 18:2204/16/20

Ethan said:

Tyrant... not so good for CB (1 target 1 debuff)

I politely disagree. His all kit is just too good for CB. Natural high hp and defence, defence based damage, strong self heal with A1, almost 100% uptime of hp burn, ally protection and defence buff with low CD on A3, incredible passive for party sustain. He is just "born" for CB 😬

The OP should run something like Longbeard, Rhazin, Dracomorph, Tyrant and Apo for CB like he most likely do it that way. That will be my choice for sure. 

Maybe Tyrant's Al is the reason you don't recommend him? 

Apr 16, 2020, 18:4704/16/20

Daering said:

Ethan said:

Tyrant... not so good for CB (1 target 1 debuff)

I politely disagree. His all kit is just too good for CB. Natural high hp and defence, defence based damage, strong self heal with A1, almost 100% uptime of hp burn, ally protection and defence buff with low CD on A3, incredible passive for party sustain. He is just "born" for CB 😬

The OP should run something like Longbeard, Rhazin, Dracomorph, Tyrant and Apo for CB like he most likely do it that way. That will be my choice for sure. 

Maybe Tyrant's Al is the reason you don't recommend him? 

His damage isn't great on CB. I have Tyrant maxed out and booked out. Here is why:

1. His HP burn doesn't stack. So it is = 1 Poison.  Compared to just a poisoner that can maintain 7-8 poisons, it has 0 value. 

2. His A1 is just a normal A1, not any different to anyone else's. It heals a bit, but only himself.

3. He has ally protect and defence which is good, but so does any defensive champion. Others like Martyr have counter attack or other added value.

So if you treat Tyrant like a tank that does a bit of DPS = fine, very good

But if you want him to do damage, bad news, it's really low. I am disappointed, because I maxed him out as a legendary and you know that is expensive and I only have 3-4 maxed out legendaries.....

I am using him only in Spider now. :(  He was my first legendary so I have used him for the longest.

Apr 16, 2020, 21:5604/16/20
Apr 16, 2020, 22:05(edited)

I value your game knowledge, but can't agree on this one.

1. HP burn doesn't stack, but it make solid 75k damage every turn. I will be more than happy to spare one debuffs slot for hp burn instead of poison. And he already have Drako, one of the best poisoner in game, so no point to seek for second one. But he doesn't have hp burn and Tyrant can fill that role. 

2  His A1 will heal him for 50% of damage and that means huge heal, not just some silly grean numbers. With Warmasrer proc that is just almost instant full heal. He will take damage when he cast ally protection and that self heal is as important as the damage itself. Yes, he will heal only himself, but that will make Apo"s (or any other healer's job) way more bareable. 

3. Well there is a reason Martyr is considered one of the top 3 champions. But 50% Ally Protection for 2 turns and 3 turns CD, paired with high base hp,self heal on A1 and other useful stuff in his kit make Tyrant easy choise for CB.Yes, Tyrant is not Martyr and when the OP pull Martyr he can swap them with ease. Until then there is no sense to pair them Here we have a saying: one little fish in basket is more vsluable than all the fishes in ocean. 

And again, his 10‰ damage reduction from his passive is something of great value of itself. In first this may seems meh passive, but getting 10% less damage from every hit in next 20 - 30 rounds is just something that can't be ignored. It is just too good overall. 

We can't just focus on the raw damage when we talk about CB. Champions like Jareg or Rearguarg Sergant are not used for their high damage output, but for their overall usefulness. 

And the thing is that the OP have good spot for Tyrant in Draco, Longbeard, Rhazin, Apo  composition. 

Apr 17, 2020, 07:1604/17/20

Daering said:


I have to agree with him. Yes, Martyr would be the OP choice - but like you said, Poison can be stacked which is more valuable than 1 hp-burn but as he has draco (which IS op :D ) he's good on that. 

I actually don't know if Rotos or Draco perform better on CB (as I have None of them) but otherwise I absolutely agree that one HP-Burn PLUS all the Poison and att-down you can get is the better choice than only Poison+hp-down. Why? HP-Burn does 25k extra dmg per tick. So it's worth it "losing" one Poison Slot for one hp-burn Slot. 

Also, as Sustain is the next big important Thing here I'd also take a good "ally-protect"-toon with enough self-heal to Keep the preasure off my Team. Thats the reason I wish I could run my Rearguard Sergeant instead of Tayrel (but he still performs far better and has att-down up more consistent) as it helps the Team survive a lot. Especially Looking at the base hp/def stats and the 50% heal I think the Setup Daering suggested might be a really good choice for the OP.

With this Setup he'd have:

1 HP-Burn
max poisons
def-down (if it Comes up before the poisons max out the 10 Slots)
Ally-Protect + Tank-self-Sustain
Def-Up (if I remember correctly)

Thats a Pretty solid buff/debuff/Sustain Combo in my eyes and I'd be happy to run that every day :D 

Yes, there are some better choices (except for Draco :D ) but in General and for what he has available this is an amazing combination which he actually CAN use and run (instead of thinking "what would be better in a perfect world where we can get whatever we want" ;) :) )

Apr 17, 2020, 12:2504/17/20

I just used 3 keys testing Tyrant in UNM. Yes on paper he is fantastic. In reality his damage is very low (4-5 million on a 20m fight).  Bear in mind Nethril (not top tier and he does 10-12m).  My Martyr does 4-5m and doesn't have any HP burn / Poison.  This shows Tyrant damage doesn't scale very well.

1 HP burn is just too weak, compared to say Rotos (130-180k normal A1 hits) or another poisoner with poison sensitivity

Tyrant has ally protect and defence up --- so does many champions (Martyr ok too good, so does Jareg!)... It is a very common ability combo I think. 

Problem is, he doesn't do [Defence Down] [Attack Up/Down] [Weaken] [Debuff Remove/Immune]

I really want Tyrant to work, like I said I have had him since start and I have maxed him out with books and gear. But he just doesn't do it :(
Apr 17, 2020, 13:3304/17/20
Tyrants value comes from the fact that he doesnt need lifesteal gear. His kit is self sustaining above 70% hp on the clan boss (where he uses his hp burn on auto). My personal best in a single key is 43 mil damage on UNM in a normal CA team which tyrant plays a huge role with his 3 turn def up/ally protect and he averages 7-9 mil dmg per key. Not needing to use lifesteal improves the overall quality of stats you can give this champion with other set bonuses!
Apr 17, 2020, 21:2804/17/20

I can't say enough good things about Rotos. Seeing how well he's performed for me on CB, Dungeons and Arena, I'm hard pressed to recommend any other option from among those listed.