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I Don't Think We Should Be Able to Use More Than One Named Champion on a Team

I Don't Think We Should Be Able to Use More Than One Named Champion on a Team

Apr 15, 2020, 23:4404/15/20

I Don't Think We Should Be Able to Use More Than One Named Champion on a Team

It just doesn't make sense to me that we can use more than one named Champion in the Arena, Campaign Battles, Clan Boss, Faction Wars, etc.  Also, the thing is, they seem to be powerful than Champions that don't have names.  However, it does make sense that we can use more than one unnamed Champion, as they are simply a type of Champion rather than being a unique character.

Furthermore, it would be kind of cool if we could name Champions that don't have names.  So we could have the Warpriest, the Shaman, the Conqueror, etc.

Apr 16, 2020, 09:4204/16/20

In this type of game it make perfect sense to me to use the best champs you have and what is work best for you.

If we are restrict to use dupes we must not be able to pull dupes in first place. 

Also... 3 Coldheart and Kymar on Spider seems pretty convinient to me. 

Apr 16, 2020, 09:5004/16/20
I didn’t realise it was a serious role playing game lol
Apr 16, 2020, 10:2304/16/20
Daering said:

In this type of game it make perfect sense to me to use the best champs you have and what is work best for you.

If we are restrict to use dupes we must not be able to pull dupes in first place. 

Also... 3 Coldheart and Kymar on Spider seems pretty convinient to me. 

We can use duplicates to upgrade skills.
Apr 16, 2020, 10:3504/16/20

Ethan said:

I didn’t realise it was a serious role playing game lol

It would be more interesting to me if there were more role playing elements.  Penalties and limitations are not bad if implemented correctly. 

Paying to unequip weapons and armor is strange.  But some other gacha games require this as well.  Would be better if they gave us a reason why it is necessary.  I imagine that the Artifacts magically bond to the Champion.  The Champion will refuse to wield/wear anything else unless the enchantment is dispelled.  So a skilled wizard must be hired to break the enchantment.  The more powerful the Artifact, the stronger the enchantment.  And thus the higher price.  I think less people would complain about paying to unequip if the game gave us a reason such as this for why we have to pay to switch Artifacts.  Unless, of course, we just want to destroy them.  Which a wizard will do for free because the Artifact will be transformed into a magic shard which he or she will accept as payment.
Apr 17, 2020, 00:4104/17/20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback. :)

Apr 17, 2020, 11:2904/17/20

Victory March said:

We can use duplicates to upgrade skills.

We can and sometime we use them that way if that makes more sense than use them for food. 

Buy why I shouldn't use more than one named champion and at the same time be allowed to use them like chicken? This make even less sense rpg wise.

But my point is - this not rpg tipe of game at all. 
Apr 17, 2020, 18:4004/17/20
Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback. :)

You're welcome.
Apr 17, 2020, 18:4704/17/20

Daering said:

Victory March said:

We can use duplicates to upgrade skills.

We can and sometime we use them that way if that makes more sense than use them for food. 

Buy why I shouldn't use more than one named champion and at the same time be allowed to use them like chicken? This make even less sense rpg wise.

But my point is - this not rpg tipe of game at all. 

Raid: Shadow Legends - RPG Strategy Game

That's what the plarium hotlink says.

"Discover a sprawling, fully voiced story campaign through 12 striking locations intertwined with PvP gameplay, forming one of the most cohesive gaming experiences in the battle collection RPG genre." -

"RAID: Shadow Legends wouldn’t be a proper collectible squad-based battle MMORPG without something to collect, right?" -

"Raid: Shadow Legends is a fantasy-themed, turn-based role-playing gacha game." -

Apr 17, 2020, 19:2804/17/20

Victory March said:

Raid: Shadow Legends - RPG Strategy Game

That's what the plarium hotlink says.

Oh, come on, man! They will call it whatever they have to just for bring more attention. Good for them, they somehow understood how the market works. Nowadays there is no better way to bring attention to your product than call it RPG (or simulator, in that matter). RPG this, RPG that.... Call it RPG Simulator and you will insta sell it! Hell, every game out there with some numbers or some avatar/champion/hero/whatever claims to be an RPG. Almost as the RPG in the title itself can add weight and importance to your product.

Come on, man, you are better than this!

Raid is not an RPG even if you have to stretch your imagination to the limit. I am not about to teach you what or why some games can pretend to be RPG and other just can't or even what an RPG is (yeah, like this have easy answer, right). That will lead us in discussion that i really want to avoid for the sake of my own comfort. Don't want to be rude here, you can take my words or completely ignore them and I will be fine with that.

Apr 17, 2020, 19:4704/17/20
Apr 18, 2020, 20:54(edited)

Daering said:

Victory March said:

Raid: Shadow Legends - RPG Strategy Game

That's what the plarium hotlink says.

Oh, come on, man! They will call it whatever they have to just for bring more attention. Good for them, they somehow understood how the market works. Nowadays there is no better way to bring attention to your product than call it RPG (or simulator, in that matter). RPG this, RPG that.... Call it RPG Simulator and you will insta sell it! Hell, every game out there with some numbers or some avatar/champion/hero/whatever claims to be an RPG. Almost as the RPG in the title itself can add weight and importance to your product.

Come on, man, you are better than this!

Raid is not an RPG even if you have to stretch your imagination to the limit. I am not about to teach you what or why some games can pretend to be RPG and other just can't or even what an RPG is (yeah, like this have easy answer, right). That will lead us in discussion that i really want to avoid for the sake of my own comfort. Don't want to be rude here, you can take my words or completely ignore them and I will be fine with that.

It's true that most games (yes, even some of the top-selling MMORPGs on the market) are not true role-playing games.  IMHO, one of the hallmarks of a true role-playing game is that you play the role of a character in an alternate/fantasy world (be it prehistoric, classical, medieval, modern, cyberpunk, space or whatever).  And in that world, your character is able to make choices which can effect that world for good or evil, better or worse.  From the most mundane or superficial of situations to the most dramatic or earth-shattering of events.  So, you're right.  In that sense, Raid is not a true role-playing game. 

But neither is WoW or FFXIV or many other games that claim to be so.  Only a sandbox MMORPG with some form of horizontal progression (in which not everyone is able to be an adventurer or a hero [and which players are also able to be criminals or villains]) could possibly have the potential of being a true role-playing game.  However, there are certainly aspects of WoW and FFXIV and even Raid: SL that could be considered aspects of a role-playing game.  And I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to make Raid more a role-playing game than it is.  I think it would make the game more fun and interesting.  To me anyway.  And I'm sure I'm not alone.

Though I do understand where you're coming from.  Many players have spent money or expended a lot of time and energy on leveling and ranking up duplicates of named characters.  So, we could compromise.  How about duplicates of named Champions simply aren't permitted to be used in the Arena (or in any future PVP areas)?

I can beat players in the Arena that use two Kaels or two Elhains or w/e.  But I just think it's kinda lame.   

EDIT: A true rpg can have some form of limited vertical progression, but it has to be more realistic.  Because the most skilled warrior/martial artists in history still had/have their limits.  So the most mobs or noobs a top tier player should be able to defeat single-handedly would probably be between 10-20.  Because no matter how powerful a person is, they're still gonna run out of stamina/energy eventually.  And even the greatest warrior can stumble on a rock, slip in mud, or have the sun glare in his or her eyes at just the wrong moment.

EDIT #2: There could be levels in skills, abilities, and talents as opposed to class/character levels.  There could be ranks as well, but they would be social, economic, political, and military ranks, etc.  Now, a deity (played/controlled by a GM/Game Master might intervene in a battle and choose to empower your character to defeat more mobs or other player-characters at once.  However, if there is more than one deity in the game world, than an opposing deity/GM could also choose to empower your enemies in a battle.  Opposing deities/GMs might even choose to empower both sides in a battle.  Not saying that is necessary in a game world, but it could make things more interesting.  (OR the deity could send his or her own avatar or supernatural subordinates to directly aid a player-character in battle or with some non-combat ordeal/quest.)

EDIT #3:  When the GM is offline, then a particular deity would be controlled by AI.  And, of course, your character would have to perform certain tasks/duties/actions in order to gain the favor of their chosen deity or deities.  But other actions could also gain them the ire of another deity or other deities. 

EDIT #4:  Your character could also gain/lose favor points with different factions.  These could be political entities as well as guilds/mercenary companies/bandit gangs/monster hordes, etc.  If your character gains enough favor with a certain faction, this would lower prices for items in their settlements, reduce costs for training, grant access to special buildings and NPCs, as well as unlock the possibility for them to send NPCs to aid your character in battle.  However, by gaining favor with one faction or performing certain actions, your character would also gain disfavor with another faction.  So other factions could become so angry with your character that they might send out assassins or other such NPCs to atttack your character.  And your characters would have a general level of renown/infamy based on the actions he or she chooses to perform and decisions he or she chooses to make.  There could be player-controlled factions as well as AI controlled-factions.  However, just the GMs, the Player-controlled Factions would have rules as well as penalties for breaking those rules.  So not everything would be up to the whim of a particular GM or Player (or group of Players).

EDIT #5:  Of course, the different Deities and Factions would have limited resources, so they couldn't constantly aid or seek to harm player-characters.  Priority would be given to those with the highest favor or disfavor with the particular Deity or Faction, but a certain amount of resources would be saved and allocated to those with less favor or disfavor.  And there could be a cool-down timer so that an individual PC (player-character) wasn't constantly being aided or thwarted.  Particular priority would be given to those PC's who had betrayed a deity or faction, of course.  Again, in games with multiple deities/supernatural beings/highly evolved beings/advanced alien races/sentient AI, etc., they would not have unlimited resources/abilities/powers.  They would not be omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent.  A deity with infinite attributes could only exist in a game world that was created (in game terms) by that singular being.  However, that probably wouldn't work too well for an MMORPG.

EDIT #6:  Player Characters (and even Mobs?) could have an option to request aid from a deity or faction.  However, the deity or faction could reply yes, no, or wait.  A deity could be prayed to anywhere, though an invocation might be more effective in a temple, on a feast/holy day, and/or after performing some sort of ritual or sacrifice.  A PC would have to actually visit an PC or NPC with authority in the faction from which he or she was requesting aid.  Being granted an audience could take some time (might not always be immediate) as those in authority are often busy with duties or might be holding an audience with other PCs (or perhaps even NPCs) at the time.  And the cool-down timer for receiving aid would be longer after requesting aid as opposed to receiving aid without requesting it.

Aid from a deity or faction could also come in the form of time-limited boons or blessings OR  gifts of money/items OR being allowed to borrow an legendary weapon, piece or set of armor, or a fabled artifact for a limited amount of time.

EDIT # 7:  Furthermore, a faction with which a PC has favor might displease a particular deity, thereby reducing a PC's favor with the deity as well.  OR a faction with which the PC has disfavor (negative faction points) might do something which pleases the deity, thereby reducing a PC's favor with the deity.  OR A faction with which a PC has favor might please a particular deity, thereby increasing a PC's favor with the deity as well.  OR a faction with which the PC has disfavor (negative faction points) might do something which displeases the deity, thereby increasing a PC's favor with the deity.

EDIT #8:  I have more ideas, but this has gotten too long already.

Apr 17, 2020, 22:3004/17/20

See, that's why we call Raid SL "gotcha game with great graphic and bad management". 

Apr 18, 2020, 00:1204/18/20
Daering said:

See, that's why we call Raid SL "gotcha game with great graphic and bad management". 

Raid certainly does have good graphics.  And other features/systems that make it fun to play.  Though, of course, there's always room for improvement.