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Fusions to Remain Open Until Scheduled Closure

Fusions to Remain Open Until Scheduled Closure

Apr 15, 2020, 14:4004/15/20

Fusions to Remain Open Until Scheduled Closure

I'm a free to play player. I happened to have two epics that are used for a timed fusion. I wanted to keep those epics, but I figured I would use the two I had and farm the rare characters to get them back. However, after I fused the legendary hero, the fusion closed!!! I still hadn't fused the two epics to get them back. That's a major flaw for me! I just lost two epics that I could have used! Legendaries are too hard to book, and I lost two epics. I'm not sure it was worth the trade...The event should stay open until the scheduled  closure. That maximizes our opportunity to get as many champs as we can in this game. Now instead of having more champs, I ended up losing two champs that I could have kept. Even if you are only allowed to farm one of each hero, I should at least have the opportunity to do it. By closing the event, you are robbing me of the opportunity of getting FREE heros.

Open the fusion back up so I can get my champs back. 
Apr 15, 2020, 18:4904/15/20

"Rhazin can only be fused 1 time" you can read this on the right on the champion portrait when the fusion is available (before you fuse him). 

Of course you can't fuse his epics neither.
Apr 16, 2020, 00:3004/16/20
Me too like to fuse the epics even if i have them to keep a copy  , so next time fuse them first and legendary last