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Clan Boss Chests

Clan Boss Chests

Apr 15, 2020, 01:2204/15/20

Clan Boss Chests

Hi all,

I'm working through the different clan bosses, can 1 key normal and 2 key hard. I'm just under 4 keying brutal, could probably do it a bit more reliably if I gear up Aothar. My team is below:

Frozen Banshee lead - only level 50 and no masteries. Need the accuracy from her aura.

Aothar - 60 no masteries

Apo - 60 full masteries

Tallia - 60 full masteries

Stag Knight - 60 no masteries

I'm working on a full mastery team so I can then grind for other champs which will no doubt help the above. From my CB pool of champs (with no masteries) I also have Steelskull (level 40), Bulwark (level 40), Rhazin (level 50), Roshcard (level 50), Mauso Mage (level 40).

Just curious whether I should keep developing the team above, or completely change it up? Don't have many lego books so would need a lot of luck to get Rhazin's A2 booked and Roshcard's unkillable booked as well.

Would appreciate any suggestions :) 

Apr 15, 2020, 02:0604/15/20

You'd want to get someone with a Decrease Atk debuff on their A1 to get longer cb runs.

Examples of this would be: Bogwalker (Rare), Veteran (Rare), Coffinsmasher (Rare), Jareg (Epic), Tayrel (Epic), Sepulchur Sentinel (Epic)

Replace Tallia with any of those, use Rhazin instead of Stag Knight. (Also maybe try replacing Aothar with Bulwark) and imo that should be good enough until you pull a counterattack champ.