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The Order of Arena-Related Progress Missions Should Be Changed

The Order of Arena-Related Progress Missions Should Be Changed

Apr 6, 2020, 10:2104/06/20

The Order of Arena-Related Progress Missions Should Be Changed

I don't think new players should worry about reaching Bronze III until after they've finished the Campaign Mission on Hard.  Reaching Silver can wait until they're finished with Brutal.  The Mission for getting 30 silver medals shouldn't appear until they're a quarter of the way through Nightmare.  Halfway through Nightmare they can get a Mission for reaching Gold tier.  Getting medals in Gold Tier can wait until they're 75% through Nightmare.  Then maybe they can get a Mission for reaching Platinum after they've cleared Nightmare.

Perhaps the order of the Missions made sense when the game was first released.  However, though I'm a new player, I'd wager that the Arena has become significantly more challenging since then. 
Apr 6, 2020, 18:5804/06/20
I think it's fine. There are going to be stopping points in the missions. focus on FARMING, get your starter to 60.  I like many others was bored with game 90-100 days in needing more energy to "have fun" with game.  So I started a 2nd account. I'm 6+ days in, and I've reached bronze 4. I am stuck at the mission and challenge to reach silver 1. Oh well, I shouldn't be there yet anyways. My goal was not to get sidetracked and get my starter to 60 ASAP ignoring everything else, it's hard even the 2nd time around.  I may even get a 3rd 50 before I take Kael to 60, need to decide soon.  But either way, the game is so much easier the 2nd time around.  I was stupid and opened my 14 or 15 blue shards and 2 voids and got NOTHING but who cares. In a week I'm probably close to where I was after 30 days (probably more like 21) the first time.  Follow the advice of many here, you will mot regret it. My arena team is 4* Spirithost 5* Warmaiden 5* Kael 4* Saurus.  I'm destroying teams with 2x my power. Very fun.  I probably need Kael 6* to get to Silver 1, but Saurus is fun.  Not sure how useful he will be everywhere or for how long.  But this Arena team is also great for Dragon, I auto Dragon 9 for some good gear when mission/challenges were requiring dungeon runs.  
Apr 6, 2020, 20:1204/06/20
Apr 6, 2020, 20:44(edited)

The thing is, the Progress Missions want you to reach Silver I before you "Clear Stage 7 of the Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard".  Should you really need a lvl 60 or even 4 lvl 50's b4 you do that?

EDIT:  And actually, they might as well change the Arena Challenge Missions and you give quests for reaching each tier of Bronze, Silver, etc. 
Apr 6, 2020, 22:2104/06/20

I fully agree with the OP. And this was already feeling true when I went through the first half of the missions 2-3 months ago.

For anyone who doesn't agree, think of it this way around instead. What happens when a new player is tasked with reaching Arena milestones that they haven't done yet, while the missions AFTER that, dozens of them, refer to both campaign and dungeon content that anyone at their player level will have accomplished weeks or months ago.

I'm pretty sure everyone is seeing this same out-of-sync. My whole clan agrees and all of our new members comment on it at some point. They don't mind being tasked with the hard work of moving up in Arena. They do think it's ridiculous that right after that there are a ton of missions already completed long ago in relatively easy campaign stages.

There's really no disputing that as the player base ages and levels up, each and every arena bracket (at least above Bronze) has gotten objectively harder relative to any set level of campaign or dungeon content.

Apr 6, 2020, 22:2404/06/20

Trips said:

I think it's fine. There are going to be stopping points in the missions. focus on FARMING, get your starter to 60.  I like many others was bored with game 90-100 days in needing more energy to "have fun" with game.  So I started a 2nd account. I'm 6+ days in, and I've reached bronze 4. I am stuck at the mission and challenge to reach silver 1. Oh well, I shouldn't be there yet anyways. My goal was not to get sidetracked and get my starter to 60 ASAP ignoring everything else, it's hard even the 2nd time around.  I may even get a 3rd 50 before I take Kael to 60, need to decide soon.  But either way, the game is so much easier the 2nd time around.  I was stupid and opened my 14 or 15 blue shards and 2 voids and got NOTHING but who cares. In a week I'm probably close to where I was after 30 days (probably more like 21) the first time.  Follow the advice of many here, you will mot regret it. My arena team is 4* Spirithost 5* Warmaiden 5* Kael 4* Saurus.  I'm destroying teams with 2x my power. Very fun.  I probably need Kael 6* to get to Silver 1, but Saurus is fun.  Not sure how useful he will be everywhere or for how long.  But this Arena team is also great for Dragon, I auto Dragon 9 for some good gear when mission/challenges were requiring dungeon runs.  
Thing is, your advice is actually on the side of agreeing with the original poster, because when a player does exactly what you recommend -- which is all standard and good advice -- they too will find that the arena missions are way out of sync with the campaign missions. They will crush the campaign since they'll be focusing on building a 60, and when they're crushing the Campaign milestones they will notice that it's totally completely out of sync with Arena missions.
Apr 6, 2020, 22:2504/06/20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback.
Apr 9, 2020, 20:0104/09/20
fnord said:

Trips said:

I think it's fine. There are going to be stopping points in the missions. focus on FARMING, get your starter to 60.  I like many others was bored with game 90-100 days in needing more energy to "have fun" with game.  So I started a 2nd account. I'm 6+ days in, and I've reached bronze 4. I am stuck at the mission and challenge to reach silver 1. Oh well, I shouldn't be there yet anyways. My goal was not to get sidetracked and get my starter to 60 ASAP ignoring everything else, it's hard even the 2nd time around.  I may even get a 3rd 50 before I take Kael to 60, need to decide soon.  But either way, the game is so much easier the 2nd time around.  I was stupid and opened my 14 or 15 blue shards and 2 voids and got NOTHING but who cares. In a week I'm probably close to where I was after 30 days (probably more like 21) the first time.  Follow the advice of many here, you will mot regret it. My arena team is 4* Spirithost 5* Warmaiden 5* Kael 4* Saurus.  I'm destroying teams with 2x my power. Very fun.  I probably need Kael 6* to get to Silver 1, but Saurus is fun.  Not sure how useful he will be everywhere or for how long.  But this Arena team is also great for Dragon, I auto Dragon 9 for some good gear when mission/challenges were requiring dungeon runs.  
Thing is, your advice is actually on the side of agreeing with the original poster, because when a player does exactly what you recommend -- which is all standard and good advice -- they too will find that the arena missions are way out of sync with the campaign missions. They will crush the campaign since they'll be focusing on building a 60, and when they're crushing the Campaign milestones they will notice that it's totally completely out of sync with Arena missions.
Update. I'm 9 days in and 2 wins away from silver 1.  Definitely need to be very selective when attacking. 
Apr 9, 2020, 21:5104/09/20
Apr 9, 2020, 22:01(edited)

Trips said:

fnord said:

Trips said:

I think it's fine. There are going to be stopping points in the missions. focus on FARMING, get your starter to 60.  I like many others was bored with game 90-100 days in needing more energy to "have fun" with game.  So I started a 2nd account. I'm 6+ days in, and I've reached bronze 4. I am stuck at the mission and challenge to reach silver 1. Oh well, I shouldn't be there yet anyways. My goal was not to get sidetracked and get my starter to 60 ASAP ignoring everything else, it's hard even the 2nd time around.  I may even get a 3rd 50 before I take Kael to 60, need to decide soon.  But either way, the game is so much easier the 2nd time around.  I was stupid and opened my 14 or 15 blue shards and 2 voids and got NOTHING but who cares. In a week I'm probably close to where I was after 30 days (probably more like 21) the first time.  Follow the advice of many here, you will mot regret it. My arena team is 4* Spirithost 5* Warmaiden 5* Kael 4* Saurus.  I'm destroying teams with 2x my power. Very fun.  I probably need Kael 6* to get to Silver 1, but Saurus is fun.  Not sure how useful he will be everywhere or for how long.  But this Arena team is also great for Dragon, I auto Dragon 9 for some good gear when mission/challenges were requiring dungeon runs.  
Thing is, your advice is actually on the side of agreeing with the original poster, because when a player does exactly what you recommend -- which is all standard and good advice -- they too will find that the arena missions are way out of sync with the campaign missions. They will crush the campaign since they'll be focusing on building a 60, and when they're crushing the Campaign milestones they will notice that it's totally completely out of sync with Arena missions.
Update. I'm 9 days in and 2 wins away from silver 1.  Definitely need to be very selective when attacking. 

Yes, I suppose it can be done without a lvl 60, but it's a lot harder than it should be for a task given to nnobs.  Or than it probably was when the game first started.  New players don't need such a huge headache so early in the game.

EDIT:  Oh, right.  Not too many missions after the one to reach Silver Tier, you're asked to win 30 medals in Silver or Gold.  I'm pretty sure you'd need a lvl 60 or two for that. 
May 8, 2020, 16:2205/08/20
i hit that silver 1 mission when i was working through brutal..... so no