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Mar 25, 2020, 01:3403/25/20


I am giving feedback from the understanding that Energy will not be removed from the game as stated in the Feedback section. 

I’m also talking from a former WoW addicts perspective. 

-If I could sign up for unlimited energy for $15 per month, you’d have my money without question.  Perhaps add it to the Gold Pass?  

-Alternatively, many games have watchable ads that give resources.  Maybe a 30 second ad could regenerate a certain amount of energy?

The point is, I want to play this game and feel severely limited by the lack of energy.  With the large amount of grinding that’s a part of this game, it feels very punishing to login, dump today’s energy leveling food and have that be my gaming experience for the day. I would like to feel that I accomplished something by logging in. 

Outside of that, I am really enjoying this game. I have been trying alternative games when I run out of energy, but I’d much rather play this one. 

I hope you appreciate this feedback and that you continue earn my time and money!

Mar 25, 2020, 01:5603/25/20
I would definitely like more methods of getting energy, and I'd be fine with ads to get energy sometimes.
Mar 25, 2020, 07:3703/25/20

If you had infinite energy (even at cost), it would not be $15. Energy currently costs $0.01 (1 cent) per energy. So a refill of 130 energy is already $1.30. Infinite energy would not cost $15. :)

Let's say you can burn through 2500 energy per day (easily), 30 days = 75000 energy = $750.  That is why they won't give you unlimited for $15.

WOW restricts the number of attempts on boss (raid lock), RSL does not. Energy is the lock.
Mar 25, 2020, 14:3603/25/20

I’d argue that WoW has no attempt restriction. Weekly reset only. 

Either way, some sort of subscription for energy would entice me for sure. 

The current energy price can be changed of course. If the game model changes toward having players with longevity. 
Mar 25, 2020, 14:5703/25/20
Brandon Hebert said:

I’d argue that WoW has no attempt restriction. Weekly reset only. 

I would argue energy is free and unlimited. Except it is not.
Mar 31, 2020, 16:0803/31/20

There is a simple solution to the energy situation. It costs roughly $40 bucks in gems to fully unlock the mine, why not make the mine produce enough gems for two energy refills a day when fully unlocked? I mean you still get to reach in everyone's wallet and players will feel like they get a small bit of RETURN ON INVESTMENT; which this game has almost no concept of!!

Mar 31, 2020, 16:4703/31/20
Mar 31, 2020, 16:50(edited)
enitty52 said:

There is a simple solution to the energy situation. It costs roughly $40 bucks in gems to fully unlock the mine, why not make the mine produce enough gems for two energy refills a day when fully unlocked? I mean you still get to reach in everyone's wallet and players will feel like they get a small bit of RETURN ON INVESTMENT; which this game has almost no concept of!!

Do you mean they should raise the gem mines cap? Why would they? Basically for $40 you could get 2 refills + 1 from arena + 1 from daily that's about 600 energy with your original one. Meaning you wouldn't buy energy refills ever agin. Maxed out gem mine gives 15 gems/ DAY... a full energy refill needs 40 gems. So it's 1 energy refill / 2.5 days currently, that makes people tick and buy gems or packs like the current one for 15 refills and 2250 energy for $15...
Mar 31, 2020, 17:4103/31/20
Mar 31, 2020, 17:41(edited)
Unlimited energy would actually make the game less interesting.  Part of the challenge is figuring out how to spend you energy wisely.  Having limited tamina/energy makes sense.  It's even something an MMORPG could incorporate.  Real people can't perform actions non-stop without rest.  Inns would be more meaningful in games if characters actually had to sleep.  Remember sleeping at inns in the old Final Fantasy games?  Taking things like the need to eat and sleep out of games has made them less interesting.  Realism can be cool if implemented correctly.
Apr 1, 2020, 06:0104/01/20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback.

As you already know, energy is a basic part of this game.
Dec 23, 2020, 23:4912/23/20
Dec 24, 2020, 00:00(edited)

hat whole energy thing sucks. Then you finally have full XP, and then you are without energy.
If you want to upgrade 50 to 60 chamion you need a lot of energy. So the game is broken if you can't get energy and want to upgrade the chamions. That is impossible. The gems will be gone in a minute, even if you have the mine on full capacity.

And no energy means that you are not play with the events.

And then upgrading the gear, a lot fails , a lot silver gone . then you have to play levels again for the silver, but you have no energy pffff. it sucks.

I have several accounts, but now I have the same problem with all those accounts. I can't play the game anymore. due to the lack of energy . Maybe it's best not to play the game for a while 

Dec 24, 2020, 11:2812/24/20
Victory March
Unlimited energy would actually make the game less interesting.  Part of the challenge is figuring out how to spend you energy wisely.  Having limited tamina/energy makes sense.  It's even something an MMORPG could incorporate.  Real people can't perform actions non-stop without rest.  Inns would be more meaningful in games if characters actually had to sleep.  Remember sleeping at inns in the old Final Fantasy games?  Taking things like the need to eat and sleep out of games has made them less interesting.  Realism can be cool if implemented correctly.

No just the other way around, without energy it is no longer interesting. It has been a very long process to get rank 50 champions to rank 60. And if you have keep having keeping the energy problem. Hold up the whole game. Then I don't like it anymore. 

Dec 24, 2020, 11:3512/24/20
Dec 24, 2020, 11:36(edited)

You can get up to 900+ energy a day once you're at level 60from the different activities/quests and natural refills, not counting the free packs , daily login rewards for players who can still access them, and other rewards from doom tower .. so energy is in abundance especially now. It might have been scarce in the past , but it's not objectively true any more.