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Mar 24, 2020, 03:1503/24/20


1. There should be an auction house setup where players could sell artifacts/jewels/glyps/CHAMPIONS, buyers could pay for by silver/gem/or real money.  Plarium will take a percentage like 6% per transaction.  This way it allows plarium to make money and players to earn real money in game as well.

2. Arena should be upgrade to 5 champions not 4.  Also there should be auto option in the arena, and also there should be an option for pvp vs pvp live players with a 15 second to chose your move if other side dont chose then the system will auto chose for that turn. Also players can find a particular players name and challenge that players only with up to 10 fights per day only.

3. there should be unlimited space for artifacts/jewels/glyphs and yes CHAMPIONS, plarium you make alot of money so you can invest into storage space

4. There should be an adventure mode where you can chose various champions and go through a game story mode to fight monsters bosses etc.  Its kinda like going down to hell with unlimited level, the lower you go the harder the monsters/bosses and more drops rewards. Players who reaches the lowest levels in game shall win a weekly rewards. Lets just say top 300 will receive awards.

5. The raid boss keys should be 6 and not 4, also when the system resets daily all the 6 keys should be available and stack-able for next days and so on.

6. There should be more keys and factions open daily for faction war. for example there should be 24 keys each faction and 4 factions open daily

7. All dungeon for ascension bottles should be increase to 20.  Level 16-20 will only drop medium and last level should be biggest bottle only drop

8. This goes for minotaur/mastery scroll dungeon as well.

9. On raid boss, debuff should be increase to 15 not 10, also bomb champions should also hit as enemy max hp.  Also dont limit the poison damage and instance poison damage

10. There should be an increased in shards chances:

      a. mystery shard should have a chance to get all champions with legendary percentage be super low but there's a chance

      b. ancient and void shards should have the follow chances 60% rare, 30% epic and 10% legendary

      c. Sacred shards should have 80% epic and 20% legendary chances

11. There should be another campaign level that will drop epic and legendary 5-6 stars gear.

12. Great hall should have speed added

13. Remove (discontinue) all flat stats glove/chest/shoes

14. Ring, amulet and banner should have all the variety of stats options not limited, also ring should be two spot not one, earrings should be added as two as well.

15. Vampiric rage of 30% should be added inside mastery in case someone doesn't wear lifesteal set

that's it for now, if you do all these changes you will see a HUGE increase in players, revenues and players returning also players will be more loyal to this games instead of running to other games...

thank you for hearing my advice as a huge spender on this game :)))))

Mar 24, 2020, 03:2403/24/20
You should just change title to things I want that will never happen. 
Mar 24, 2020, 07:4703/24/20

1. You want players to trade Real money in game? As far as I know it is illegal.

2. No, please. Four is enough. I don't want very long fights. I will agree if they introduce 3 vs 3 arena and also real time PVP is good.

3. No, it is impossible. It may be easy for others to say why not increase the capacity more? But believe me, even though I am not an I.T. guy, I understand that it is really difficult on the server. The amount of data that will go in and out will be phenomenal. Maybe increase is capacity will be easy if  we have different servers like Asia, US, Europe Servers, etc. But this may bring some disadvantages.

4. This can be your "Void Tower". But instead of going down, it is going up to the highest floor.

5. I believe they made it this way so you will regularly log in to raid and play.

10. In my opinion, an easy game = cheap game. 

12. It is not bad. But I think I may not like it at first, since some of my units are already speed tune with only 1 or 2 speed difference. It will mess up turn order if this will be implemented in the future. Plus, a lot of newbies will complain more.

13. They are fine. It is part of the game. Sometimes you lose, and sometimes you lose more.

15. So, what is the point of having a life steal set if we can have it in the masteries. Imagine Rotos. He will become more op, much more harder to kill :D

I only answered some, those that I did not, it is either I agree or I don't care.

alanvoford said:

1. There should be an auction house setup where players could sell artifacts/jewels/glyps/CHAMPIONS, buyers could pay for by silver/gem/or real money.  Plarium will take a percentage like 6% per transaction.  This way it allows plarium to make money and players to earn real money in game as well.

2. Arena should be upgrade to 5 champions not 4.  Also there should be auto option in the arena, and also there should be an option for pvp vs pvp live players with a 15 second to chose your move if other side dont chose then the system will auto chose for that turn. Also players can find a particular players name and challenge that players only with up to 10 fights per day only.

3. there should be unlimited space for artifacts/jewels/glyphs and yes CHAMPIONS, plarium you make alot of money so you can invest into storage space

4. There should be an adventure mode where you can chose various champions and go through a game story mode to fight monsters bosses etc.  Its kinda like going down to hell with unlimited level, the lower you go the harder the monsters/bosses and more drops rewards. Players who reaches the lowest levels in game shall win a weekly rewards. Lets just say top 300 will receive awards.

5. The raid boss keys should be 6 and not 4, also when the system resets daily all the 6 keys should be available and stack-able for next days and so on.

6. There should be more keys and factions open daily for faction war. for example there should be 24 keys each faction and 4 factions open daily

7. All dungeon for ascension bottles should be increase to 20.  Level 16-20 will only drop medium and last level should be biggest bottle only drop

8. This goes for minotaur/mastery scroll dungeon as well.

9. On raid boss, debuff should be increase to 15 not 10, also bomb champions should also hit as enemy max hp.  Also dont limit the poison damage and instance poison damage

10. There should be an increased in shards chances:

      a. mystery shard should have a chance to get all champions with legendary percentage be super low but there's a chance

      b. ancient and void shards should have the follow chances 60% rare, 30% epic and 10% legendary

      c. Sacred shards should have 80% epic and 20% legendary chances

11. There should be another campaign level that will drop epic and legendary 5-6 stars gear.

12. Great hall should have speed added

13. Remove (discontinue) all flat stats glove/chest/shoes

14. Ring, amulet and banner should have all the variety of stats options not limited, also ring should be two spot not one, earrings should be added as two as well.

15. Vampiric rage of 30% should be added inside mastery in case someone doesn't wear lifesteal set

that's it for now, if you do all these changes you will see a HUGE increase in players, revenues and players returning also players will be more loyal to this games instead of running to other games...

thank you for hearing my advice as a huge spender on this game :)))))

Mar 24, 2020, 07:4903/24/20

alanvoford said:


It was a pretty interesting read. Now let's all get back to the real world.

Mar 24, 2020, 10:3803/24/20

The game is not one of skill or reasonability, it is one of greed and desire in identity and self-empowerment in a virtual space -- and that is fine, it plays to a human nature. Supreme is also like this.

I mean it has ****ing AUTO AI on everything, even arena -- so clearly it is not about skill. And the greatest complaint you can make about AI is whether it uses A1 or A2 enough. lol

It is basically whoever has the best hero + gear wins (everywhere).  Give me the top account and I am sure I can at worst do 38m on CB (auto) rather than 41m on manual.

How do you get heroes?  MONEY

How do you get gear?  GRIND = ENERGY = MONEY

So you are asking them, can they make this easier = CHEAPER?  Can people trade surplus heroes and gear to you? of course not. As soon as they did that, the feeling of joy disappears.