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Red Tomes! How many u get from clanboss?

Red Tomes! How many u get from clanboss?

Mar 23, 2020, 13:1603/23/20

Red Tomes! How many u get from clanboss?

Dunno what i shall do...i have full booked 3 legos....all tomes are gone.....i cant get more from missions ore campaign.

In all my time doing NM and UNM clanboss i get 1 red tome. Events nearly impossible to get some. 3 legos are waiting to get booked, because unbooked they are really useless.

Game is about getting new heroes to make faster runs and better combos...but now i will stand still for months. 

What do u do guys....i loose a bit u get more tomes from clanboss......?

If plarium doesnt make something against this or make better drop chance for tomes new champs are useless.....and then its useless to safe or open overall the result is looking for a new game.

I like the game and i dont be angry on plarium...they create the game to make money...thats ok.....but for mid to endgame players it stopps. i have no problem when i like the game to spend some money inside...but 100 of dollars to lvl 1 or 2 champs is way too much!!

What do u think
Mar 24, 2020, 08:2503/24/20

I have the same issue. My luck in pulls is really low so all I get are mediocre leggos or epics who COULD prove at least usefull for now (not late-game but Maybe help me push some of the arreas I'm stuck in Right now a bit further) but how should I use this?

Besides the Point that all books (not only red, also Purple and blue) are super hard to come by (even though Content creators have hundrets of blue and at least a good 50-150 Purple ones lying around) it's also that once used they are gone and you don't know when to get the next ones if you, in a super slim Chance (like easter, x-mas, burthday, blood-moon and a goat sacrifice in the same Moment you klick "summon" ) actually pull a really good champ you'd be stuck with not using him in like, you said, forever.

I'd love to use some of my epics who would prove usefull for now, but I don't have books for them. I'd love to try out the three leggos I have a bit more (BK from a rnd-pull, the Lich-King thingy from Battle-Pass or Lugan from another rnd-by-chance-pull trying to get Valk ) but the 6 books I have are for one not enough to even "fully book" one of them as well as all I got since I started playing in December ( in total I got 7 and used one on BK and got it on his A2 :D … ok - I've been lucky ONCE ;) ) …. so if I'd get another leggo I'd be at 0 again Looking at a 10+ month grind to get anywhere ?

Yes, in NM and UNM it's supposed to drop books. But what About everyone else? We can't just try out new Teams (no matter if leggo Drops or epics) for Dungeons or anything, as it's too risky to invest 12+ books where you only get some in a very unreliable manner. So most of the game-time you're stuck shaking the 8-ball if you should dare to try out a hero or not and if it's worth it.

Some Things that Need to Change in this game to make heroes more enjoyable:

- If there's an Event or Special like e.g. the Battle-Pass where you can get multiple new heroes it should also include ENOUGH books to fully book ONE of them (not 2-4 books for 2 blue, 2 Purple and one leggo hero --- at least give enough books to fully book one of the blues and one of the Purple ones. Not necesarrily the leggo, but at least one or two of the other 4!!! new heroes we can get via the Event).

- Have Special Events where you actually make it possible to grind for books. Not like the champ-train-events and stuff wher (if at all) one book is behind a 30k Points wall but Maybe one, where you get a blue one every 1.5k Points, a Purple every 2.5k Points and a golden one every 4k Points with not only 6 stages to reach but a pure book Limit (a seperate xp-info per book Maybe) where it stops after 20 blue books, 12 Purple (one Epic champ fully booked) and 3-4 golden books (still far from booking one leggo, but at least a decent way to get it --- with a normal amount of XP where also f2p Players and standard-Spenders have a Chance to reach it ---- if it's like 3-5 days or a week, and not a day ;) ;) )

- have more Details of the Chars ingame. Why can't I see the dmg-numbers for a skill? I can't see the base-dmg nor the dmg he does "now" (dmg scaled on atk/def/hp/whatever --- equip that gear, see what the dmg per hit is now including the Bonus from the stats). I don't Need all numbers but at least Show us how a hero hits. It's nice to get a new one with "hits one enemy increased by att" and try him out only to see that even with max gear he hits like a wet noodle while another hero with crap gear on the same lvl and the same rarity hits with his single hit like a truck. I'd at least like to know if he does 1k base dmg or 5k base dmg. The scaling is being figgured out by the community anyway so it doesn't make a big difference if you give us some more numbers we can Play around with and at least make a Little bit more informed decision.

- implement a "comparison"-tool for the hero-screen. Not with 3d-model or skills, just where I can compare the stats and the gear I have on my heroes (similar to the gear-equip-screen just with 2 Heroe overviews and if I klick helm left and helm Right I see them both shown while I also have both hero stat&gear-overview on the Right). Most games have that, but Right now the only way I can compare two heroes is if I take a screenshot --- or look close enough to see which numbers turn red/green when I switch between two heroes…..

In General - don't only promote to buy packs to get new heroes, but make it possible for all Players (not only those who get 2-box nm/unm every day) to actually try some of them out without hurting our game in the Long run THIS massively ((Right now trying out the "wrong" hero which you thought might be a great fit for your spider/fire/whatever Team can push you back 8-12 weeks in Progress until you're back at the Point where you were bevore you used the books/pots/gear on that one hero)).