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New Player Summoning

New Player Summoning

Mar 23, 2020, 03:3503/23/20

New Player Summoning

Should new players summon with the boosted summons or hold off and collect shards?
Mar 23, 2020, 04:0103/23/20
Mar 23, 2020, 04:01(edited)

Many of the players here will advise you to hold on to those shards until we have 2x boosted summoning rates. It is a good advise. But I say, if you are a new player, like palying like for few days, I suggest you summon. Every day you hold on to those shards you are delaying your progression in the game.

So with that said, how long have you been playing this game and waht champions you currently have? 
Mar 23, 2020, 04:2303/23/20
Brand new today. Speed running campaign to level up the characters I have. Just got stopped on Forest 3
Mar 23, 2020, 11:1403/23/20

If I am playing on your account, i will summon. And besides, I dont have luck on my summons during 2x boosted rate event. All of my legendaries came from regular summon rate.

This is just my opinion. You can still play the game the way you wanted. It is your account, good luck :) 
Mar 23, 2020, 12:4503/23/20

i saved over 1,5 months shards and on double event i used them ....nothing...not even a good epic

last week on queen eva event i opened 15 ancient and 2 sacred shards because of the summon event:

result was unbelievable: queen eva, candraphon, nethril, bad el kazar

this time on valkyrie event i opened 5 shards:  hakkon smashlord inside

so thats rng...but all my legis are from not a double event.......but chances are higher to get good epics....for legendaries its minimal from 0,5 to 1 %

Mar 23, 2020, 15:1403/23/20

I always tell beginners to summon there shards for the first 2 weeks of game play.

The reason why is because as a new player - you lack a lot of hero options.

You really need to bolster up your hero collection.

Save any hero which is Rare - Epic - Legendary

After the first 2 weeks of game play, You will acquire Shaman (7 Day Login) & Jizoh (14 Day Login)

If you haven't pulled any good hero by that time, You can just build up your Shaman & JIzoh.

Than you can begin the process of saving your shards for future events