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Your worst enemy in Raid Shadow Legends

Your worst enemy in Raid Shadow Legends

Mar 21, 2020, 17:0203/21/20

Your worst enemy in Raid Shadow Legends

At first, I decided to come to the forum and express my anger at what I was going through, but then I decided that it would only help me fell better and not help anyone at all. So I decided to try a slightly different approach.

The thread is about the most difficult and unpleasant opponent in the game that we face every day. No, this is not that nasty Spider you thought of, nor the Fire Knight, nor any of the other enemies you fight on a daily basis. I'm talking about the opponent who makes the game much harder than it is.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the toughest opponent in Raid Shadow Legends - Champion's AI. This f@cking element of the game that turns it from fun into a source of constant frustration. And I know very well that you perfectly understand what I am talking about.

The reason for this post is the mission before Arbiter, in which we have to beat Spider 20 on auto. Yes, the problem for many of us is not the Spider itself, the problem is the "auto" part, which is simply not the point of mission progress. I can beat the Spider for under 25 seconds manually and I can't beat it on auto because of the damn AI. it's just nonsense. No one can convince me that this is the idea of ​​progressing missions - trying to outwit bad design decisions and stupid developer mistakes instead of content itself. At the moment, I am fully convinced that none of those who work on the game actually play the game itself. I have no other reasonable explanation for this situation.

But enough with the rant, as I said before, no one will benefit from another angry post, so lets approach it the more constructive way. How about we make a topic in which anyone who has observations of a champion and his bad AI can briefly describe the problem, where this happens and how AI should act instead. To make it tidy and organized, I will try to make some form to fill in, I do not know if it will work out well, but we can try. And who knows, maybe in some other life, this collected and ordered information may even reach someone who works on the game.


Champion: (name, faction, rarity, role, affinity)



(skill or skills, content or something else that is involved in the problem)



(what you find that didn't act properly or in correct order or anything else, related to bad or unoptimized AI)



(how do you think the champion should act or what skill order he should follow or how the bad AL problem can be resolved in this case)



(something useful or smart you want to add, related to what you wrote above :)


I don't have much experience with this kinds of forum threads. Maybe (i hope so) at some point this thread will get bigger and content that people start to share on the subject will spread across several pages, which can make information difficult to access (in case anyone involved in the development process chooses to look at it). However, I don't think it's that difficult for someone to browse through a few pages and make notes from that form.

I only ask those who will write here to try and keep this topic tight, without the unnecessary things like huge screenshots that can be replaced with a few words for example or things which are too offtopic. We will discuss things freely, sure, but let try not to focus how bad certain abilities are or how bad the champion is, this is not the point of this thread, the idea is to expose those champions and those skills that AI doesn't play properly or optimally. Thank you in advance for taking this into consideration.

If you want to insert a description of a skill, you can use something like:




Mar 21, 2020, 17:1103/21/20
Mar 21, 2020, 19:50(edited)

Ok, let me start by involving our favorite Coldheart



Coldheart, Dark Elves, Rare, Attack, Void



Yes, we will talk about her A1 and A3:


Flurry of Arrows [ATK]

Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 25% chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.


Heartseeker [Enemy MAX HP][ATK] (Cooldown: 5 turns)

Attacks 1 enemy. Fully depletes the Turn Meter. Has an extra 30% chance of inflicting a critical hit.

 and yes, we will talk about the two most important place where we relay on her - Spider and Fire Knight.



The two main problems we faced when we use Coldheart are:

1. when we start to work on FK shield and our Coldheart just fire anything that comes off CD, most of the time wasting her A3 even the shield is no near dropped, making auto missions there more difficult than they are actually.

2. when we fight Spider and our Coldheart didn't start with her most powerful skill (which is the main reason she is in that team), but starts with her A2 AoE attack with dubious value. This one is actually the main reason i started this thread.



The solution for these two problems is probably extremely complicated, eh?

What will solve the Fire Knight problem is this:

1. our Coldheart should always use her basic skill while the Shield is raised;

2. she should use her A3 only when the Shield has only 1 point or is completely dropped;

What will solve the Spider problem is this:

1. our Coldheart should always use her A3 on Spider first and this skill must have highest priority over all other skills there

2. GG



I can only imagine what a huge impact these two small fixes will have on most of the players who use Coldheart in these two areas.

Mar 28, 2020, 00:4603/28/20

I think this is a great idea.  I would format nicely as you suggested if we had a forum moderator that would pin this, and that it would actually be passed along. But alas, this will fade away like many others.  My first contribution is a simple one.


Problem: A2 priority over A3.  Significantly increases my campaign farming

Solution: A3 then A2

Yes, with improved gear it would be faster too.  But regardless, the A3 is better and the shorter cooldown makes it a no-brainer.  
Mar 28, 2020, 02:0803/28/20

cheaters, one guy has a freaking Scyl of the drakes

the hell is wrong with the game

Mar 29, 2020, 17:3403/29/20
Mar 29, 2020, 17:34(edited)
The only wall I've hit is poor rng rates, broken missions, not being rewarded my awards for arena, poor shard pulls during "summoning events'. So my biggest enemy in raid would be the developers at this point.
Apr 4, 2020, 04:3804/04/20

so it's ok to buy heroes from seller in the internet 

this game is so broken 
Apr 5, 2020, 04:3904/05/20
haven't got there yet... speaking of frustrating task.. for me my worst opponent in Raid is the "know it all" veterans with great teams plaguing bronze and silver to get easy medals and win easy fights and don't let noobs like me enjoy the game at all and keep low rank till kingdom come. or my luck with the pulls give me good epics and legos.
Apr 5, 2020, 06:2804/05/20
Nethril, no more A2+A3 in Clan Boss please! He is the only person stopping me from auto-ing clan boss
Dec 8, 2020, 23:5512/08/20

Been grinding for about 10 hours today just to get enough food to level my starter champ to 6* (and am 1/2 there) and I couldn't agree more- but seeing as this OP started 6 months ago I'll assume that only the players are listening since it seems like most issues I've run into in my 1st month have been on the forums for a year or more. 

I'm still working with my starting crew and it's extremely frustrating when you've beat the wave down to 1 with 10% of its hp and Kael's AI thinks it's a good idea to was his a2 or a3 instead of, oh I don't know, using his A1 and not putting the a2/a3 on cooldown for the next wave. 

Grinding for billions of silver to level a weapon to 16 is stupid enough, but when you have to grind it manually to stop the above from happening it's... well just stupid.

Dec 9, 2020, 20:5712/09/20
Dec 10, 2020, 06:53(edited)

My worst enemy is also my best friend in the game; silver. Everytime I need silver, he sticks around for a little bit but disappears as soon as he gets a chance. 

I spend ALLL DAY looking for silver and still he's reluctant to come help me out. 

As for your gripe dear OP, I will add my AI frustrations to the list; 

1) Royal Huntsman (Legendary)

A3 Ignores 100% of enemy defense. 

Cool, right? No! He doesn't use his A3 on the clan boss or on dungeon bosses.

2) Spider (Epic)

A3 places AOE defense down/weaken.

Sounds great for CB, arena and dungeons, right? No!

He doesn't use his A3 on auto! It makes no sense at all!

3) Jotun (Epic)

Won't use his A3 if the target has a 60% decrease defense debuff. He will use it if the target has a 30% decrease defense buff. Go figure. 

4) This forum!

If I'm using my phone to post a message, the writing app becomes buggy as hell.

Dec 9, 2020, 21:1812/09/20

IM stuck on 19 the damn force spider lol

Dec 11, 2020, 17:3512/11/20

    yep ai is terrible and frustrating.

cagebreaker will sleep an enemy then auto attack him after, why prioritize sleeping opponents? 

also fire knight ai very bad why try to debuff him with shield up? priority needs to be on multi attacks.

cillian uses head ringer as a priority on all bosses this should not be.

ideally we need a script customizer in order to change behaviours kind of like thr dragon age