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The training pit is obsolete and useless.

The training pit is obsolete and useless.

Mar 18, 2020, 01:4503/18/20

The training pit is obsolete and useless.

The system that tried at that time to try that Freeplayers and casual players did not have such a negative impact vs. payments, is history.

Let's simulate this, I have a 4 star champion and I want to raise it to level 40.

I put it in the pit and I see that it takes 30min to level up, wow it's fascinating, I just have to wait. After 30min I click on it and it takes another 40min to level up, it is somewhat simple and useful. But it has its Achilles heel, and that is that we must press the button every time the champion levels up. I suppose it must be one more tool to make the user stay tuned and connected.

But let's face it, who is stuck all day in a game where their gameplay is limited by energy? That is to say we to play we must let the time pass so that our energy is filled (100 of energy takes 5 hours).

So we are faced with a contradiction, we have to be connected 40min without doing anything to press a button. Now we are going to try to do the same but with a level that we need more experience and therefore take longer to level up. Suppose we go to sleep, and I put a champion that takes 3 hours to reach the next level, I am wasting 5 hours (uff for something free the truth is that I am being very stingy)

But our level 1 training pit takes 204 hours to advance a single level 1 champion to 40 without interruption.

 If I read correctly, it takes 8 days ..... and that without interruptions. And it's a long time and it's fine, I accept it as a help.

But ..... today we have several bonuses to make the most of our energy, one of them is double XP (100% xp bonus), as if that were not enough we have the Battle pass (50% xp bonus) and in case We had a Raid pass (40% xp bonus). In other words, we have 290% more xp than a free to player player.

Those 204 hours we can do in 52 rounds in hard 12-3, yes, you read it right, with a fast champion we can do those 52 rounds in 5 minutes and with a slow one in 1 hour and only spending 312 of energy.

You will say hey, you are comparing with the highest, but only the double XP that is obtained weekly and at many times of the week they are obtained for free is giving you twice the advantage.

It is now evident that there are too many elements that counteract not only the usefulness of the training pit, but even its existence.

It doesn't work because there are few levels that take 8 hours, it doesn't work to improve it because it lowers the delay to 4 hours, which wastes the rest.

Or they take away the one that you have to press the button every time you level up. Or simply delete it because it is a very small grain of help that the more you invest it the less beneficial.

Do not invest in the training pit because it takes weeks for the champions to level up and you can do it in minutes and without interruptions.

Mar 18, 2020, 07:5903/18/20

I actually thought the same. It's a nice gimick for me to let some heroe's I never (or super rarely use) lvl-up a bit on the side, but most of the time they are ideling in there not doing anything --- because I didn't have the time or were sleeping when I should have gone to "push the button" ((The time has come to ----- god dammit!!!!! … now I have that song stuck in my head *sigh* ))

The pit would actually gain a lot of use if the button would be removed, just like you said. Or increments - let them lvl 5/10/20 in a go before you have to "confirm leveling them up further" ((10 seems reasonable actually)). So you'd still have to "interact" instead of just "Dump them in there" but not as tedious as it is Right now.

Main use for it was for the daily and Weekly BP missions, to be hones *lol* …. just kept heroes in there as I'd be done with those "lvl up 2/4 times in the pit" Right when I logged in for the first time in the morning :D. Else.... just like you said. slow and might be nice to use on the side, but only with the Change we both (and I guess a lot of others) agree upon.

Mar 18, 2020, 19:4503/18/20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback. :)
Mar 18, 2020, 20:4103/18/20

I only have 1 slot opened at lowest level. The two ways I utilize it are.

1. Final Food Upgrades: Basically top off a 9 to 10 or 19 to 20...

2. Throw a higher level in when I won't be online. At higher levels you can throw in for 2 days.

Saves me a little bit of energy 

Mar 19, 2020, 02:3203/19/20

I've been using it to level my food fusion rares that aren't needed for the current fusion. Basically, all the rares sitting in my vault that don't do anything except wait to be eaten in a fusion go through the sparring pit one after another.

The other use I have is when I lvl food champs and end out one level short... I'll throw them in rather for the last few xp rather than eat a 1 star for each of them.

Sparring pit is for the long game. It also only really makes sense at the first level, not at the upgraded levels.
Mar 20, 2020, 01:5403/20/20

The continuing process would be useful, even if you don't check with it for days or weeks. As a nice side gift when and if the user returns to use the app. However can't blaim them for doing so. Every positive aspect we get, the users take for granted and find something else to bitch about. And if one wants to bitch about something, they will always find something. I wouldn't have all that much motivation to do stuff even with crapload of money coming my way if those that used what I made always found something to nag about. And take head, we're not talking constructive criticism here, no, cause that wouldn't be miserable enough for the naggers.....from my observations they try always the miser's way to complain ala "it's broken, fix it!" almost never suggesting an alternative or saying why they think it needs fixing and never thinking that for others it might work ok.

Example: They always say "nerf" never balancing or re-balancing. Often I can't help thinking if they are the top 300 of the platinum(who else would have all those OP champs that they cry are being "nerfed" or re-balanced as I say) themselves or people they pay bits and pieces to do their biding and throw everyone out of the app, so as to enjoy it just by themselves. I wish I had Rotos and Tormin and Lilitu and others even if they were OP for a little while. At least I could enjoy the experience while it lasted. Now I come to check out news and feature announcements or see various tactics, and make improving suggestions etc. and have to put up with seeing people posting that cannot appreciate what they have, while they have it(cause the forums and even reddit is full of this s@*t).
Jul 6, 2020, 13:5507/06/20

Elvarion said:

The continuing process would be useful, even if you don't check with it for days or weeks. As a nice side gift when and if the user returns to use the app. However can't blaim them for doing so. Every positive aspect we get, the users take for granted and find something else to bitch about. And if one wants to bitch about something, they will always find something. I wouldn't have all that much motivation to do stuff even with crapload of money coming my way if those that used what I made always found something to nag about. And take head, we're not talking constructive criticism here, no, cause that wouldn't be miserable enough for the naggers.....from my observations they try always the miser's way to complain ala "it's broken, fix it!" almost never suggesting an alternative or saying why they think it needs fixing and never thinking that for others it might work ok.

Example: They always say "nerf" never balancing or re-balancing. Often I can't help thinking if they are the top 300 of the platinum(who else would have all those OP champs that they cry are being "nerfed" or re-balanced as I say) themselves or people they pay bits and pieces to do their biding and throw everyone out of the app, so as to enjoy it just by themselves. I wish I had Rotos and Tormin and Lilitu and others even if they were OP for a little while. At least I could enjoy the experience while it lasted. Now I come to check out news and feature announcements or see various tactics, and make improving suggestions etc. and have to put up with seeing people posting that cannot appreciate what they have, while they have it(cause the forums and even reddit is full of this s@*t).

What are you talking about? No one mentioned anything about nerfear, nor are we complaining like crying girls.

We are simply trying to give "utility" to a part of the game that is obsolete.

Nobody uses the pit, because it has a manual lock. Already by itself it is slow, very slow, and added that block by level, it ends up making it useless.

Let's try to be constructive, I do not care that it takes a thousand years to level up the character, but if it bothers me that nothing goes up while I sleep. The mechanism is very slave and the reward is very low. (no one interrupts your dream to earn 2k of xp per hour)


Jul 6, 2020, 16:0807/06/20

I actually use the pit all the time.

I level up the champions a bit in Campaign or by using XP Brews, then asssign them to the pit, so that the training time takes longer than at level 1. It is a great energy saver.