do I enjoy my unbeatable arena team?
Lots of players trying so hard to squeeze in top platinum but I can tell you once you are there is sooooo boring.
I can beat 99.99% arena team(cept RNG hegemon about 4/5 winning rate, still 100% if not being lazy and swtched to Siphi+Roto team), all fights last no more than 10 seconds. day after day I dont get attacked sitting in platinum, maybe couple noobs who want to feed me points.
I have no wish to compete to top 1 tho, due to many reasons. first, fighting is already boring on top of that I have to spent tons of gems just to refresh till I get a single component after hours spam. Then there aint too many activities I can do in game atm, I usually do BP challenges which requires lots of arena fights. And we get arena rewards weekly with 99% sh!t even with new gears they are still sh!t unless your luck is enough to hit Megaball jackpot.
OK, what is my point here? my point is be glad you don't have everything yet and you are still enjoying the game somehow, once you are there, playing the game is like watching paint dry.
btw my arena team is Skull-Skull-Baron-Long, my Long has 341 total speed, all dps decked out in 6 star cruel/savage, numbers they can pop out is unthinkable to most of you. Advise to you: dont chase all flashy new legos, this game is all about getting right gears, with right gears I can beat anyone with just common champions from the market.