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What direction to go with my champions!

What direction to go with my champions!

Mar 10, 2020, 11:3703/10/20

What direction to go with my champions!

Hi, I'm at the stage now where i have quite a few decent epic and legendary champions. but no idea what direction to go down with regards to building my arena team, dungeon teams and who to level up! see picture for my available champions.
Mar 10, 2020, 19:5703/10/20

You should build Queen Eva because Queen Eva is the Queen of Brutal 12-3 Campaign Farming.

Queen Eva can win in 7 seconds!

How do I know? Because I own Queen Eva!

Here is a picture of my Queen Eva.

Mar 10, 2020, 20:0303/10/20

Thanks for the reply, currently using Kael as 12-3 farmer. Is queen Ava a good arena champ? 

And who would I drop.. Apoth, Rhazin or septimus? Current arena team is.. Kael, miscreated monster, septimus and apoth 

Mar 10, 2020, 22:4003/10/20
Mar 11, 2020, 05:44(edited)

Judging by the screenshot and the information you give,  you are absolutely right - you are in a place where you need to start thinking about advancing in Dungeons. At the same time, you have to work on your CB team, yes, but at the moment you have a lot more urgent work, starting with improving your equipment and changing your overall idea of ​​how to equip your champions according to their role in the group, their kit, their specifics, and where you mainly use them.

And I think that you must priorities Dungeons over CB because your gear is too bad. Poor equipment (and especially improperly used equipment) will significantly slow down your progress in any area.

Doing 6 rank Queen Eve to replace Kael and to reduce 10 seconds from each run is an idea that is appropriate for a person who either has no farmer at all or wonders what to do with his / her energy, gems and chickens. If you want to build Eva - good, she is nod bad at the Arena, sux at CB, she is good in most of the Dungeons especially with clearing wave. Also, very good looking, totally top tier in that regard.

But if I were you, I would have approached otherwise. I would look at my main team and see what I miss and what prevents me from progressing more easily or faster. Ok, I will assume your core team is Kael (dmg), Miscreated Monster (cc, sustain), Apo (speed, flash heal) and Rhazin (debuff, cc). Sometime you go for Eva, sometime for Septimus, probably Septimus, as he brings more value in this setup with hes high single target dmg.

The only thing missing from this party is the АоЕ Defense Down, but at the moment you lack that from your roster (don't worry, I still don't have any 7 months later).  And it seems, that this is your best team for CB too, because neither Lua nor Doompriest can make a significant improvement in CB compared to your current champions. 

The thing is, you are the only one who knows the whole picture. You know better than me where are the weaknesses of your core team - your Apo is too weak and dies fast, you don't have enough damage/cc/debuffs to handle the waves or you don't have enough damage/debuffs to bring down the bosses. Think about that and you will find what your next step must be.

And, honestly, you can't go wrong with any of the three - Apo, Septimus or Rhazin, they are just too good almost in every game content. You will eventually 6star all three of them at some point. In fact, your pull is either goddam good or you have already used your other epics as food, because I see only top epic and Legendary champions (I'll pretend I don't see Jizoh and RK).

Now, don't ask me what your next step must be. I can mislead or confuse you. Tell me what you think your weakness are, what is your most changeling content, is there any progress mission, that block you, how Arena works for you. Give us specific information, otherwise you will receive summary response.

And after that we must talk about your equipment and how to handled it, because of now you are do it wrong and that for sure make your game harder for you

Mar 11, 2020, 16:5203/11/20
Mar 11, 2020, 17:01(edited)

Wynot95 said:

Thanks for the reply, currently using Kael as 12-3 farmer. Is queen Ava a good arena champ? 

And who would I drop.. Apoth, Rhazin or septimus? Current arena team is.. Kael, miscreated monster, septimus and apoth 

Your Arena team is bad, but that is different vs. what I am saying.

Most people have trouble in Arena because their heroes are under leveled.

Most of your heroes are level 40 - 50.

They are fighting against other people level 60. 

Obviously, you will lose.

This is why I am telling you about the importance of a Campaign Farmer!

I use to have Kael as my 12-3 Farmer.

My Kael would win in like 30 - 40 seconds.

I thought I didn't need to switch to a new Farmer because I was already winning with my Kael.

Than 1 day I decided to level up my Queen Eva.

I had such huge regret!!!

I regretted not leveling up Queen Eva sooner.

Queen Eva makes getting 6 star heroes feel like million times faster.

Kael win in like 30 - 40 seconds.

Queen Eva win in 7 seconds.

By the time, Kael wins vs. 1 Campaign Run

Queen Eva wins vs. 5 Campaign Run

Imagine - Leveling up your heroes 5 times faster!

It takes you so long to get your hero's to level 60?

Well look at the person you have doing your Campaign Farming!

The gear you put on Queen Eva - Doesn't Even Matter!

The gear I have on my Queen Eva - isn't even the best gear.

I put it on my Queen Eva because I wanted her to reach specific Stat Amounts.

What is important - Is to have the following stat amounts

  • 3.5k Attack
  • 171 Speed
  • 66% Critical Rate

Important Note:

Queen Eva gets 19% Critical Rate from her Leader Aura

Queen Eva gets 15% Critical Rate from her A3 move

All of these different Percentage amounts add up to 100% - You don't need tons of Critical Rate on her for Farming.

  • 181% Critical Damage

If you can reach the above stats, You will 1 shot every wave in 12.3.

You want every piece of gear you put on Queen Eva to have Critical Rate + Critical Damage Substats

If you have to mix match gear sets to get the above stuff, It is completely fine!

All you care about is getting the right stats - Set Bonus - Don't matter in this situation.

You can always replace stuff later on to have Set Bonus when you farm more gear.

You want the following Primary Stats:

  • Critical Damage Gloves
  • Atk % Chest
  • Speed Shoes
Mar 11, 2020, 17:4403/11/20
Mar 11, 2020, 18:37(edited)

Player J said:

What is important - Is to have the following stat amounts

  • 3.5k Attack
  • 171 Speed
  • 66% Critical Rate
  • 181% Critical Damage

Man, look at his stats, take a look at his equipment. Half of his gear is 4 and 5 star white gear, some green and some daily login reward purple. He is no even remotely close to this requirement. At this point making Eva 6 star and equipping her with same white and green 4/5* gear will never get her to 7 seconds run. As i said he will gain 10 seconds faster farm run and will lose weeks of possible progress on dungeons and better CB chest, because with his current team Eve will not make much difference in Dungeons except Spider and will not give him any significant improvement in CB.

On the other hand, take for example Rhazin - he is usefull in any dungeon and in any means endgame champion. Then again 6* Rhazin will double his CB damage when mastered. This means way, way better daily CB chest with better equipment, higher dungeon stage for better drop and better overall progress.

Don't get me wrong - farming is important part, we know that. I just don't think now is the correct time for him to invest in better farmer and the reasons why I think so, I already reiterated in the previous paragraph.