"Reflect damage" and Giant Slayer Masteries
I am considering to fully book my Warden and go for the Giant Slayer masteries, and I am wondering whether Giant Slayer will work with the Reflect damage buff he puts on the team when using "Wall of thornes"?
If that is the case, Giant Slayer bonus dmg may be triggered both when using "wall of thorns" on all enemies in addition to potentialy being triggered whenever an enemy attacks. This will be insane against AoE-damage dealers, and additionally it gives Giant Slayer the possibility of being triggered every time an enemy hero attacks (super effective against speed team also).
Since a fully booked "wall of thorns" has a three turn cooldown period and 2 turns lasting periode, this opens up for some pretty interesting defence strategies, and it makes Warden usefull in many sspects of the game.
So - Will this work?
Thanks :)