Sepulcher Sentinel - un nerf needed
I realize that this should go into the Feedback section but that section is currently unavailable.
First I want to congratulate you for (seemingly) getting rid of the freezing bug that diminished my game experience for 7 months last week.
Now, to the main point:
During last event I chose to keep Sepulcher Sentinel because I found her great to add to my teams. I also pulled her but it was too late to also shoot for Rotos so I took it like a man and kept quiet.
Now you decide to nerf this champ that I've been developing strategies around and ruined all of my effort.
I'm seriously upset because I could have had a great legendary, but chose her and now you're "taking her away". Sepulcher Sentinel's selling point was her passive and now you're nerfing that. I've already spent my books on her as well.
I'm hoping for (but not really expecting) some sort of reply this time. I've been playing for over 7 months and you've never given a darn about screwing me as a player.
EDIT: also, it only affects ONE ally at a time. So if you're lucky and spent a lot, you'll be saving one random ally (not herself) from an AoE 50% of the time. Thus letting everyone else die. Can I get Rotos (which I stopped striving for) and my books back then? This champion is useless now.