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Sepulcher Sentinel - un nerf needed

Sepulcher Sentinel - un nerf needed

Mar 3, 2020, 18:5303/03/20

Sepulcher Sentinel - un nerf needed

I realize that this should go into the Feedback section but that section is currently unavailable.

First I want to congratulate you for (seemingly) getting rid of the freezing bug that diminished my game experience for 7 months last week.

Now, to the main point:

During last event I chose to keep Sepulcher Sentinel because I found her great to add to my teams. I also pulled her but it was too late to also shoot for Rotos so I took it like a man and kept quiet.

Now you decide to nerf this champ that I've been developing strategies around and ruined all of my effort. 

I'm seriously upset because I could have had a great legendary, but chose her and now you're "taking her away". Sepulcher Sentinel's selling point was her passive and now you're nerfing that. I've already spent my books on her as well.

I'm hoping for (but not really expecting) some sort of reply this time. I've been playing for over 7 months and you've never given a darn about screwing me as a player.
EDIT: also, it only affects ONE ally at a time. So if you're lucky and spent a lot, you'll be saving one random ally (not herself) from an AoE 50% of the time. Thus letting everyone else die. Can I get Rotos (which I stopped striving for) and my books back then? This champion is useless now.

Mar 3, 2020, 20:3003/03/20

This is new information for me, can you share link or something where they anonce Sentinel will be nerfed?

Mar 3, 2020, 23:0903/03/20
Mar 3, 2020, 23:12(edited)

They didn't announce it, they just did it (already).

I only noticed because the Passive triggered and she died. I was like: "WTF?!"
Mar 3, 2020, 23:1803/03/20
Mar 4, 2020, 02:0403/04/20
Another bug/error: just won 3 epic artifacts and it didn't register any of them (for the daily pass mission)
Mar 4, 2020, 03:4703/04/20

Ouch!  Why on earth did raid change Sentinlals passive like that! The fact that there was no announcement of it REALLY is WORNG!

Do they think  I sign in and go to re read all my hero’s skills that I have been using every day and know what they do just to check that they are still the same? 

No, no one does that. but apparently that is a new thing I need to do before investing any further books into a hero, running masteries in Minotaur or purchasing 800 gems to fully mastery a hero. READ YOUR HEROS SKILLS BEFORE Adding any further books, because Oh.. SURPRISE... they were secretly nerfed overnight. 

To the original poster, (and everyone else not on forum that invested in her) Sorry that you invested in her and now that happened, but she is still a great hero as a force A1 atk down hero, but for goodness sakes she is an EPIC, let her be EPIC! CHANGE IT BACK. There are epics with block damage as a skill for their ENTIRE TEAM, (war caster) , sentinel only has ATK down, block debuff, and A CHANCE to block damage on 1 ally. Let herself be included for goodness sakes. Or make the chance higher.. and 50% chance then a 75% when booked for her allies. 

Also please make the announcement about the change in game, i can’t sit and reread ALL  the hero’s skills EVERYDAY! If there is a change in hero skills from a non patch date how would we know about it?

Mar 4, 2020, 04:0803/04/20

Hi, Guys!

Calm down, pls, nodoby changed Sentinel's skills, she's still the same champion.

If you think there's a bug, pls do some videos or screenshots and post them here or dm me.
Mar 4, 2020, 06:3103/04/20

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Calm down, pls, nodoby changed Sentinel's skills, she's still the same champion.

If you think there's a bug, pls do some videos or screenshots and post them here or dm me.

Then I hope this is the case and changed skill description is just to make things clear.

But again, we need clear explanation how this passive works. It must be same like Grinner A1 when he have chance to buff anyone in party and chances are rolled for every one, so you may ended with non, someone or everyone in party got buffed.

I think hes passive must work the same way, as both descriptiond are the same - according to roll you may trigger hes passive even for whole party or for no one.

Is that how it works, right? 
Mar 4, 2020, 08:4503/04/20

Daering said:

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Calm down, pls, nodoby changed Sentinel's skills, she's still the same champion.

If you think there's a bug, pls do some videos or screenshots and post them here or dm me.

Then I hope this is the case and changed skill description is just to make things clear.

But again, we need clear explanation how this passive works. It must be same like Grinner A1 when he have chance to buff anyone in party and chances are rolled for every one, so you may ended with non, someone or everyone in party got buffed.

I think hes passive must work the same way, as both descriptiond are the same - according to roll you may trigger hes passive even for whole party or for no one.

Is that how it works, right? 

Yes, just to make things clear.

Her passive blocks damage on herself or on one ally when attacked, just once per turn. It means it'll block, with a 25% chance, the damage on just 1 champion per turn.
Mar 4, 2020, 13:1503/04/20
Well, there goes a waste of books on a poor description
Mar 4, 2020, 15:0603/04/20
The description is fine and pretty clear.
Mar 6, 2020, 14:3803/06/20
Whisper said:

The description is fine and pretty clear.
Spoken as someone that didn't check the screenshots. 
Mar 6, 2020, 19:0403/06/20
Mar 6, 2020, 19:04(edited)

I always understood it to mean that on any attack, one champion had a 25% (50% fully booked) chance to block damage from an attack per SS turn. It was not the clearest explanation.

However, she is still a great champion in the arena and CB.

BTW, I actually fused her then fused her into rotos and she was 60 with 7 (maybe 6 or 8 books in her), fully ascended, and 800 gems for masteries. She always worked that way when I had her anyway. I was going to chase Rotos, but on the last summons events I pulled the people needed to finish the it and went for it. I considered it for 3 days because that's how good of a CB boss she is. IMO for CB, she is better than Tayrel. Possibly for the arena too. That block debuffs and that 25% chance to avoid a mountain king hit, is huge. I also had her hit 30-50k crits with def up in arena.

***Pro Tip on SS. If you only want to book her for the increased attack down, blow the books on her before ascending her to 3*. Before 3* the books can only go into her a1 and a2, but after she gets the passive from ascension, books can go into the passive as well as a1 and a2.

TLDR: SS is still top tier