40 shards, 4 epics, one usefull (Maybe?) as it was Royal-Guard. The rest? … Two times Valla (yeah…. I was excited beyond reasoning) and one fodder-champ (Tayrel --- he's good, but I have him @55 already and needed books :) ).
So …. quite underwhelming for 16% Chance of epics to get one double which is not even usefull once (fun-fact: I have her at 50 already as I wanted to try her out when I FIRST got her --- this two were on top of the one I already had) was super disheartening. On top of that, I really expected with 4x 10 to get at least some more out of this. 6 ones at least. Not only 4.
But hey... yeah. like they say. "it's rng - just buy more blue shards, Maybe you get lucky next time" ((it's a Casino owned Company after all ;) -- and the chances REALLY are 16%, even though no one will ever Show you prove that it was like this but you just have to trust them *lol* --- they could actually just say that it's double-rates and not touch the Distribution-factors AT ALL and no one would ever know :/ ))